This list is horrible!

DueslistofX This list is filled with homophobic bigotry that slows down the progress of humanity.I am going to go through each reason on this list and tear them apart!

Reason #1-They think the world should stop for them
There are alot of people like that. Whether or not they're homosexual is irrelevant.An example of this kind of person is the anonymous user who made this list!Not all homosexuals think that way you ass.

Reason #2-
They will complain about this list saying it's wrong
That's because it IS WRONG. Spreading hatred to other human beings is wrong! Being a bigot and being homophobic are both wrong because they spread hatred! People have the right to be gay. Stop interfering with something that doesn't effect you!

Reason #3-
It's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
First of all,God doesn't exist.The Bible is a fictional book written by people in the desert because they were bored!Even if I do put my religious basis aside,SO F****** WHAT?Just because God made Adam and Eve,doesn't mean people don't have the right to be gay!

Reason #4-
They try to compare being gay to being black
What the f***?! No they don't!That doesn't even make any sense! USE YOUR F****** MIND!

Reason #5-
They call Christians homophobic
Not all Christians are homophobes,just alot of them.Not all homosexuals call EVERY christian homophobic.And the only reason they do call you homophobic is because YOU ARE A HOMOPHOBIC ASS

Reason #6-
Gay people pretend it's not a choice
They don't "pretend" it's not a choice. It is not a f****** choice. It has been scientifically proven time and time again that homosexuality is in fact not a choice!If you are going to say being homosexual is a choice,you might as well say that having cancer is a choice! Or being white,black,etc is a choice,or even being male/female is a choice! See how stop those things sound? THAT'S WHAT YOU SOUND LIKE!

Reason #7-
They assume the only reason you don't like them is because of your beliefs
That's because almost all homophobes are also christians!The Bible teaches bigotry,misogyny,and hate.That is the reason you don't like it! Because you get your panties in a twist when you see same sex couples marry,and all in the name of the fictional Jesus.

Reason #8-
Guys that turn into women are now in the dating pool so even if you are straight, you have to look out for women that are really men
This is just stupid. If they turn into a woman,then she is A F****** WOMAN! Quit calling her "he/him/male" if she decided to turn into a woman! That is NONE of your business what people do with their lifes!

Reason #9-
America is so politically correct that they try to force us to like them
Ever heard of freedom of speech ass? See in America,we have this thing called the constitution.You add amendments to the constitution,which in turn gives people rights!
The first amendment gave us freedom of speech so this is just bull!

Reason #10-
It's Adam and Eve not Madam and Eve
Go back to what I said for Reason 3. You are just running out of ideas aren't you?

Reason #11-
They call the Balkan people a homophobic tribe
They're christain. Go back to what I said for Reason 5.

This list was filled with bigotry and homophobes! Don't let this ass brainwash you into thinking homosexuals are bad!


Good post - EvilAngel

Thank you! - DueslistofX

ew - leafstar