Powerfull Predictions : TheTopTens (SPECIAL 50 FOLLOWERS)

BlueDiamondFromNowhere Hi, and this is the first episode of a new blog post serie: Powerfull Predictions. I tell predictions about what will happen in the next years, and today, it will be about TheTopTens. This is a special 50 followers that I make. Let's get started!

2016: A new version of ''most overrated users of thetoptens'' will come. It will be the list of ''most annoying users of thetoptens''
2019: Britgirl and Keyson will get married
2023: Britgirl and Keyson will have a baby. His name is Britson.
2017: Dreamformusic will come back...as her opposite personality
2026: Google + will buy TheTopTens. 95% of the users here will leave the website due to Google + including Turkeyasylum, BlueDiamondFromNowhere, PositronWildhawk, Garythesnail and Britson.
2016: PositronWilhawk will retire due to college
2022: PositronWildhawk will come back with a graduate. Congratulations!
2034: The list of ''Music Artist You'd Like To See Performing At The 2012 London Olympics'' STILL gets tons of votes, comments, remixes, favorites, shares, ect.
2018: Jackie Evancho will join TheTopTens and SelfDestruct will retire in the same day.
2028: Britson's new hit list will come: Reasons Why Toothpaste Is Better Than Deadmau5.
2043: TheTopTens will not belong anymore to Google + anymore because Google + will buy Facebook and Google + gets more fame
2017: TheTopTens gets its own YouTube channel.
2026: TheTopTens's YouTube channel is destroyed because Google + bought TheTopTens.
2018: Total Drama's 9th season will be inspired of TheTopTens and make Total Drama: TheTopTens



Oh wow TD gets an episode inspired by me, also Britson would be a terrible name for a real life baby - simpsondude