Top 10 Most Evil People of All Time
Throughout history, there have been individuals who have committed unspeakable acts of cruelty, terror, and violence. These people have caused immeasurable harm to others and left a trail of destruction in their wake. From ruthless dictators to sadistic serial killers, the list of the most evil people of all time is a sobering reminder of the dark side of human nature.As we look back on history, it is important to remember the atrocities that have been committed and the individuals responsible for them. By studying the lives and actions of these infamous figures, we can gain a better understanding of the factors that contribute to evil and hopefully prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.
The list of the most evil people of all time is a subjective one, with many different opinions on who should be included. Some may argue that individuals who committed mass genocide, such as Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin, should be at the top of the list. Others may point to serial killers like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer, who inflicted unspeakable acts of violence on their victims.
Regardless of who makes the cut, it is clear that the actions of these individuals have had a profound impact on history and on the lives of those affected by their cruelty. In creating a list of the most evil people of all time, we pay tribute to the victims and honor their memory, while also striving to learn from the mistakes of the past.

People who like Hitler should not be thrown onto the street and shot. They should be ridiculed, yes, but also educated and given a chance to reform their views. They should be told why supporting this man is a very harmful thing.
People like you, who think others should be brutally murdered based on their viewpoints, no matter how objectively evil, do nothing to solve this. You are just as bad as the people you hate, as you take a certain group of people as a scapegoat to harm for your own sadistic pleasures. You make me physically sick by practicing the same things these monsters do.

Hitler often receives the title of "most evil," but many are unaware of just how cruel Stalin was. When you learn what happened to not only his enemies but also his own people under his rule, it makes Hitler look like an amateur.
In his early days, Hitler did achieve some good things, such as revitalizing Germany financially. It's what happened later that is truly shameful. In contrast, Stalin did nothing good for the Soviets. The country suffered throughout his entire regime and only improved after his death.
He killed, starved, and enslaved his own people, in addition to others. His death toll was higher than Hitler's by a considerable margin, outdone only by Mao. Though Mao killed more people, the atrocities were not as grotesque. Ironically, Stalin wasn't even Russian.

When people talk about evil leaders, they often think of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, or Mao Zedong. However, not many people mention Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad the Impaler or Dracula, who is easily one of the most evil rulers of all time.
His methods of execution and torture are stomach-turning. He impaled humans and animals on stakes, dismembered body parts, boiled babies in hot water, and forced their parents to eat them under threat of death. He also beheaded captured enemies during battle and skinned people alive if they displeased him.
This man, if you can even call him that, is a prime example of what not to do when leading an empire.

While I completely agree that Adolf Hitler was a very evil man, he had a multitude of disorders that influenced his thinking. He really couldn't help being born the way he was. If he weren't, he could have been one of the kindest and most positively influential people in all of history.
I voted for Osama because he had no mental disorders. He actually wanted to destroy all of the world because of his religion.
Instead of getting into too much detail about my views on the world, I'm going to end on the statement that Osama bin Laden was, in his time, the most evil man since Adolf Hitler. If you disagree, feel free to add whatever comments you wish above, because in all honesty, you are entitled to your opinions, as am I. Thank you for letting me share my thoughts on your website.

This guy is ten times more evil than Stalin and Hitler. My grandfather survived the Japanese army that invaded China but died because of Mao Zedong's so-called Great Leap Forward. He was called out to build the railway - not only him but also my oldest aunt, who was only about 14 years old. What could such a child do for such hard work? So my grandfather, in fact, did the work of two people.
Most importantly, what he was fed was of very poor quality. Thus, my grandfather became weaker and weaker. At last, he was sent back, carried by two people, because by that time he couldn't walk. After several weeks, he died.
Mao Zedong, the most evil guy, also contributed to my mother's illness. My mother suffered a lot during her childhood too! I hate the Communist Party, forever!
What's notable is that people killed by Mao Zedong actually outnumber those killed by the Japanese. So now, for me - or us - if the Japanese aren't offensive, we can be friends. However, if they again try to do what they did to China, we're sure that we can defeat them. But I, like many people, will never forgive Mao Zedong!

This is the man responsible for one of the most horrifying genocides in human history. He had no remorse or empathy for the people of Cambodia, his own people.
He commanded an entire army of soldiers to enforce his tyrannical laws and almost managed to turn Cambodia back to the Stone Age. He killed over 2 million people through brutal working conditions, mass executions, and torture.
This man is definitely worse than Hitler and deserves to be in the Top 3 on this list.
If we're basing this on the highest percentage of the country's population killed, then Pol Pot is the worst. He killed 25% of the population in Cambodia. Not only that, but he also destroyed 95% of the Buddhist temples in Cambodia. While I personally think Stalin, Hitler, and Mao (in that order) are worse, Pol Pot is also in that tier, and they're all very close. You could realistically put them in any order. Pol Pot is, for lack of a better term, one of the most "underrated" monsters of all time.

The most evil man in history was not Adolf Hitler, who orchestrated the 15 million deaths carried out by Nazi Germany. It was Heinrich Himmler. He was the head of the SS and the Gestapo (Nazi Secret Police). He orchestrated the deaths of 6 million Jews, millions of Christians, Slavs, Russians, Poles, Africans, Communists, disabled people, and other "undesirables."
The mastermind behind the Holocaust.
Maybe he doesn't deserve to be the most evil of all time, but I voted for him because he definitely deserves to be higher than George Bush and Osama bin Laden. And of course, Justin Bieber, who was put there by dumb trolls.

Genghis Khan killed roughly 40 million people, which is nearly as much as Stalin and Hitler combined. Don't forget, this was when the world's population was much smaller. How many people would he have killed if the world's population were roughly the same size as it is today?
The thought makes me shudder. I honestly don't understand how he makes it onto all these "great leaders" lists. All I see when I look at him is a ruthless, evil mass murderer.
He slaughtered tens of millions of innocents simply because he couldn't be bothered to govern them. He killed children and even babies, used gruesome torture methods (such as boiling people alive and pouring molten metal on them), and had all his grave diggers killed just to keep his burial place a secret. How is he ranked #8? He should be in the top 3. He was brutal, truly evil, and controlled a massive empire - exactly how you would describe a dark lord.

Saddam is the worst human being in the world. I can't even call him human. This man took all the young boys from families with long origins from Iran and killed them all. You can't even find where their bodies are.
He destroyed Iraq. If it weren't for his ignorance, Iraq wouldn't have become the way it is right now. And a special thanks to the United States government, who colluded with him to make Iraq a place where you can only confront fear of death.
The people of Iraq have lost all their young children. They haven't seen happiness after all the things he did. There are people who actually love him because he did good things for his people, not for the entire country. He took all the young people who didn't even know what was going on and cut their heads off in the streets. He is evil!

The more I read about this guy, his nepotistic son, and his murderous father, the more I despise him. This man was Hennessy's greatest customer, spending $800,000 annually while his people were starving - conditions worsened by his either foolish or deliberately malicious actions as a spoiled tyrant.
He was a eugenicist who ordered the abortion of disabled children and the children of Chinese fathers, as North Korea sought to maintain a racial monolith as part of their strange Communist-God-Emperor-NeoFascist ideology. He fathered numerous illegitimate children with women he womanized and discarded like garbage. He squandered the nation's budget turning his father and himself into false messiahs to prop up the legitimacy of their isolated regime.
Kim Jong-il also ran labor camps where arbitrary and unspeakable torture took place, often for no purpose other than extracting minimal information and using people as penal slaves. On top of this, he safeguarded his hellish, dystopian state by fully developing nuclear weapons, making it difficult for any outside power to intervene effectively.
People often underestimate the impact this man had on recent world affairs. North Korea's status as an aggressive, militaristic rogue state owes much to him. He helped create this political Frankenstein.
The Newcomers

The things this guy did are nearly incomprehensible, and he got away with it for too long.

He's the guy who killed the UnitedHealthcare CEO, Brian Thompson. I hope justice will be served. I have not seen this much coverage of a murder since the George Floyd case.

I hate how everyone goes on about Hitler and thinks he's the most evil man in history just because he started World War 2. But he thought he was doing a good thing. He's still very evil, but Ivan the Terrible is 100 times worse.
He tortured and killed men, women, and children by removing their ribs with red-hot pokers, disemboweling, boiling, frying, skinning, beheading, hanging, and strangling them. He also buried people alive and killed hundreds of thousands of people.
He beat his pregnant daughter-in-law, causing a miscarriage. When his son heard of this, he confronted him, but Ivan killed him.

This guy is pretty evil. He is a puppet of his grandfather, Kim Il-sung, and a mass puppet of his father, Kim Jong-il. He is a smelly block of cheese, agreed. He says he wants to nuke the U.S. and South Korea, but if he launched a nuke, I'm pretty sure it would go straight up, come down, then land right on his head. Dumb person who is selfish and is probably the only overweight person in his country, and I'm not joking.
It's kind of funny that he likes Swiss cheese and noodles. He has prison camps that children grow up in. All the North Koreans suffer while he lives a luxury life. He kills people for the smallest mistakes. If I were a god, I'd save the North Koreans from this overweight cheese monster.

The Butcher of Uganda is a known cannibal. He kept his victims' bodies in his fridge so he could laugh at them, executed his enemies on live TV, and dumped some of his victims into the Nile River. He ultimately killed over 500,000 people.
This guy was the worst Ugandan leader, and arguably the worst African leader in history.
Idi Amin didn't just store people's bodies and laugh at them. He tortured and killed anyone who opposed him. If his intelligence agency got a whiff of rebellion from you, they shot you and left you there.
He also buried people in mass graves after quartering them.

A complete monster who conducted horrible experiments on the prisoners of Auschwitz. He would do things like sewing twins together in an attempt to create conjoined twins and injecting chemicals into twins' eyes to see if they would change color. One of his favorite experiments involved injecting one twin with lethal chemicals or a deadly disease, killing them, before killing the second twin to compare their corpses. He also killed people with heterochromatic eyes to remove them and send them to Berlin for study.
Have you heard of The Human Centipede? The plot of that sick, twisted movie was inspired by the experiments the Nazis performed on their prisoners, and the villain in the movie was based on Mengele himself.
I can't express how much I hate this guy's guts. He should at least be in the top twenty.

He was the leader of Italy during WWII. He harbored racist views against black people and was an ally of Hitler. Additionally, he was a coward, as he couldn't fight a single battle without help from Hitler.
He was a Fascist dictator who couldn't invade a country without the assistance of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
He was evil! He held beliefs similar to Hitler's and continually committed mass genocide against black people.

Maybe he wasn't quite the most evil person the world has ever seen, but he was similar to Hitler in some ways and was the complete opposite of what a Christian should be. He went against everything Jesus stood for: he hated Jews (so he basically hated Jesus since he was a Jew), he hated gays, and everyone who disagreed with him.
He even led a protest at Matthew Shepard's funeral saying that Matthew was in hell. It's people like this guy that almost make me ashamed to call myself a Christian.

Before Hitler, King "Coverup" slaughtered ten to twenty million people in his personally owned Free State of Congo. Why? To speed up the production of natural rubber, which became a booming market with the advent of the bicycle and automobile.
It's also noteworthy that he rewarded his enforcers in a peculiar fashion - paying out bonuses for dirty deeds, evidenced by body parts.
His brand of mayhem served as the inspiration for the methods employed in the Rwandan massacre.
How is King Leopold II ranked lower than Benito Mussolini? Mussolini didn't treat Africans as horribly as Leopold II did. King Leopold ordered his henchmen to chop off the hands or genitals of Congolese slaves who didn't provide much rubber for Belgium during the 1875-1912 rubber boom.
Also, Mussolini killed 1 million people, while Leopold killed 10 million people.

He's probably the most evil, in my opinion, because of his bad decisions as president that screwed up the country and even started a war. For all the people who died in the wars that followed his rash actions, American or otherwise, I stand by you.
I also think it was extremely disgusting to put Justin Bieber on the top evil people list. I could see putting him on the worst musicians of all time, but evil? Seriously? Whoever posted that needs to get themselves checked out, because putting a teenage pop star next to Hitler is inexplicable.

He poisoned his step-brother Britannicus with wine laced with poison, killed his mother Agrippina, had his first wife beheaded, kicked his second wife to death in a fit of rage while she was pregnant, and blamed the Christians for the burning of Rome, burning them alive in retaliation. He did all kinds of horrible things. He was one of the worst emperors that Rome ever had, just as bad as his uncle Caligula.
Having Donald Trump and Justin Bieber ahead of Nero is laughable at best. Nero plotted the death of his mother, set fire to Rome, and played a lyre while it was burning. He murdered many Christians, including Paul and Simon Peter.
Many Christians referred to him as the Antichrist. A pop star and a businessman are ranked higher than an insane psychopath? And where's Caligula?

How is he not in the top ten? He killed people for no justifiable reason, catapulted infected bodies over city walls, destroyed several cities, and even instructed his men to collect the ears of corpses to confirm their deaths. Truly disturbing.
Like Genghis Khan, his existence made the world a worse place. We would have been hundreds of years ahead in progress if he had never existed.
He killed thousands of people and was one of the most feared individuals in the Roman Empire as well as the rest of the known world.

He said some bad things about illegal immigrants and Muslims. Then, he roasted Rosie O'Donnell. He insulted some politicians. He also said something about hypothetically shooting someone and not losing voters. Later, he insulted more people and claimed ownership over an African-American man by using a determiner. Then he won and did things liberals hate, like tax cuts, and not actually colluding with Russians in the elections. He insulted Kim Jong-un and started a trade war with China. Truly a despicable and evil person.

He's a very controversial figure. When he died just a few months ago, I was actually happy. This is because he was one of the main causes of Cuba's problems and why it has become so totalitarian. However, people are entitled to their own opinions about him.
I have something to say about this man. It doesn't matter if he saved Cuba. He is still a bad person. I say this even as an Asian.
An evil monster that almost no one realizes exists.

Honestly, there is little difference between Napoleon and Hitler. They both tried to conquer Europe, both failed, and both cost millions of lives in the process.
Napoleon was evil. He killed innocent people, many of whom were children who did not understand the wrongdoings of their parents.
Napoleon equals Hitler. What a hateful human being. Thankfully, he lost the war and couldn't conquer Europe.

She is known as the female version of Dracula. She had her husband build an entire tunnel underneath their castle that became her torture chambers. She and her husband would torture young girls in these chambers.
When her husband died, she became much worse. She would pour honey on the girls, letting bees eat them alive. She would throw them out until they froze. She would stick needles under their fingernails. She would bite literal chunks from these girls' faces and chests. She chopped off body parts. Rumors in town said that she was a witch and was sleeping with the devil.
Why isn't she higher on the list?

This man is incredibly evil, deriving pleasure from the suffering he inflicts, whether on children or adults. He enjoys the torture he causes to anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path.
He should be left alone in a cell with no interaction from others. Only then will he suffer, as he won't be able to feed off the mind games or torture he enjoys inflicting on others.
He has got to be the worst person that ever walked the planet!
What is with that disgusting smile and rotten teeth?
I know that both Australia, where he is from, and the Philippines, where he did what he did, do not have the death penalty, but he deserves severe punishment. That probably won't happen, but when he leaves this world and goes to hell, I will be celebrating and dancing.