Ask River!

RiverClanRocks This is a post where you can ask me stuff. You can ask me pretty much anything as long as it isn't personal.


Why? - visitor

Waffles! Yeah! Waffles! - RiverClanRocks

Why you join the top tens? I like to know backstorys of users. - visitor

In my first volume of "RiverClanRocks Answers Your Questions" There's a backstory about how I got an account. - RiverClanRocks

Whats your favorite show? - cosmo

I like Good Luck Charlie and unlike you My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic though I don't watch it as often as I used to. - RiverClanRocks

What are some of your favorite movies? - visitor

The Lion King and God's Not Dead are 2 of my favorites. - RiverClanRocks

What are some of your favorite T.V. shows? - visitor

Cosmo already asked me that question and it is answered above. - RiverClanRocks

Do you have any favorite albums? - visitor

I have a lot and someone else already asked that question. I answered it a few comments down. - RiverClanRocks

What celebrity do you think is a bad role model? - visitor

Nicki Minaj. - RiverClanRocks

What celebrity do you think is a good role model? - visitor

I have a few but one of my favorites is Beckah Shae. Sadly hardly anyone knows who she is. - RiverClanRocks

What is your definition of a sellout? - visitor

A person in the performing industry (music, art, etc. etc. etc. ) with no talent. - RiverClanRocks

That's not exactly true... - visitor

Do you have a favorite concept album? - visitor

I only have a partial idea on what that is. - RiverClanRocks

What's your favorite album? - visitor

I have a lot of favorite albums but one of my favorites is Capital Kings self titled album. - RiverClanRocks

Do you have any favorite animals? - visitor

Cats and dogs. - RiverClanRocks

Who is the biggest sellout in your opinion? - visitor

Justin Bieber (no talent and can't sing) ), Miley Cyrus (too trashy), Bruno Mars (overrated), Bruce Springsteen (can't sing), One Direction (too cheesy), and Nicki Minaj (too trashy). - RiverClanRocks

Whatever your opinion on Bruce, no doubt he can sing - visitor

I respect your opinion about Springsteen, but I think you've might've only listened to Born in the USA. Try listening to Born to Run. It's a lot better! :3 - MontyPython

I still think he can't sing. Especially in Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. - RiverClanRocks

Listen to "Glory Days" then. - visitor

Do you not like the black metal bands that kill and sacrifice? - visitor

Not like them? I hate them! - RiverClanRocks

I like them. - visitor

Don't care, as long as they sound good, I'll still be a Christian. - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Do you like kalosshipping? - visitor

Nope. Calem is too awesome to have a girlfriend and I HATE Serena. - RiverClanRocks

Y do you hate serena? And is just in the anime or both anime and game? If its just anime then forget the first question. if you hate her in the game as well then that would be hating calem because if you choose serena in pokemon x and y calem acts the same. so please answer cause I wanna know. -in pokemon puns- so please answer cause I SWANNA know. HAHAAHAHAAHAHA *coughs* sorry 'bout that. maybe I was a little UNFEZANT! HAHAAHAHAA! Sorry after all there r a lot of unova pokemon to use puns for. (why did I say that when I only know 2? I'm stupid are't I) plus I... oh crap glad I didn't say that. - visitor

I haven't seen the X and Y T.V. show but I know enough about her via research to hate her. My character is a girl in the game so I don't know about her in the game but for some reason I think that she acts the same in the T.V. show than in the game. That's probably why I love Calem (not romantic love) but despise Serena. - RiverClanRocks

Do you like Linkin Park, Evanescence? - 05yusuf09

I haven't heard Evanescence. Linkin Park is alright though I prefer other bands. - RiverClanRocks

Which is worse? Stupid Hoe or Anaconda? - visitor

Both. They are both terrible. - RiverClanRocks

Justin Bieber or Nicki Minaj? - visitor

Nicki. JB sucks but Nicki...holy Arceus she's bad. - RiverClanRocks

Rcr. Stop saying holy arceus. - muffinkid

Freedom of speech. - cosmo

To be fair on Ben, you're basically saying something that's been said all the time. "Freedom of speech". You're starting to bandwagon people like mysel and Puga. - visitor

Who's your favorite electronic artist? - visitor

I can't decide between Matthew Parker and Capital Kings. - RiverClanRocks

Do you like Skillet? - visitor

Totally! - RiverClanRocks

Do you ship Celestia with Discord? - bobbythebrony

No. For 2 reasons:
1. They aren't the same species.
2. It's fanon. - RiverClanRocks

It's been confirmed that Celestia loves Discord but it's probably not in a love love way - bobbythebrony

What about Big Mac and Marble Pie? - bobbythebrony

It's not canon, so I don't ship it. - RiverClanRocks

It's not shipping if it's Canon. Shipping is two characters that you think and want to be together. Got that? - bobbythebrony

Do you like adult/sex jokes? I do. - visitor

Nope. - RiverClanRocks

I don't either. I don't find them funny one bit. - cosmo

How do you not? - visitor

Yeah, how do you not find them funny? - visitor

Do you like the original pokemon series and do you believe/follow theories about it (E.G.Ash is in a coma) - DapperPickle

Kanto and the series are overrated. I only believe theories that make sense. Ash in a coma makes no sense. - RiverClanRocks

Unova is overrated. Kanto is vastly better. No, I'm not a genwunner. - visitor

What is your least favorite Pokemon - MrQuaz680

I have too many to count. - RiverClanRocks

What would you do if you saw Nyan Cat with Moar Krabs' face running down the street? - bobbythebrony

My reaction: What. The. Heck. - RiverClanRocks

Who would win: Skarmory or Gallade? - visitor

Hmm. Probably Gallade, because type advantages. - RiverClanRocks

What is love? (Hint: Bay don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more) - Garythesnail

*keyboard solo* Man, that is so 1970's. - RiverClanRocks

Now that's my jam! - Delgia2k

I say to you...CORRECT! - Garythesnail

Have you seen Racist Mario or Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life - bobbythebrony

Nope. And I don't plan on it. - RiverClanRocks

Your favorite Thousand Foot Krutch song? My favorite is Puppet. - 05yusuf09

Too many to choose from! I'll go with Let The Sparks Fly. - RiverClanRocks

Worst song by the Beatles? - visitor

Dunno. I haven't heard many of their songs. - RiverClanRocks

Do you like BarneyTheDinosaurRocks? I do. - visitor

I don't like trolls. - RiverClanRocks

Hey! I'm also a troll! Haha - visitor

No. You aren't a troll. - RiverClanRocks


Okay. Let's begin THE question:... I don't know, ugh. Do you like Nirvana or My Chemical Romance, I guess?

It takes me a while to think of a GOOD question... - MontyPython

1. Yes.
2. Haven't heard their music. - RiverClanRocks

Do you like Super Paper Mario? - visitor

Haven't played it. - RiverClanRocks

Have u ever talkd mlg m8 - visitor

Nope. - RiverClanRocks

Rek u m8 swer en me mum - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Would you rate me. - visitor

The actual SL: 9.9/10
I don't know your real identity, so when I figure that out, I'll rate you. - RiverClanRocks

Update: 11/10. Therandom, you are amazing. - RiverClanRocks

Do you like porn? - visitor

NO. And I never will! - RiverClanRocks

Don't defile her! - visitor

Are you a dolphin? - visitor

Yes. - RiverClanRocks

What do you think about me getting suspended simply for giving criticism? - visitor

That was a terrible thing. - RiverClanRocks

I heard you have a crush on Spiderman? - bobbythebrony

Who thought of that stupid idea? Anyways, I don't. - RiverClanRocks

Slayer or Ghost B.C.? - SirSkeletorThe3rd

I'm not into black/death metal, so Metallica. - RiverClanRocks

Lol, Slayer is Thrash just like Metallica. Love Metallica though. Ghost B.C. Is probably Doom Metal or Heavy Metal. - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Slayer is thrash metal just like Metallica - bobbythebrony

She doesn't like Slayer's lyrics. - visitor

Have you seen the MLPFIM finale yet? If so, what do you think of it? - bobbythebrony

I just looked it up and it looks cool. TIME TRAVEL! - RiverClanRocks

What would you do if you saw Santa Claus punch a lion in the balls? - bobbythebrony

I would be like: What. - RiverClanRocks

What do you think about people shipping Pinkie Pie and Fernando - bobbythebrony

I don't know who Fernando is. I only looked up Season 5. I'm waiting for it to come out on Netflix. - RiverClanRocks

Fernando is a straw - bobbythebrony

In The Mane Attraction, Svengallop asked for straws in all of Rara's drinks. Pinkie said she had the biggest straw collection and showed him Fernando while staring at the straw with a seductive face - bobbythebrony

What kinds of jokes do you hate the most? Give me 3 types. - visitor

Sexual jokes, racist jokes, and stupid jokes. - RiverClanRocks

You hate racist jokes?!?! - visitor

All of those are hilarious. Twelve year old girls really hate a lot of good things: violence, sex jokes, eye - visitor

*etc - visitor

And yes, I hate racist jokes. Only if it's an actual joke, not an insult. - RiverClanRocks

I meant I only like them if it's an actual joke. And the other person is laughing. Or something. - RiverClanRocks

Sometimes even if the person is serious, the best way to deal with it is to not take the person seriously and turn it into a joke. - visitor

What do you think about the fact that there's a 9 hour movie about a demon trying to kill a guy with a spoon? - bobbythebrony

That's just...stupid. - RiverClanRocks

Why does this question exist?! - RalphBob

I have no idea. - RiverClanRocks

Help I accidentally build a shelf? - bobbythebrony

Is that a meme? - RiverClanRocks

Forgive English I am Russia

How can I of trick Polan so he can into space but only trik him he know I can into trik him into space - SirSkeletorThe3rd

What if you were a shark and you shook a palm tree till a train fell down. Then the train turned into an apple and Turkeyasylum ate the apple. Then Turkeyasylum went up a waterfall and you had to drop severed monkey butts on power lines to get him down? - bobbythebrony

What the heck... - RiverClanRocks

You got that from the AVGN didn't you bobby? - nintendofan126

1. Why haven't you replied to my messages?
2. Do you know sevenlizards is back? - visitor

1. I got in trouble.
2. Yep. - RiverClanRocks

Have you heard of Relient K's Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care? (Hint: Worse than Wiggle) - WonkeyDude98

But...that's a good song... - RiverClanRocks

Do you(or have you ever listened to) like metal? - Brobusky

YAS! - RiverClanRocks

Have you gotten a chance to watch the anime Sword Art Online yet? - visitor

No. Also, I think you might be a little too obsessed with Sword Art Online... - RiverClanRocks

Speaking of obsessed, I wonder what garythesnail has been up to lately. In my opinion, I think he's becoming a little too obsessed with Undertale. I mean, his recent comments activity shows him talking about Undertale all the time! I hope he isn't becoming more obsessed with Undertale than I am with Sword Art Online! But let's be honest here. I'm not as obsessed with that anime as Disney1994 is with Liv and Maddie. - visitor

Also, I'm starting to gain interest in some other anime series. Primarily Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works. - visitor

I plan to watch those two anime after finishing The Asterisk War and The Irregular at Magic High School.I just recently finished God Eater. However, I wouldn't recommend you watch these three since they may not suit your tastes. - visitor

Do you think I am a good user? Also, you're a good user by the way as well. - visitor

Course I do! - RiverClanRocks

Top 10 Favorite Pokemon Games? I know I already made my remix of Best Pokemon Games. - visitor

I like Black, Omega Ruby, and Y. Indifferent to the others. - RiverClanRocks

I played Black and Omega Ruby as well! The only difference is that I played X! Did I already tell you that I pre-ordered my copy of Pokemon Sun? - visitor

Nope. I'm saving up for it myself. #TeamSun - RiverClanRocks