Weekly wierdo 3: Happy gradu-I'll never see the school again-ation

AnonymousChick Hey dudes, what's up? This week is wierd but kind of boring

Monday: We were playing basketball because the gym teacher didn't come. And that sounds normal, right? Nah. Me and my friend for some reason started talking about what we would do if we were adults and someone slapped our butts. HAHAHAHA so normal. She said she'd start singing "can't touch this." I got an idea and put my hand up and told her to touch it. I swiped my hand away and started to sing the song.

Tuesday: Nothing oit of the usual happened but it was my friends last day. We continued our inside jokes like "We're going to die today" "Cheesecake" "We stole your candy and Pizza" and "Can't touch this."

Wednesday: I stayed in the classroom during recess and Stalker McCreepypants started talking to me. It was akward.

Thursday: So, it was one day before the best day of my life for 11 years, graduation. I made jokes about it like "Happy graduillneverseethisschoolagaination" a girl in my class left early and she said "Bye. It was nice knowing you." I told her "The rehearsal is later today and graduation is tomorrow. We can say goodbye then" All she said was "Oh."

At the rehearsal that day, the teacher made us pretend there were seats and that would be where we sit. I, being me, litteraly sat in a fake chair, bending my legs and all.

Friday: Graduation! The students all sat down in their chairs including the ones from other grades who were receiving diplomas. When it was fifth grade's turn, I was giving the evil eye to the teachers like "If you don't give Christina a diploma, I'll kill someone" but they did. I got a diploma in technology and then it was for the other diplomas. Sixth grade went past (biggest to smallest) and I wasn't called on. I was disappointed until they said my name during the fifth grade section. I to,d my teachers "I'm in fifth grade now!" And yeah,
