Ugliest Female Celebrities

Sure, She is not good looking. More than her looks, her media hype is what annoys me the most. Everything about her (looks, acting skills, coolness factor, cuteness factor) is overrated to the max and we know why. She knows the right people. However, that doesn't excuse some of the downright bigoted/racist comments here. They are not just ugly but downright scary. For example, "Looks like a witch!... Funny because I seen her on the show who do you think you are? Where celebs look up their ancestry... Ha ha turns out one of her ancestors almost got burned at the stake back in salem mass, shame she didn't then we wouldn't have to look at the pointy ugly witch face" Lets not go back to the dark ages just because we disapprove of something so superficial as looks. We all know the RIGHTEOUSNESS of the times where all it took was some a-hole to decide that a woman needs to be burned alive because of the shape of her nose.

This so called woman reminds me of a an angry midget wrestler. Her face looks like she should have been a midget wrestler but her body kept growing. Her ability to get involved in and ruin the causes she gets involved in is her talent. Never have I met a person whose outside ugliness goes well inside. She tells people how to live their lives yet she lives in a glass house. She cannot control her own family but I'm supposed to listen to you when it comes to living my life. Who do ever died and told her she was of import should have been locked up in a mental institution. Her manly behaviour out of a woman is going to get her ass kicked. She fights against dudes but cries foul when they hit her back. Quit hiding behind the sex. We all know you're a man.

I once had a barbie head, you know the large size barbie head you can put makeup on and style her blond hair. I painted her eyelids purple and her lips pink, then there was a fire. In the mist of that rubble, I pulled out what looked like melted crayons with a neck. My mother stated barbie looked like the cat lady. Never knew what she was talking about until today, I can smell the plastic hair as I watch this picture, creepy.
I don't mean to be rude, by why would you do all these plastic surgeries? In my opinion, this will make your relationship with your ex-husband worse. But just because everyone thinks she's ugly, doesn't mean she is. I don't know much about her (I admit), but she isn't terrible. Her eyes are actually beautiful. At first glance, I didn't know what to say, but after a while, her appearance improved. Stop being so mean to her, guys.

Sorry but it's true you are homely and mis - proportionate in all of your mis-shapen features. Your just so so maybe a 4 or a 5 tops. Please stop trying so hard it pitiful watching it. Just humble yourself. Accept who you are stop trying to be attractive as you will just mess it all up even worse! Accept who you are (you're the slaughter of a successful father) be happy with having a successful attractive father, humble and accept the face you had don't get surfers because it's making you look even worse.
She has really ugly feet but the ugly doesn't stop there. Goes all the way to her face. She tried to get the people of Canada behind her to support the aboriginal people here. Made the people who supported them think again. Maybe look at the people and then make an informed decision, she protested with criminal elements that had been nothing but crooks since their teens. She made herself uglier by having such a piss poor opinion. She says she's a dirty hippy. I can believe the dirty part.

That's so funny. All the comments about her are so true. She won the Ugly Award on two years in a row! People are also saying online that she is an animal abuser who locks animals in closets to die. You can find her name under 10 Celebs Accused of Animal Abuse if you Google it. She's not only unattractive without makeup but also with makeup and any lavish attire she chooses to buy with her father's money. She's an animal torturer!
I also heard from a friend that she went to a party where one of the guys thought it would be cool to bring out a black light to glow in the dark. Well, when they turned it on, her whole body glowed from head to toe in a very dark purple color due to all the makeup she had on! The guys found it so hilarious that they took a picture of her. They laughed nonstop because when she arrived at the party, she acted as though she was beautiful. Yuck! Sorry for the lengthy comment, but this story was meant to be told.

Not very attractive without makeup. Fake ass and breasts. Too much makeup and false everything, nice cloths but bad body most of the time photo shopped and hidden behind clothes and push up bras and girdles. Too short and weave in her hair. Just plain looking especially without the makeup and all the glamour clothes, nothing special. Eats like a cow and chews with her mouth opened. Scratches her weave on T.V. and looks bored and whining all the time on her reality T.V. , self absorbed, fake, anything for ratings. Her husband is very plain, no talent and not hot by any standard either, just plain. She reminds me of a fat plain looking, dumpy frumpy house wife from Middle Eastern old world country somewhere.

She should not be on this list. She is not ugly. She's a regular-looking black lady when not wearing makeup, and with the makeup, a very pretty one. Some people are just being hateful because of her money. I do think she has gotten to be pretty full of herself and sees herself as some kind of enlightenment guru. All those terms she uses when on one of her enlightening jags really turn me off. I used to love her but not so much now.
I respect her, but she needs to take a lot of that money and use it for animal charities, disease research like cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, and Diabetes, Alzheimer's, children's charities, the poor, the environment, wounded Veterans, and so on, not keep wasting so much on things to show off and pamper herself and her friends and just keep rolling around in luxury like a pig in slop. No one needs all that crap!
I believe in having what you need to be comfortable, but then there's having way, way too much. That's when you need to give back. I know she does give to charity and has an African school for girls and college funds at a black college, and she does a lot of good, but it could be SO much more. She is not living by the things she is preaching. It's hypocritical. That's why I don't love her like I used to.
She has lost touch with the things that are important, and with her true deep-down self, and just wants to be powerful and live like a queen and live it up and show off and be pampered. She is materialistic. She doesn't need hundreds of shoes that cost thousands of dollars a pair, she doesn't need all the sprawling mansions, the fancy cars and expensive clothes and private jet and yacht and all that. It goes against all she supposedly believes in, if you listen to any of her "enlightened" rantings.
She's not that enlightened, in my book, to be so self-involved and so into material possessions. I know she's not responsible nor obligated to help the world, but she can't take it with her, she has... more

On the start of her career, she performed at an event called the Lollapalooza Festival during 2007 whereby a record label company Interscope found her due to her performance... read more
The only way I could comment on this is by voting. Number 1 Gaga is beautiful. Number 2 this list should not exist. Gaga thrives off of this negativity she will prove the hatters wrong again and again. And will never put anyone down or degrade them for their body. If you think she is ugly because she is different then aren't all of us ugly. She will never let peoples negativity bring her down. People that call her ugly are just the people how fueled her burning desire and work ethic to make it to the top. Also, by-the-way the picture used for this post proves that she is beautiful and she was "Born This Way". Paws Up for Mother Monster.

Nicki is a very pretty woman of color. I don't listen to her music, I'm not a fan, her behind is mildly offensive...
But she's much prettier than average. Her facial features are beautiful! Why would anyone say she's ugly!? Maybe you aren't a fan...but guys, give credit where credit is due. Otherwise you are a bit envious to knock her beauty.
I cannot stand the abuse black women get. That's why there are so many bleaching their skin and killing themselves to fit Americas superficial standard of beauty: long flowing hair, blue eyes and pale to orange skin.

She is not wearing lipstick, here lips naturally look like burnt charcoal topped with vegetable oil and she has had those marionette lines since she was ten. She sounds like she smoked packs of marlboros since 13 and she is not funny in her stupid looking crocks. By the way where are her eyebrows and when she smiles her teeth look like chiclets.
Oh NO! Don't objectify Whoopee in this list! She is a beautiful person and superficial sexuality is not what she has ever been about! Come on! She is a wonderful person and, a Oscar winning actress, comedienne and a mensch...
The Newcomers
She's sure did her best to try to be as ugly as possibly with all that makeup. I wonder how much money she spent on doing her best to be as ugly as possible? You would think that she was trying to enter the ugliest ladies contest, instead of the beauty contest.

It makes me wonder why people think Swedes are beautiful. Greta alone is enough to prove them wrong. She is the ugliest Swede ever both outside and inside. No other Swede can match Greta's pure ugliness.

It doesn't matter that she looks like a cartoon kamikaze pilot. What she does is ugly. She broke up the Beatles and it's been all downhill from there. She puts out album after worthless album full of screeches to impress no one. She wouldn't give Julian any of his dad's money until she was outed by the press, then handed over a pittance of it. Just a cheap, low-brow, D-list celebrity.
Uglier than some crack head whore from the darkest crevice of the Neighbourhood of Evil. Imagine that crawling over you in bed. It would be more preferable to date something from the Creepshow. She must have emerged from some breach in the time/space continuum barrier to the Netherworld, while Lennon recklessly fooled around with a ouija board. Then she poisoned his reality awareness sensors and infected him with some otherworld parasite that gave her control of his mind, whereupon she attempted to use him as her instrument of corruption to destroy a generation. If she had died first he could have been free of her evil and who knows he might have rehabilitated.

I am glad she is dead. So annoying and horrible as a person. Was not a good comedian at all. She was famous only for her stupidity near the end and her surgeries. Face looks like loose chicken skin. Her daughter Melissa is off the old block too. Same hateful personality and same hateful opinions. Joan was a known racist before the whole PC thing. Lived a lie. Hope she is burning now.
She is the ugliest person on Earth. She abuses surgery and her face looks like plastic. She thinks she is the queen of fashion, but to be honest, she is the queen of stupidity. She thinks she can judge other people on Fashion Police, saying things like, No, no, that doesn't suit her body. Oh, shut up. You are just a fat old lady.

Wah wah wah, that's what her whiny voice sounds like. How she became a celebrity is one of the mysteries of show business.
She may have been ugly, but her show was amazing, a masterpiece. It's too bad it had to be canceled because of her racism.
The only thing worse than her looks is her politics! She's stupid as well as abrasive and ugly. A complete package.

I don't know how she can even look in the mirror and not slit her wrists. She has THE ugliest face of all time, she has the features of a gargoyle. Ugly eyes, UGLY nose, UGLY everything! What disturbs me the most is that someone is actually willing to have sex with her. No amount of money is worth having sex with her.
Total drag queen. Her face is like a frying pan with a mop head draped over it. Of course, just like Sarah Jessica Parker, we know why she's in the business... another one of the 'chosen people' being taken care of by the rest of the tribe.

Yes, Miley and Paris are ugly, but seriously. This creature redefines ugly. Her face is entirely plastic, and after all that surgery, she looks like her face is constantly being smashed against a window.
OK she is just plain weird looking with here Donald duck lips and space cadet eyes. I saw here before plastic surgery pictures and she looked decent and natural, why did she do that to herself, looks very fake and strange.
She's quite pitiful. What kind of mind must she have? To look in the mirror and think what she's done to herself is a good thing? Sad really. It seems so often the worst sorts of fools are endowed with money and means.

Oh Lord how pitiful... Thankfully she's gone. So sad for her parents to have spawned such a disaster. Her miserable existence was driven by her self centered, egotistical, needy whine for alcohol and dope to express her pain. It's sad that she didn't get help in childhood when it may have done some good.
Sad...waste of talent...She's pretty but never dressed up enough or maybe didn't chose the right look to show her beauty. She had a good voice...Sad she let her addiction get the best of her!
The poor girl is dead, so sad she will forever be remembered for these very assets that we have commented on.

That jerky, dancing repetitiveness is a sign of limitation in self-expression. Whipping hair again and again just adds to the false illusion. Trashy, stupid, caught up in the world of money. She lost the art in the process. Trying to "register" with her Super Bowl 50 performance only showed that she was grabbing for more cash. She used a combination of extremist views and tainted reverse prejudice to garner support. Dumb, ugly, trashy, unsophisticated, and greedy.
She should just simply sing instead of pumping her big thighs and butt at you. It's so distracting! She's a pretty woman with a pretty voice. Why does she have to keep repeating "Hey-La Hey-La" over and over in that damn stylized song? What the hell is that song about except her showing off? Give her a piano. Put her in a small, dark cabaret and she could sing something personal and deep about life, like Alicia Keys does. Bravo, Alicia! Where's Billie Holiday and Nina Simone when you need them? Those singers had real class, I mean, sensitivity! And taste! Beyoncé is so overkill. Her style is "Whore House Couture" with her sex organs popping out at you. I'm so sick of her. Young pre-teen girls see her doing her ass pop at the Grammys, and they start to imitate her. So uninspiring.

I hate that she writes her own script for Girls and has these incredibly attractive men fall for her...and that she constantly takes her shirt off. Please, keep your shirt on. Please keep all of your clothes on. And let's be realistic about the type of men who would go for you.
Needs to keep her clothes on for the benefit of mankind! Just wrong on every level. I'm not against curvy but she just seems arrogant and out of shape!
I have to agree here. She is very odd looking and seems to also have no fashion sense whatsoever.

Before all of her plastic surgery, she was fugly. Fat, ugly face and nose, ugly mouth, and terrible teeth. Then you add smeared makeup to that, and she is just wicked ugly. She had a nice body that got her places. She has one of the nastiest personalities I have ever come in contact with.
I think she looks kind of peaceful and ethereal after all her plastic surgeries. Before, I did not think she was too attractive, but she had some good surgeries. Her hair coloring and style look nicer, and she looks cleaner.

Looks: Full lips are sexy, hers are HUGE and dry. Quite a turn-off. Emaciated.
Make-up and Style: Tries too hard to be goth/exotic. Bland and looks the same all the time.
Demeanor: Grumpy and tries too hard to look sexy.
Off-screen impression I get: Charity work comes across as less-than-altruistic, publicity-hungry, took Brad Pitt from Jennifer Aniston and bragged about it.
Talent: I haven't seen her in a single show I liked.
There are some in this list that are not attractive physically- but there is a redeeming factor usually. I find Angelina Jolie ugly inside out.

Rihanna is the best... She is a beautiful and talented singer. Beyonce and every new pop artist tries to rip off her style but they never make the cut on Rihanna's individuality and talent. She's got her own style of beauty (not clamoring to public demand but just doing it her way) and talent and anyone hating on her just can't appreciate talent that doesn't perform to those who demand her to fit a cookie cutter boring role (or exploitative role like Nikki Minaj). She's real, don't believe she has fake boobs like so many others, and her voice is very melodic.
Although if she cleaned up her lifestyle a bit...E.G. stay away from abuser narcissists like Chris Brown and quit abusing her body with drugs that her talent will only become more evident over the years.

Taylor is that basic, annoying ass blonde chick that was in every highschool knew in high school. Constantly whining, constantly playing the victim, constantly in your face trying too hard to be your friend, constantly following someone around because she can't be on her own for five seconds. She's the one who dates your ex and claims it's no big deal, but then throws a huge fit when she sees you with hers. She dated the first guy who gave her an ounce of attention so she always walks around like a sad little bald cat because she didn't want to listen to anyone, and she got hurt. She's the one who sends nudes to three different guys, but then cries and tries to play the victim and get them all expelled or even arrested when people found out she sent nudes.
There's nothing cute about her, she isn't talented, and she's a fake hipster who hangs out with a bunch of girls that are barely 20. Maybe because the younger ones are easier to manipulate.
Notice people who are actually mature and too old for childish little games have separated themselves from her, which is why she has a music career anyway. All of her songs just talk down on other people who have "done her wrong", when it's clearly her who is the problem.

Thank god we don't hear about this puddle of goop any more.

She was famous for the Lolita look. Too bad she grew up and the perverts found her suddenly not attractive or talented. She needs to be brainwashed into doing something worthwhile. Even her children, I feel bad for. They're going to have to live in her shadow.
Britney is a mess. Let's just go with that. She's cute, but that's about all. Her singing is decent when fixed up, I guess. She uses way too much auto-tune, though.
Britney just looks tired now. She has aged beyond her years, sad to say. Drugs will do that to a person. She's finished now, but she was good in her time.

Tea Leoni looks like she had a stroke. Half of her face looks paralyzed. Also, Tea Leoni's voice sounds like she has a tracheotomy or she trying to work out a serious dump. Painful to watch act even when pretending to be Hillary Clinton ( there is another ugg-o she looks like she would have bad breath) her boyfriend Tim Daily has had way toouch botox she should gave stuck with Billy Bob Thornton the dude she cheated on duchovney with
Seriously? She was in a show that lasted only one season. Maybe it was the early 90s. She had red hair and was stunning! Her husband (or ex? ) is a different story, but in her twenties she could not be beat. She's still quite lovely.