My review of MLP The Other Girls FULL REVIEW

MLPFan Please remember that this review is not made to offend anyone and is based by my OWN opinion. If you don't like It, then don't complain.

So this series is by mlpstopmotion. Please check out her channel. You'll have fun watching her shows. I swear. The link will be below the final review. So, I was looking for some fun fan shows to watch on YouTube. And I found a new series by mlpstopmotion. It was named MLP:The Other Girls. People said that It was awesome. And I was so curious, I clicked on the first episode. And later the second, and until the final episode. However I didn't enjoy the show and was furious of their representation of young girls. They showed young girls as Popularity thirsted, Love hungry, and super mean. And everything else? Continue reading!
The characters: Okay, like I said, I hate every main cast of the show. They were stereotypical, rude, and unlikeable. Oh and Sunny Rays was the worst. She's selfish, boring and mean. Nothing so interesting or charismatic in her. She's so obsessed with this guy named Lightning Speed and loves him more than her family(she was embarrassed with her mom teaching at her school, she called her sister a hooker, and her kind of mistreated her sister)But what I think is the main reason she likes him is because he's single and "hot". If he was dating someone else, she wouldn't bat an eye at him. And only wants to be with a single boy because she wants a boyfriend. And about Sunny Rays' friends, they are also rude. Just like Sunny Rays. None of the characters are good role models or interesting. And none of the protagonists are good ones.
Plot:I don't know what this show is supposed to be about, so I don't know what to say about It
Camera:This is the only thing that doesn't get to the rubbish bin. I love the camera effects and the angle
Acting:The acting is okay also. But Plumsweet's voice can get annoying...
Backgrounds:The background is pretty good. Second thing that isn't bad. It really shows where the characters are and what their situation is
This show isn't that interesting for me, But It's decent, though. It's just that the characters annoy me and It lacks plot. It's also like every other show in the genre. Nothing really stands out from others. No dark secrets, no shocking back stories, no deaths, gossiping overload, popularity obsessions, and boy crazed teenage girls. See? Your regular high school drama. Some moments may be nice, But the rest of It is just 'NO'. So, In conclusion, this series may not be everyone's plate of cookies.
Final score:5/10
