So Many People Are Starting To Leave.... But Why?

Pony This is just ridiculous. SevenLizards had left, Mumbizz01 is thinking about leaving, heck, even SuperHyperDude said he might be leaving. We're going to miss these users! I have no intentions in leaving this site. But so many people have these intentions! It sucks that we can't talk to these users anymore! April has been a hectic month for TheTopTens. Sooner or later we are going to have future users not know who these users are! So, we need to be more positive, and we need to talk more. Then, people will start voting on lists again! So, please, dear user who is reading this, take some action. Because we have a "Exit Crisis" on our hands.


The only reason I'm staying is that I made an account here, and that account stays here forever. And it's also fun to lurk. - NuMetalManiak