Top 10 Rise Against Lyrics

Possibly the most quotable band of all time, Rise Against's lyrics are what make them the band they are. Every song is filled to the brim with genius quotes begging to be repeated again and again. It's a daunting question, it's one that must be answered; What are Rise Against's best lyrical moments?
The Top Ten
Life for you's been less than kind, so take a number and stand in line. We've all been sorry we've all been hurt, but how we survive is what makes us who we are - Survive

The lyrics of this song speak so much to me. Whenever I feel down, I remember that there are so many bad times in life. In the end, it all comes down to how you survive because it shows you what you can do. It proves that you are not weak. Nobody is weak because we have all been through our personal hell or will have to face it. Still, we can survive because we are not alone. We can survive, and we will survive, and that is what makes us who we are. So, if you are feeling down, don't give up. You can do this!

All because of you I believe in angels, not the kind with wings, no not the kind with halos.The kind that bring you home when home becomes a strange place - The Good Left Undone

This lyric speaks to the person who saved you from yourself. They weren't perfect, but they picked up your pieces when you had nothing left to give and helped put you back together.

Just reading these lyrics gives me chills, not to mention singing them out loud! Though Rise Against has so many great lyrics, it's hardly fair to say this is the best one.

This hits home and is very relatable. Anyone who's had to say goodbye to someone they truly loved would understand.

That's when she said I don't hate you boy I just want to save you, while there's still something left to save. That's when told her I love you girl, but I'm the answer for the questions that you still have. - Savior

There are situations where both people have feelings for each other, but one (in this case 'she') only wants to save 'him' and feels empathy for him, but not love. It's a one-sided love ending in a hurtful situation where no one escapes without a broken heart.

I think the "girl" is Mother Nature trying to save "him," which is the human race.

The lyrics say, I'm not the answer for the questions that you still have, but yeah, powerful words.

A hero of war is that what they see? Just medals and scars, so damn proud of me. And I brought home that flag, now it gathers dust. But it's the flag that I love, it's the only thing I trust - Hero of War

Think of how much this relates to modern-day issues with war. We are still fighting in Iran and Iraq after 10 years (I might be wrong, not that updated on current events). All the horrible things people go through in war, yet our country praises and awards the deed of killing another person. We are all people. No one should forget that. We can only win the human race together, and Rise Against hits these opinions of mine perfectly.

Everyone dreams of living in the U.S., but when we are out at war, we kill innocent human beings who don't deserve to be threatened.

Do you still believe in all the things that you stood by before? Are you out there in the front lines or at home keeping score? - Architects

Would you care to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate, or would you rather be the architect of what we might create?

I'm thinking about getting this phrase as a tattoo. I'm kind of having a hard time figuring out whether it should be placed on my ribs (right side) or neck.

And I can't tell if you're laughing, between each smile there's a tear in your eye. There's a train leaving town in an hour, It's not waiting for you, and neither am I - Paper Wings

Paper Wings might lyrically be in the top 5 lists of best songs ever.

Is this the life that you lead, or the life that's lead for you? Will you take the road that's been laid out before you? Will we cross paths somewhere else tonight? - Paper Wings
Now I'm standing on the rooftop ready to fall, I think I'm at the edge now, but I could be wrong - Ready to Fall
Go on alone, cause I won't follow. This isn't giving up, no this is letting go - This is Letting Go
If strength is born from heartbreak, then mountains I could move - Drones

Some people feel so bad from a broken heart, and when they get up, they come back stronger. Some enter depression, others consider ending their lives, but those who raise their faces and try again to find love aren't weak or cowardly - they're very strong. I can speak from personal experience. I've had 9 heartbreaks in my 15 years of life and went through a horrible depression. This quote resonates with me because I continued, no matter how difficult it was or would be. Now, I have found someone I love who loves me back. Even though she's far away in another city, we continue our romance, no matter how tough things get.

The Newcomers

? Now something, has kept me here too long and you can't leave me, if I'm already gone - Everchanging

The acoustic version of Everchanging is one of the best songs by Rise Against.

? If love is a labor, I'll slave'til the end. - Swing Life Away
The Contenders
And too much blood has flown from the wrists of children shames for those they chose to kiss. - Make It Stop (September's Children)

It just hits so hard. One of my best friends was bi and committed suicide because of all the bullying.

Addresses one of the biggest problems of our time - missing acceptance and harassment.

This is the saddest and one of the most important things. I'm so thankful for Rise Against.

I found a shoulder to lean on, an infallible reason to live all by itself. I took one last look from the heights that i once loved, and THEN I RAN LIKE HELL - Ready to Fall
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death. - Rumors of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Beautiful quote, it speaks so much with so few words. I'm definitely using this for my senior quote next year in high school.

I miss the person that you were, but I don't miss you - Six Ways Till Sunday
And don't you remember when we were young, and we wanted to set the world on fire? 'Cause I still am, and I still do. - Architects

I love this quote and this song. It speaks to the generational divide of recent years, where elders' hope has turned to bitterness, while the young keep fighting.

Let's unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words - Swing Life Away
Simply because you can breathe, doesn't mean that you're alive, or that you really live - Black Masks & Gasoline

These lyrics speak a sad truth that most people don't realize. If you only go through the motions and never try new things and explore, you're not really alive. You're mindlessly going through life.

Strong words, telling a truth that sadly too many people don't want to see. You need to do something to be alive. It will never be enough just to breathe and work like a machine.

The Day I Learn to Fly, I'm Never Coming Down

Super inspiring, something to live by and strive to reach.

What you don't understand is that it's better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees - Survivor Guilt

It's correct. The line "Don't you know it's better to live on your feet, than to die on your knees" follows the first line, meaning that if you have the choice not to do something, you shouldn't do it.

"You had it backwards! Don't you know it's better to live on your feet than to die on your knees?" Gotta love those Catch-22 quotes.

We'll never fall if we stand for something. - Long Forgotten Sons
It's always darkest just before the dawn. So stay awake with me, let's prove them wrong - Make It Stop

It's my favorite Rise Against song. I love the lyrics and the music, but it makes me sad what happened with the people in September.

My favorite lyrics of all their songs. I love so much the hope we can see in these sentences.

I absolutely love this song, but especially this quote.

Can't spend our lives waiting to live - The Dirt Whispered
What we are is the sum of a thousand lies. What we know is almost nothing at all. But we are what we are till the day we die or until we dont have the strength to go on. - The Strength To Go On

This has to be my favorite lyric from any of their songs. There is such truth in it.

Cause we finally know now what our time here's about, we are not meant to be another face in the crowd; We're a forest of lives, we'll grow tall and wide, we'll never be cut down - Anywhere But Here

I think this is one of the deepest quotes in a Rise Against song so far. It speaks to me about standing up for what I believe in and not being stopped, no matter who is in front of me. This is a very moving quote, and it's from an underrated song, "Anywhere But Here."

In my opinion, this is the very best Rise Against quote. It's unbelievable how such a deep message is conveyed in so few words. Anywhere But Here generally has very good lyrics, but this line is epic.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours first. Let's compare scars, I'll tell you whose is worse. - Swing Life Away
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