room 101: school

School is very important for our education and to build a future for children. It is very good, but I hate school, as do most kids, but I don't hate it because it is boring, but for other reasons. Here are my reasons for hating school:

Imagine this: it is a beautiful day, the sun is shining brightly this is the perfect time to be ouside. You sit waiting for the bell to be outside, and by the time you do, it is raining. This is very frustrating, but another thing relating to this is your free time being taken away. It is actually my birthday today (25th February) and what better way to spend it than stuck inside a building all day! It is almost like a prison.

Next, you may have been thinking from the last one "but education is important for your future life". In the comments, please tell me when I am going to need to use algebra is a real life situation. If you can, that would be great. Every time I ask my teacher that she just tells me to shut up and do the work. Clearly, the teachers think that to, but cannot say that.

Now, they also say it is a great place to socialise. Let's see about that. Many kids say that their friends at school are their friends forever. Your school friends are just the people you get along with the most out of the small selection you get, this gives children the wrong impression of what friends should be. The kids also get bullied. Bullying is an issue, but most people overreact ant therefore the others get labelled as bullies. And people say tell teachers, but the teachers don't care.

That brings me to my next point. The dedication of the teachers. They say they are here for the safety of the children, but they just care about the pay check. They want us to get better grades, but not to help up with GCSE's or any other exams, but to make the teachers look better and for them to get a higher wage. They also have too many expectations for your work and behaviour. I also think they like to have authority over children, the only people they will ever be ranked higher than them, and they get a good feeling from this slight power they are getting. They are just very sad people who have no lives.

So overall, teachers have no dedication to their job in any way whatsoever, the things you learn are mainly pointless, the social part of it is just ridicules and you have too much expectations and pressure. So can you please write in the comments whether you agree or disagree and give reasons why. Next time on room 101: people on benefits.


Funny, I was actually reading this while listening to: Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 by Pink Floyd.

I agree... and disagree. The point of school is to prepare kids for adult life, but sometimes I feel like getting a lawyer so I can sue the teachers lazy asses. - IronSabbathPriest

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About the building thing: I think we should have recess here in high school. Sometimes I'd like a fresh breath.

Education: We need education for the future, but we won't use all of it. It's the thinking we use.

Socializing: More like "socializing". They try to get us to stop bullying, but don't put in enough effort. And when we can socialize, it's always during lunch, and you could get stuck in a linch with no friends. And in class, the teacher tells you to shut up.

Teachers: There's ripe apples and rotten apples. Some teach better than others. One of my teachers (not saying who) does a great job, and explains the lessons in a thurough manner. He even tells us what to remember and write down. He stretches our minds, also with projects, and less essays. On the other hand, another teacher of mine barely explains ecpverything, and reads what's on the board, nothing else.

Office People: They are all a bunch of d***s. They are rude. That's office people at my school in a nutshell. And lazy. - Turkeyasylum

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I'm not sure why algebra has such a negative stigma. Even the expression 2+2=4 deals with unknowns; algebra just takes it to another level.

The reason you learn algebra, trig, and other high-level math and science is to prepare you for a variety of careers. You might want to be a physiotherapist, in which case knowledge of biology is essential. Trig? Not so much. Or, you might want to be a civil engineer, in which case trigonometry is very handy, and biology unnecessary.

Do you get my drift? - PetSounds

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We all know why I hate school. - Garythesnail

bullies. - Garythesnail

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Teachers at a huge problem in the current system. We don't need to give out 20 standardized tests or piles of homework, we just need dedicated, hardworking teachers and the students will follow in success. - keycha1n

Agreed. - Turkeyasylum

Thanks for your opinion - visitor

I hate school! At my school, we have to sing loser songs in music class, math is boring, etc. why would I wanna do that? The bathrooms are also disgusting.

School is the lamest - visitor

Gemcloben said: "They say they are here for the safety of the children, but they just care about the pay check. They want us to get better grades, but not to help up with GCSE's or any other exams, but to make the teachers look better and for them to get a higher wage. They also have too many expectations for your work and behaviour. I also think they like to have authority over children, the only people they will ever be ranked higher than them, and they get a good feeling from this slight power they are getting. They are just very sad people who have no lives."


"the things you learn are mainly pointless"

Calculus. CALCULUS. Seriously, don't take this subject because you will fail it. - NuMetalManiak

I actually kinda like school. But that doesn't mean I won't have to deal with annoying classmates, standardized tests, etc. so at the same time I kinda dread school. Yes, I know education is important, but it doesn't have to be so stressful! - Pony

I hate school! And bullies. Messgae me if you wanna continue this convo - TwilightKitsune

If you are getting a job as a teacher just for the money, well, I suggest working at McDonalds more than that if you're in it for money. - Skullkid755