Pretty Little Rant S0E01: Golf

BlueDiamondFromNowhere Hi! This is my first episode of ''Pretty Little Rant/Review''. Let's talk about Golf.

Golf is by far the most boring sport ever made, especially to watch. It's just hitting a ball with a golf until the ball goes in a hole. When you watch it, 99% of the game is someone walking until he reach the ball to hit it again and to walk again. I don't think it should be considerated as a sport because your body don't really work that hard to hit a ball. The only good thing about watching golf is when the advertising goes on TV. I would rather watch 10 hours of advertisings than 30 minutes of golf. Golf makes curling looks like hockey or swimming, two of my favorite sports.

Next episode: A Pretty Little Review about Subways on the list of ''Best Fast Food Restaurants''.





Yep, I completely agree. Heck, you spend more time chasing the ball around then actually playing the sport! - Minecraftcrazy530