
booklover1 Because of the whole Booklover2 thing, I had 2 delete my friends and I cant talk 2 u guys again until this "THING" is over. So don't add me as a friend YET if u wanted 2. I apologize, but 4 now, I cant trust anybody. Good Luck and, Meh, I doubt this is the end of The-Top-Tens. A group of people can overcome one. P.S Make sure nobody that your friends with has the name "Operator" or "Operator the Hacker".


what? i heard about this operator the hacker thing and he is hacking into other humans profiles!!! my friend told me about it in person!don't trust this guy!!! he hackes into humans profiles!!! watch it guy!!! i'm getting mad!!! - 2234

Did he hack you - visitor

Good luck with the hacker guy hope none of ya get him - visitor