My Complaints on This List

Minecraftcrazy530 So this list is titled "Top Ten People that should Date PositronWildhawk". Is this supposed to be yet ANOTHER copy of the list "Top Ten Users Who Should Date Britgirl"? We don't need more of these stupid lists! But at least the people on some of those lists were more reasonable then the ones on THIS! First of all, half of the users on that list are GUYS! THE SAME GENDER! And the people who are actually GIRLS are either too young and not interested (Funnyuser), already dating someone else (Britgirl), or a celebrity (Nicki Minaj). He would never date any of these people! And Nicki Minaj? She is the person he hates most! So JustinBieberLover, please stop. Please. TheTopTens doesn't need any more of these kinds of lists.


Agreed, wanna petition to remove the list best body parts of Justin Bieber. Just go to my blog post that says petition. - visitor

Stop overreacting. gosh, do you seriously think that this list is awful because some guy said some guy should be with some guy? Get a grip. - visitor