Killer 'round the corner - Episode one: Introducion

AnonymousChick Nicknames i will use for the people becuase i dont want to write "I cant believe it's not butter" like ten times.

1.-AnonymousChick - Anony
2.- Martinglez - No nickname.
3.- Fennikenfan9 - Fenniken
4.- Nateawesomness - Nate
5.- I can't beleive it's not butter - Butter
6.- Wonkeydude98 -Wonkey
7.- Skullkid755 - Skull
8.- Fandom_Lover - Fandom
9.- 2storm - This guy does not need a nickname.
10.- BirdEchoSplash - Bird

One day at TheTopTown where all of the users live, A shadow comes. Far away the users hear a scream, made by the almost unknown EchoSong. (Worst sister ever) Shortly after the scream, user DewDrop summoned up enough courage to follow the trail of blood. Her body was never found.

"Mayor Admin, what are we going to do?" Asked many users. "Who knows who could disappear next?" Mayor Admin did not know what was going on. Many unknown users had been going missing.

"We will send a search party of all of the bravest users: 2storm for his experience with serial killers, PositronWildhawk for his intelligence, and Enternal_Laughter for her knowledge of serial killers. They will go around the corner and follow the blood trail."

The three users prepared themselves for whatever lied ahead of them. At 6:49 PM, they set off.

Two hours later there was a scream. PositronWildhawk, 2storm and Eternal_Laughter reappeared suddenly, panting and covered with blood. Immediately, everyone gathered around asking questions.

"The blood isn't ours. But it almost was." Gasped 2storm

"You know EchoSong and DewDrop?" Asked Eternal_Laughter. "They're dead."

Mayor Admin was scared too. His town was getting killed and he couldn't do anything "Things are getting really dangerous here. It would be best to.. to..."

Eternal_Laughter stood up because she had been sitting on the stairs of thee town meeting area. "We need to evacuate the town!" She said. "I've seen what the serial killer does and how he does it."

"Or, we could send ten random users for them to confront the killer.. I like this town. I want to stay." Said positronwildhawk. He was very respected so the users agreed with him. So that is what admin did.

"I have made a huge jar. I will pull out ten cards each one has the name of a user. There are no garuntees of survival of excuses not to go." The users murmured quietly.

"First user: Anony." In the background there was a very loud "f***!"
"Second user: Martinglez!" A groan game from the crowd.
"Third user: Fenniken"
"fourth user: Nate"
"fifth user: Butter"
"sixth user: Wonkey"
"Seventh user: Skull"
"Eighth user: Fandom"
"Ninth user: 2storm. Sorry for making you go again but there are no exeptions"
"And the tenth user: Bird."
The crowd let out a sigh of releif yet the ten chosen ones were complaining about how their life isn't fair.

And then the ten users set off. They followed the trail of blood around the corner while TheTopTown waited anxiously for their return.

Soon the trail stopped and the bodies weren't found anywhere. There was a fork in the road. Left or Right?

To be continued in Episode two: Run

Please choose:

Should the ten go left or right?

Who should go first. Everyone is scared that person will be killed.

Pick a number between 1 and 5. Two of the numbers are wrong. Get a wrong number get a strike.

Pick a number between1 and 10. each number is a user. If Butter is number 6 and the majority choose 6, butter will die. (sorry for using you as an example, bro.)

Happy choosing and please comment. (If Don't Pick Left or right, Who goes first, number one to ten (1) and number one to ten (2) you will get a strike. You need to comment all. (ps, you are allowed to give your opinion of this post too.)


Cool! Do we do both? If so here are my numbers:
1 through 5: 5
1 through 10: 7
I don't mind dying first if that's what happens. - Icantbelieveitsnotbutter

Oh sorry, missed one.
1 through 10 (for who goes first):3
1 through 10 (the other one):9 - Icantbelieveitsnotbutter


This is really fun, although there were a few spelling mistakes. I cannot wait for the next episode! I can see you liked to pick on Butter! LOL! - visitor

It's good but a few probs. 2storm knows nothing bout serial killers and Eternal_Laughter is just a Jeff the Killer Fangirl - bobbythebrony

Yeah I am more of a history guy - 2storm

I meant he knows stuff about serial killers as in how he was the one who created "Madhouse" aka the original "every single toptenner is going to die because they are chased by a serial killer" - AnonymousChick

Madhouse wasn't the first serial killer series. There were several before that - bobbythebrony

Great series, but I'm not choosing numbers, but, I guess they should go, left, because nobody has been LEFT behind on the trail. - Skullkid755

You did not pick numbers? You will die. - visitor

Butter, 5&6 - Skullkid755

Good. - visitor

And it was great - 2storm

Aw, I wanted some dialogue! Surrender now or face my tantrum Bill Cipher! - Skullkid755

1through 5:4
1 through 10:9 - Nateawesomeness