Total Drama: ROTI (TTT Edition)

ProPanda SEQUEL TO TURKEYASYLUMS THING!I am starting a new blog post series based on thetoptens, and total drama (look it up). If you want to be a part, please say so!


SIGN ME UP! - WonkeyDude98

Lol. Turkey already made this before. - visitor

It's a sequel - Skullkid755

I'll join. Should be interesting. - SwagFlicks

I wanna join. - DynastiNoble

I'm interested - MegaSoulhero

Yasss - visitor

sign me up - Skullkid755

Sure - bobbythebrony

I wanna join. - Elina

I'm joining. - visitor

I want to join this, because I always wanted to be a part of a blog post, but one problem : I don't know many things about Total Drama - visitor

It's okay
TD is a reality show, where you vote people off an island, and the last person standing wins! - ProPanda

Ok! I'll join then - visitor

Sign me up - Martinglez

Ok. I will join. - visitor

In the series, make it so that birdechosplash obsesses over me and eventually me and everyone else votes her off because her attraction to me kept making her screw up. - Skullkid755

Um... Okay - ProPanda

That's weird. - visitor

Don't worry it won't happen - ProPanda

Ohhh...yes please! - visitor

, Britgirl agreed to join my bogpost series
<freaks out! > - ProPanda

*blogpost - ProPanda

SIGN ME UP - Nateawesomeness

Why not? - Puga

It's an honor to have you join! - ProPanda

Sign me up - Jonerman



I'll join - moonwolf

Well sign me up!
Where the form!
Wait a minute... - Danguy10

Yes. I want to sign up! - PianoQueen

Can I please join - 2storm

CLOSED! - ProPanda

Yeah right on the neck of time - 2storm

Sooo what now? - moonwolf

I'm working on the first episode!
Really sorry! - ProPanda

Suuree - JaysTop10List

I'll have to give u a cameo, srry! - ProPanda

Never mind, you managed to make it. - ProPanda

K thanks :)
by the way please message us (or me lol) when u r done - moonwolf

If this is a sequel, gotta at least reference TDA: Thetoptens - visitor

Yepyep. Turkey's sequel best blog of all time. - Puga

Don't know why he deleted them. - Puga

I wish he didn't. - visitor

Pro panda, may I suggest the introduction. The host(whoever it is) says that after tda: TTT, a world tour edition was going to be made, but was cancelled due to a low budget. But now the show has been rebooted with a whole different cast in mind(with the exception of puga) - visitor

Yeah. I could do that. - ProPanda

By the way, would you like a cameo? - ProPanda

Sure, also reference my former contestant status. - visitor

And how I turned evil. - visitor

Add to parenthesis:(pos, and britgirl) - visitor

Or maybe TTT: WT could be a previous season(if I decide to finish it) and this could be called TTT: TD ROTI. - visitor

Maybe. Just scrap WT and start all over - Puga

You mean start the season over or just scrap it all together? - visitor

New cast, new plots etc. - Puga

Then why doesn't pro panda just call this TD WT then? - visitor

I didn't know TA had one at the time, until Jared told me. Even then, I thought it was one season only. - ProPanda

I'd kinda consider ProPanda's non canon. - Puga

LOL - ProPanda

I've decided what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna stick with turkey's cast, but I'm gonna start the season from scratch, make it the way I'd see fit. I'll also give propanda some sort of apparence for allowing me to take over - visitor

Well actually, since I was collaborating with puga, we made some changes. - visitor

Can I have a cameo? - cosmo

Ok, you told me I could in messages. Thanks! - cosmo

WT will be done jointly by me and Puga, he's doing odds, I'm doing evens. WT will start after I finished HvV season 3 and he fixes and ASV that got deleted for no reason other than some swears(what a dumba** reason) - visitor

Already started episode 1, brother. - Puga

Awesome. - visitor

Too late,Puga and Therandom already made it - Nateawesomeness

Yeah. They make season 3 (after turkey's first two), and I make this a season 4.
We already talked about this. - ProPanda

I hope you knkw how to make it lol. If not, take notes! - visitor

Cool - visitor

Am I late? - DontMessWithDaddylonglegs

You are in PI - ProPanda

Can I join!? or is it to late? - leafstar

You are in PI - ProPanda

Can I join or is it late if so can I join the next season - HollowArrow

I wish there was a notification system for sign up crap like this... - DapperPickle

So,when will you release the first episode? - visitor

ROTI starts this month!

I'll release the first episode after Eurovision's done! - ProPanda

I can't wait for it to come out. - Skullkid755

Oh god, so mch for this. - ProPanda