Top 10 Best Beatles Albums
The Beatles need no introduction. They're one of the most influential and beloved bands of all time, and their albums have left a massive impact on music as we know it today. From their early pop hits to their experimental masterpieces, every album tells a different part of their incredible journey. But when it comes to picking the best Beatles albums, it can be tough - everyone has their favorites, and each one brings something special to the table.This list gives you the chance to rank the Beatles albums you think stand above the rest. Maybe you prefer the groundbreaking sounds of their later years, or perhaps it's the catchy energy of their early work that gets your vote. Either way, this is your chance to weigh in and see how your picks match up with thousands of other fans around the world.
Unlike their other albums, this one lacks flaws. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band has A Day in the Life, true, but it also has When I'm 64, which, while not bad, is rather unremarkable. Every song on Abbey Road could easily be said to be among their ten best songs. The concluding medley is a masterpiece, George Harrison has his catchiest tune and arguably the best Beatles love song, Ringo has his own fun little ditty, and Because has the beautiful triple vocal harmony. Then you have the three rockers: Come Together, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, and I Want You. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the fact this was not universally recognized as their best effort continually amazes me.
Absolutely the best Beatles album, with Abbey Road coming up second. Great hits like 'A Day In The Life' and other great hits. Although I love every Beatles album, nothing even comes close to Sgt. Peppers. My grandmother introduced me to this album, and we listened to it while painting the walls. Since then, I was hooked. I was 8 years old at the time, but now I'm 13 and know so much more about the Beatles. My grandmother also showed me Abbey Road and Let It Be.
1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
2. Abbey Road
3. Let It Be
4. White Album
5. Revolver
6. Rubber Soul
7. Magical Mystery Tour
8. A Hard Day's Night
9. Yellow Submarine
10. Please Please Me
11. Beatles For Sale
12. With The Beatles
13. Help!
14. Yesterday and Today
15. Past Masters
Sgt. Pepper's may be more influential and important, but Revolver is the Beatles at their best. Each band member is fully engaged in this project, unlike in Sgt. Pepper's. There's a song here for everyone, from Yellow Submarine to Tomorrow Never Knows. The Beatles are practically creating new musical genres with each step they take on this album.
And yet, this isn't even my favorite Beatles album - that title goes to Abbey Road. However, this album is just slightly better than everything else. Ringo's drumming is as imaginative as ever, Paul's bass playing is sweet and melodic, and the guitars are heavily distorted for 1966. The vocals are stunningly beautiful, a hallmark of the Beatles. The 1966 single, Paperback Writer backed with Rain, is the perfect complement to this record. If you're unsure which album to buy next, go for this one.
I went through a phase where Abbey Road was my favorite Beatles album, then Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, then Revolver, and then Abbey Road again. Now, it's The White Album.
Many people criticize The White Album, pointing out what they consider awful filler like Revolution 9 and Wild Honey Pie. Others find songs like Why Don't We Do It in the Road?, Don't Pass Me By, Rocky Raccoon, and Good Night mediocre. Some even dislike The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill and Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. However, I don't feel the same. Each listen takes me further than Sgt. Pepper's. It's more bittersweet than Abbey Road and more experimental than Revolver. Every song serves a purpose, and the diversity keeps me enjoying the experience.
Reducing this album to a single LP would have been a terrible mistake. The Double White needs every one of these songs.
My favorite tracks are While My Guitar Gently Weeps and Happiness Is a Warm Gun. While My Guitar Gently Weeps is my favorite of Harrison's songs, including his post-Beatles tracks. The guitar performances are brilliant. Happiness Is a Warm Gun is a wonderfully condensed sectional piece, comprising three or four sections flawlessly joined together, all within under three minutes without feeling rushed.
If you don't like The White Album, I encourage you to listen to it again. Treat each track as if you love it. You can do it, I believe in you!
Their best album for no other reason than it was released before they became canonized. Rubber Soul established the rise of a legendary band, seen in the depth and maturity of songs like In My Life. It is one of only two albums by The Beatles, along with Abbey Road, where absolutely every song on the album is a pleasure to listen to.
For me, I voted for Rubber Soul as their best. I was a musician in the 60s, but more importantly, I was a teenager then. Nothing compared to this album. One can argue about the favorites on this album, but there are many great ones. Many Beatles albums have some iconic songs, but this album just flows. Songs like In My Life, I'm Looking Through You, Norwegian Wood, Michelle, Girl, You Won't See Me, Wait, and Nowhere Man left a significant impression on me when I was 15-16.
If I received a penny every time someone ranked this album too low, I'd be as rich as Bill Gates. It is widely recognized that some of the songs on this album are among the best Beatles songs ever. Strawberry Fields Forever, Penny Lane, I am the Walrus, and All You Need Is Love are particularly notable. Hello Goodbye is very underrated and deserves more recognition. The Fool on the Hill and Blue Jay Way are also great, and the title track is underrated as well.
On Sgt. Pepper's, you have standout tracks like the title song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, and A Day in the Life (you could also count With A Little Help From My Friends). However, there are several weaker songs on that album, such as Within You Without You, Fixing a Hole, and Good Morning Good Morning. The tracks Getting Better and Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite are mid-tier in the Beatles' catalogue. While I like these songs, they don't make Sgt. Pepper's the best Beatles album.
It seems like a lot of the time, the Beatles' older albums get overlooked, which is a real shame because "A Hard Day's Night" is absolutely fantastic. I would even go as far as to say it's one of their top 5 best albums. It's got classics like "A Hard Day's Night," "If I Fell," and "Can't Buy Me Love," as well as underrated gems such as "Tell Me Why" and "Things We Said Today." I'd recommend this one to just about anybody. I'd say it's up there with "Revolver," "Abbey Road," and "Sgt. Pepper's."
I go through phases with Beatles albums. For the last 20 years, I would have said their later stuff, especially Sgt. Pepper and The White Album. Recently though, I've rediscovered a passion for A Hard Day's Night. Check out You Can't Do That. I completely forgot what a brilliant song that is. I would put the album in my top 10 just now.
This is where they start to change and build up while still being a rock band.
Paul has a song without the others called Yesterday. John Lennon shines a lot too with the title track, Ticket to Ride, and You've Got to Hide Your Love Away. George starts writing more, and this is the last album to have covers like Dizzy Miss Lizzy until Let It Be. John plays organ on it.
I'm a bit upset that Help! is down at #8.
While I acknowledge that the Beatles have many worthier albums (Sgt. Pepper's, Revolver, MMT), Help! is by far the most solid "earlier" album where the Beatles discover their sound.
Be it George's sensitive "I Need You," Lennon's soulful "It's Only Love," or Paul McCartney's masterpiece "Yesterday," Help! is a terrific album.
Two of Us - A great opening to an underrated album.
Dig a Pony - Though its lyrics aren't good, the tune's catchy.
Across the Universe - Love everything except for John's vocals.
I Me Mine - A highlight of George Harrison's and the best on the album.
Dig It - Short but sweet.
Let It Be - One of the best songs on the album.
Maggie Mae - The Beatles are doing covers again!
I've Got a Feeling - There are so many great sections in the song.
One After 909 - The first song they ever wrote.
The Long and Winding Road - A highlight of Paul's career.
For You Blue - The last song they ever wrote.
Get Back - Amazing closer to an amazing album.
There aren't a lot of opinions that came into my next rankings, but Please Please Me takes #6 because it has Misery, PS I Love You, and Twist and Shout that just get stuck in my head and I love it.
To have so many originals on one album at the time was unheard of. This album set the stage for all albums after this one.
Please Please Me is carried by Love Me Do and Twist and Shout. But other than that, it's a pretty decent album.
The Newcomers
I absolutely love this album and, for some reason, I like it more than the rest. I love Revolver and Abbey Road, but the covers on this album are brilliant, and I have played tracks from this album more than any other. So, I have to say this is my favorite. It wasn't an easy choice. "Please Mr. Postman" and "All My Loving" are legendary!
1. With The Beatles
2. Abbey Road
3. Revolver
4. Rubber Soul
5. Let It Be
6. The White Album
7. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
8. Help!
9. Please Please Me
10. Magical Mystery Tour
(By the way, I haven't listened to all their albums, such as Beatles For Sale and Yellow Submarine, so don't judge me if you think they should be mentioned, laugh out loud.)
This album is actually a bit underrated. Sure, the tone is a little uneven, with melancholy tracks such as I'm a Loser and Baby's in Black mixed in with cheerful tracks like Eight Days a Week and Every Little Thing, but that doesn't stop the songs from being AWESOME! The original songs are very catchy and meaningful, and the covers are great too. Also, the reason they included so many covers was that they played those songs back in their Liverpool days and wanted to put some of those on an album.
A collaboration of all The Beatles' greatest hits. Number 1 in all aspects. Yes, they remix some of the songs, but I don't think it hurts the song. I actually like how the album flows. Not just my favorite Beatles album, but my favorite album, period.
The version of Strawberry Fields Forever on this album is utterly amazing, as is While My Guitar Gently Weeps.
They morphed "Within You Without You" with "Tomorrow Never Knows" in this album and it is the best psychedelic song I've ever heard.
No, they were not naked while recording this. This album was released in 2008 by Paul McCartney as a better alternative to the original Let It Be album. While they did remove two songs (Dig It and Maggie Mae), these were considered pretty useless and bad songs. However, they added another song (Don't Let Me Down), which is phenomenal. One other thing they did was remove all the background chatter that would happen before some songs, like the chatter at the beginning of Two of Us, Dig A Pony's false start, and the chatter before Get Back. The songs are also rearranged in a better order.
Okay, let me get something straight. I love Yellow Submarine. Hey Bulldog is cool, All Together Now is a nice little sing-along, and Ringo's vocals on Yellow Submarine are amazing. Some people may consider Yellow Submarine as a weak moment for the Beatles, and others consider it as a great sing-along for children. I don't understand why it's so hated; Yellow Submarine is one of my favorite Beatles albums!
I don't understand why most people dislike this album. It has two of the best Beatles songs showcasing their experimental side, both of which are Harrison's songs. Additionally, the inclusion of George Martin's "classical" music (I'd rather use the term "academic") highlights his brilliance in the band, justifying his designation as the fifth Beatle. That part of the album is amazing.
"Only a Northern Song," "It's All Too Much," and the "Martin's Medley" should elevate this album as a great piece.
Their second-best early album, only to A Hard Day's Night. It has the original version of Love Me Do, From Me to You, She Loves You, I Want to Hold Your Hand, This Boy, Yes It Is, and so much more!
This album was released in 1988 for the box set. This one and Volume 1 were created to have every song not on the original 13 albums.
So many songs that should have been on albums, like Revolution.
It introduced a new generation to the Beatles. It's one of their most important albums. It's also the definitive greatest hits album released by the band, in that all the songs are on one disc. This album shows just how big they were, with 27 number one hits in total between the US and UK.
1 is kind of like the Red and Blue Albums combined into one. Featuring songs from their entire career, it was actually the best-selling album in the UK in the first decade of the 21st century.
Though there were some great Beatles songs left out of this masterpiece collection ('Sgt. Pepper's' and 'Twist and Shout' come to mind), I love this album. It captures the Beatles' growth as artists and is perfect for introducing kids (like me) to the legendary Beatles!
I think it's the best. Fantastic rockers like Day Tripper and And Your Bird Can Sing, plus thoughtful songs like Yesterday and Nowhere Man. Much better than some of the others ranked higher.
This is the best Beatles album!
I love the Beatles' early and alternative songs.
At least one of the greatest compilations of all time.