Trying To Cope (But It Won't Be Easy): A TopTensTV Special

RiverClanRocks This episode is dedicated to JaysTop10List and SevenLizards.
It was a warm and rainy Tuesday afternoon when I heard the news that my friend SevenLizards was leaving the site. I thought that I convinced him to stay but he didn't. I decided to call his number so we could get together one last time before he left. We even had our own show together called the SevenLizards And RiverClanRocks Show. As a matter of fact only 5 episodes of that show was created before he left. A couple minutes after I called him he arrived. We sat on my front porch enjoying what little time we had with each other just talking about various things. An hour or so later he said that he had to leave. "So you're leaving forever?" I asked him and he replied "Yep. The bullying hasn't stopped and Admin hasn't replied to your message even though you sent that a while ago.". I hugged him goodbye and he hugged me back. I said to him that I was glad that I got to know him and that I would miss him. He replied that he would miss me too and that he was glad that he got to meet me. And then he left. I walked into my bedroom with a heavy heart but also with a glimmer of hope that I would find another friend soon.

The Actual Story After The Prologue:
The next morning I awoke with a start. JaysTop10List's username flashed into my mind as my first choice for a friend because he too was friends with SevenLizards and was probably feeling the same way I did about his leaving. I called his phone number and asked him if he wanted to be friends and if he would want to come over to my house later. He said yes to both questions and that he was going to be over in a couple of minutes. When he came over we talked about Pokemon for a while and then I asked him if he wanted to be the other user in my show. If he answered yes the show would be renamed the JaysTop10List And RiverClanRocks Show of course but if he said no I would have to keep looking for another user to be apart of my talk show. He said that he would like to be a part of the show. I started making up an intro for the series. "What exactly are you doing?" Jay asked me as I was writing down potential ideas in my notebook. "I'm just making up an intro for the show that we're doing." I said. "Why do we need an intro?" He asked me. "Every show has an intro silly!" I said smiling. "True. True. But it's not like this is going on the Internet or something!" He said to me. "Yes it is going on the Internet! I have a YouTube account ya know." I said. "I didn't know that!" Jay said suprised. "That's ok. I'm just going to forget the whole music intro thing and just make a logo!" I replied. I made the logo and I put my notebook away for another time. I also brought out my Pokemon cards and then Jay and I started talking about Pokemon again. About an hour later while Jay and I were playing my Wii I decided to say something.
"You know what Jay? I think that it's going to be ok after all." I said and he replied "Me too Tiffany. Me too."
The End.
P.S My name isn't actually Tiffany. That's just the name I use on the site.


Look, bud. I know you cared about SevenLizards. But there's a difference between bullying and criticism, and he was under criticism, not bullying. - Garythesnail

Good point. - RiverClanRocks