Top 10 Best Beatles Songs
The Beatles weren't just a band. They were a phenomenon. From their early rock 'n' roll days to their more experimental psychedelic phase, they've explored almost every nook and cranny of the musical landscape. Their songs cover the gamut of human emotions, from love and longing to joy and sorrow. And let's not forget their impact on fashion, film, and even politics. They didn't just play music. They set the tone for an entire generation and beyond.John, Paul, George, and Ringo - each member brought his unique style and talent to the table, creating a blend that's still unmatched to this day.

Hey Jude is the best song the Beatles ever made, and I love it dearly. Every single "Na, na, na, nananana" included.
There aren't enough "nananana"s in my opinion, actually.
I can't describe this song. It's beautiful. It's like describing the flavor of water. It's really hard.
The Beatles will always be with me until my grave. Peace and love, people.
I think it's pointless arguing, as pretty much all of the top 10, and even further below, are of an equally amazing standard, and all could be number one for me. True, I voted for While My Guitar Gently Weeps, but that was more to do with the fact that it was George's first great song and also featured an amazing solo by Eric Clapton. Let's face it: no one is going to agree on a favorite Beatles song because there are just so many good songs. I bet the song down at fifty is a good song.

This song is so excellently performed with John Lennon's low, depressed, sad vocals. Then there's a loud symphony that is like the whole world is spinning faster and faster and faster, like a twister, and then it takes us to Paul McCartney's positive, upbeat voice. It's the tip of the hat. Basically, the song title says itself. It takes us into a day in the life.
John Lennon describes the negatives and lows while taking the information from a newspaper or film. However, Paul McCartney takes us into a positive day of getting up, going to work, and having a smoke. Who could also forget the famous drug reference line, "I'd love to turn you on," done beautifully by John Lennon? All in all, this song should be number one, and everything is just wonderful in the song. Very well done.

Such an appropriate song to go out on. Of course, we all know that the song is about Paul's mother, but it has a nice final message to Beatles fans. The song's message to the fans, in the wake of the Beatles' breakup, is that there will be an answer and to let it be. "And when the brokenhearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be." This song, and the album, provide just a brilliant ending to a brilliant career.
This was easily one of the Beatles' most profound masterpieces. It is a song that will never be forgotten, nor will it grow old or fade. It will simply remain one of the most meaningful and well-thought-out songs of the ages. Kudos to Paul McCartney for vocals and to George Harrison for the stellar guitar solo. Let's not forget John Lennon for the background vocals and Ringo Starr on percussion.

This song makes me feel the pain perfectly, and the bass of this song makes it even better. I think this should be their number 3 song, not number 4. It's really hard to rank the Beatles' songs because all of their songs are good in one way or another. So, I don't really care if one of their most listened-to songs is ranked below some other song. You can say I voted just to vote for them. I love the Beatles, and I'm proud that there was a band called the Beatles. They will be in our hearts forever, even if they are not here. So, here's to the Beatles.

There are precious few songs that change my mood immediately, let alone make me feel instantly happy every single time I listen to them. I could be fired, evicted, deported, and left all alone, homeless on the streets with nothing left to my name, and if I hear this song, just for those 3 minutes, there's peace and happiness, as if it's my 5th birthday all over again.
George Harrison was largely underappreciated. He is as much of a genius as a musician and songwriter as John or Paul. Sure, he didn't match their legacy in monetary worth, but George is an absolute master of music. Something and Here Comes the Sun, both created by George, are the greatest songs by the Beatles.

Strawberry Fields Forever is absolutely the greatest song written by the Beatles. I never get tired of it. At first listen, it's strange, and absolutely nothing sounds like it. But then it evolves into this magnificent, imaginative world. It makes you escape. A great song should be both beautiful and melodic but also capture your attention and mesmerize.
The lyrics in this song are simply incredible. To me, SFF takes the Beatles away from just being a great pop band to being the GREATEST of them all. Songs like this one take them straight to another dimension. As pretty as Hey Jude or Let It Be may sound, there isn't anything special about them. THIS SONG is special beyond words. Please put it at number 1 because it doesn't belong anywhere else. It's truly a masterpiece. Whichever Beatle wrote it, or if it was done by them all, I don't care. It's brilliant.

While While My Guitar Gently Weeps is a nice, emotional, acoustic-strummed song with a great lead guitar part played by Clapton, then the solo comes in. The solo is one of, if not the, greatest guitar solos of all time. It's very Clapton and is played perfectly. Clapton is known for his blues-rock solos, and this is no exception. The solo is similar to Stairway to Heaven, but is maybe better.
The song is good in the same way as Stairway, and is of equal quality, but that just shows how good this song is. It's very underrated and should be ranked #2 or #1.

This song is beautiful both melodically and lyrically. John Lennon's vocal performance, the guitar, the drums, and the baroque-influenced piano solo (harpsichord) are the icing on the cake. It's so melancholic yet brilliant and lovely. This song is also probably the most meaningful by The Beatles.
I am a huge Beatles fan, and this song is my all-time favorite. It is very simple, yet it has meaningful, thought-provoking lyrics. Above all, it relates to all of us. This should be number one, but I think John Lennon's masterpiece doesn't need that title to touch everyone who hears it.

There's something absolutely magical about this song. I'm 62 years old, and I saw the Beatles in '64. I've always thought this was one of the very best narrative pieces. Strangely, almost every kid in my daughter's generation (17) ranks it as one of their very favorite Beatles songs.
It's not as enigmatic as "A Day in the Life" or as anthemic as "Hey Jude" or "All You Need Is Love," but it cuts through all of that as a plain but hugely powerful lament that just gets to everyone. "Wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door." "All the lonely people... Where do they all come from?" "Wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave, no one was saved." Whoa!

Really good arrangement. The drums, the unforgettable bass riff, the guitar solos - all add up to this great masterpiece. Throughout the song, you can listen to the influence of each and every member of the Fab Four: Ringo, George, Paul, and John. Powerful lyrics catch everyone who listens to it and make everyone reflect upon them. It should be higher up the list.
This song is excellent. Come on, people! How can this be number 12? This song could easily enter the top 10 Beatles songs. Everything is just perfect in here: excellent rhythm, terrific bass (probably one of the best from Macca), incredible vocals (I think these are the greatest vocals that John Lennon ever recorded). I mean, everything in this song is just so catchy!
The Newcomers

You gotta give me a little loving, give me a little loving! OOOWWW! If you want our love to last!

Oh, I love this song. It is so underrated and one of Ringo's best.
218th... Why is this in last place?

It's clear that John and Paul were the strongest songwriters in the Fab Four, but we know that in the later years, when they were both at their best, they hardly listened to each other. George spent years in the background, quietly biding his time and taking in as much information as he could from two of the greatest songwriters in history. His epic final statement is Something, which showcases all the different elements that made The Beatles so incredible: beautiful texture and instrumentation, unusual but incredibly effective chord changes, fantastic individual performances (Ringo's drums, Paul's bass, George's gorgeous solo).
George mastered the art of writing a perfect Beatles song, something I don't think Paul and John could ever say they did. It's hard to compare the emotional capacity of this song to the likes of Hey Jude, Strawberry Fields, Penny Lane, etc., but I don't know (I don't know!) if any Beatles song is as perfectly written and recorded as Something. I mean, Paul's bass lick at 2:17? That alone could put this in the top 10.

For me, one of the best songs ever made. Listen to how the bass plays a lick when the other instruments are low. Everything works together perfectly. And it's not just the same chord progression looped throughout the whole song, no, the chorus is a little bit different each time. A masterpiece!
I Want to Hold Your Hand is a fun and playful song that is also very cool sounding. This is definitely one of the Beatles' best songs. It was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney and is featured on the album Past Masters Volume 1.

When I first heard it, it was like a veil was opened, and I could see my future. It was just great. I knew what I was going to be: I was going to be a singer. Although I may not be as good as the Beatles (no one is), but I'd try my hardest! I love this song, and so should all the people.
The Beatles are the greatest band of all time and for some reason, this has always been my favorite of their songs! "Help" somehow manages to be simultaneously a cry for, well, help and a joyous celebration! It's so catchy yet so heartfelt!

This song is kind of like the "Pink Elephants On Parade" of the Beatles. It's so bizarre that it actually makes you wonder if you were on something before watching the video. Seriously, I am the egg man? I am the walrus? What the heck does that have to do with anything? I'm not saying this is bad, oh no, I'm saying that no matter how weird, scary, or all-around strange it is, there is just one element that just makes you want to watch the music video again and again. This song is psychedelic genius!
There is one partition in music: before Beatles and after, more specifically the Sgt. Pepper album. But for me, I Am the Walrus was the song to break the envelope before its time. It's a timeless work of art with ups, downs, stops, changes of rhythm, and different timing - almost incomprehensible. This song is influential for rock masterpieces like Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

This song is marvelous and will never ever be forgotten because of its amazing beat. The Beatles should be incredibly proud of this masterpiece! If only there were more songs like this today.
Twist and Shout is a classic twisting and dancing song that will get you moving and grooving! Also, I love it when the Beatles each sing a long note, climbing the scale at the end. It's also sung in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Best song ever! It should be number one! I don't think I have met anyone who can resist dancing to this song! It is my go-to song in any given event, happy or sad!

Easily their best lyrically. Like most Beatles songs, the meaning evolves with you, but Lennon created a song that does not evolve. Instead, it is infinite, like the human spirit in sync with the universe.
This is my favorite Beatles song without a doubt, but only if it's the Let It Be version. The Let It Be... Naked version of it is a butchered farce, and the other versions are just... meh. But the one with Phil Spector's work on it is my favorite version, and it's such a beautiful work of art. (I realize I'm seriously in the minority by saying that.) The choir arrangements work favorably for me, and the strings enhance the experience tremendously for me. I can't believe that the Let It Be... Naked version is often considered better.

The greatest song ever written is a combination of an anthem melody, "Love love love," with the typical Lennon hammering on the same note in the chorus, before the little step up in the melody. It creates a climax and resolve. It's truly marvelous.
Forgotten trivia about this song: when the technology was finally invented that allowed a simultaneous worldwide broadcast via satellite, the scientists realized they needed something everybody on Earth would listen to when the "on" button was pushed. A Beatles song! duh. The Beatles were then tasked with writing something for that first-ever worldwide broadcast. A weighty responsibility, but the boys came through with flying colors.

"Picture yourself in a boat on a river, with tangerine trees, and marmalade skies. Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly, a girl with kaleidoscope eyes..."
The earliest and oldest surviving hominid is named after this song, as it was playing at the discoverer's celebration party.
Absolutely amazing, it should definitely be in the top two or three! A beautiful masterpiece and my favorite Beatles song.

This is easily a top 5. What on earth is it doing at 57? I feel like I'm overflowing with all the world's happiness when I listen to this song. The Magical Mystery Tour Singles were the best songs they wrote. I can't believe people would vote for Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane but leave this behind.
I love this song. It has a great music video too. I love the Beatles! They're the best!
Wow, this is my favorite one. I'm surprised it isn't in the top 5 at least.

You know, there are a couple of Beatles songs I like. First off, I prefer prog rock and hard rock more than the Beatles' slow rock/pop, but this song really is inspiring. It seems to outshine every other Beatles song. You will find maybe one or two songs on an album that are greatly underrated but are amazing songs - like Something for Nothing by Rush. It's a great song, so underrated. Personally, I think all of Rush is underrated. This song has a great rhythm and good lyrics. It just surpasses all their other stuff.

Close your eyes, listen to the song, and you are transported to a barbershop in Penny Lane on a drizzly London morning. It is the most nostalgic song about Britain that I have heard. This should be declared Britain's national song.
When the music gods came down from Mount Olympus, they had three sons who were left at the fire station on Penny Lane. When they grew up, they changed their names to Ringo, Paul, and George. They wrote this song together.
Brilliant theme, wonderful playing, stunning production, amazing musical ambition combined with a wistful, yearning lyric. Strawberry Fields is incredible, but this tops it.

I love this song a lot, mostly towards the end. I like how there are four parts in the song: Donated to the National Trust, I Need a Fix 'Cause I'm Going Down, Mother Superior Jumped the Gun, and finally, Happiness Is a Warm Gun. Paul McCartney also sounds a lot like Queen at the end.
How is this number 32? It's in my top 5 for sure, and I know all Beatles songs. Maybe it's just my taste, but the tone, the optimistic lyrics, the changing moments, the chorus - I think it's a masterpiece from any point you listen to it. Seriously, I'm a little confused about these top tens.

The first time I listened to "Tomorrow Never Knows" at around 8, I was pretty hooked onto it. And then, reading its lyrics a few years later, it's kind of like, "Dang, these guys get it." However, all personal feelings aside, this song also exemplifies a part of the versatility within their discography that is difficult to completely deny because of factors previously stated here, such as the abnormal rhythm in the entire song and what some may consider a surrealist tone in general.
This song just holds a special place in my heart in those ways and can easily contend for the top 10 in my opinion.

Love this song. The reason I love The Beatles so much is because they have so many softer songs that are a pleasure to listen to, but they also have songs like this which are just HEAVY and ROCKING!
This certainly isn't the best Beatles song. That title goes to A Day in the Life. But this is my favorite Beatles song. And I don't even like heavy metal.
This is one of my all-time favorite songs. It deserves to be at least in the top ten. This song is heavy and rocks completely through. I love it so much.

This song is beautiful, lyrical, and one of the great iconic songs the Beatles produced! I can't help but be swept up by the momentum and happiness whenever I listen to it. Of course, the movie it inspired is incredible too!
This was the first Beatles song I ever heard in my life. I've been singing it since I was in 2nd grade. It's a very random, cool song. I can't believe it is only #27! It deserves to be at least higher than 20!
One of my all-time favorite Beatles songs. It also has a unique music video, and this song is probably the one they have the most products for, like a Lego set and a Hot Wheels.