The Bad Artists - Introduction

YourWaifuSucks I decided to redo the DeviantCringe series into The Bad Artists because for specific reasons,

1.The title is bad and also taken
2.The series usually targets more about the art rather than the user itself
3.I am personally dissastified about some entries

4. I am getting tired of admin constantly bouncing back my post to me such as the entries about Owlmaddie, AggresiveBlaze

So the next entries in the series will now be part of this series and will target either, The art itself or A certain topic that most of it's art is garbage(i.e MLP) or The user itself if they did not improve.

The title itself will also change to something more creative such as if it's about leafy maybe i'll but #nochin as a title and such

This change will now be effective in the next entry.

Until then, Peace!
