Top 10 Best Star Trek Ships

The Top Ten
USS Enterprise-E

I've always liked how sleek and powerful this ship looked, especially in comparison to the Enterprise-D, which never really grabbed me like the Enterprise-E and the original Enterprise (no, not the NX-01) did.

Sadly, it's also a very underutilized ship design. It should have been used more often.

The most awesome-looking ship, in my opinion. It looks the fastest, strongest, and coolest. The current flagship.

This ship is awesome and cool. It is the most recent one, chronologically from 2151 to about 2375.

USS Voyager

Home for all those brilliant episodes of Voyager. It becomes stronger over time. At the end, it is the most powerful ship in the Alpha Quadrant when it has the ablative armor from the future.

Oh, so sexy. Plus, let's not forget about what comes with the Voyager - the Delta Flyer. Technically another ship in itself, but Voyager is its mothership.

Quantum torpedoes. Ablative armor. Survived several Borg attacks. Enough said.

USS Enterprise-D

The best Enterprise there ever will be! Why else was it the highest-bid-on studio model back when they were auctioned?

The most beautiful starship in my mind. The 1701-D was sleek, elegant, and powerful. Galaxy Class Starships forever.

The crew's home for all those TNG episodes. It was very emotional when it was destroyed in the film Generations.

USS Enterprise-A

Best ship by far. E is a close second.

Improves on the great TV series Enterprise. Honorable mention: Enterprise-C, Enterprise-E.


Apart from the new USS Vengeance, this ship is one of the most threatening and awesome in Star Trek's universe! It's huge, with advanced weaponry, cloaking abilities, impressive speed, and an awesome look. It has a hangar with many little battle shuttles, and let's not forget, a super-deadly weapon capable of eliminating all life on one planet.

How can this ship, biases aside, not be the greatest in Star Trek history?

Shinzon's ship in Nemesis. This ship is awesome. It looks amazing, it's huge, and it's insanely powerful. It takes out the Enterprise-E, the Federation's flagship, with ease.

USS Defiant

Still the best. The Enterprise-E is second best. Both are made for serious encounters, not a Love Boat in space.

I love it every time it comes on screen.

Cool ship. Also, it's the best Trek series. It brought a sense of darkness and intricacy that Trek needed, not that any of the series were bad in any way.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

Iconic, and even grander in the films. I couldn't care less about quantum torpedo power, etc., when ranking my favorite ships.

This was the ship that brought the franchise in and had a cool look for its decade.

Uh, no. 8?! No, this is THE FIRST Enterprise EVER. Why is this at number 8?! It should be number 1. It's better than the Enterprise-D.

USS Enterprise-C

Best mix of all worlds. Classic lines of the old with some of the power of the new.

Nice ship with clean lines. They don't make them like this anymore.

Beautiful ship, very pretty.

USS Enterprise-F

The Enterprise is by far the most powerful. If I hear one more moron say the Defiant is better because of the quantum torpedoes and pulsar phasers, I am going to scream. The Defiant is powerful, but the energy output of the shields alone cannot take anywhere near the punishment of the Enterprise E and F, nor that of the Prometheus.

Enterprise (NX-01)

It has a futuristic design but reminds me of a modern steel naval vessel. It took a pounding far greater than any other vessel in Star Trek. The NX-01 fought the Klingons and the Borg, not to mention being alone in the Delphic Expanse, fighting the technologically superior Xindi without shields.

This was by far the toughest ship ever seen in the Star Trek universe.

Cool because it's the first. Very sleek, and as time progresses, the crew does a lot of retrofits. My favorite is those badass phase cannons.

And T'Pol is the sexiest Vulcan ever.

The Newcomers

? V'ger

It could dematerialize matter and destroy any planet with little effort. Definitely the most powerful ship in the Star Trek universe.

? USS Enterprise-J

Big, intimidating... The newest starship to bear the name "Enterprise."

The Contenders
Borg Cube 3

Both logical and mechanical. This basically defines the Borg.

USS Reliant

If there was ever a "badass" Federation ship, it's the Reliant from Wrath of Khan. The nacelles and saucer hanging down like that? Sweet.

The Shenzhou reminds me of it a little (also kind of badass).

USS Stargazer
D'deridex-class Warbird

The D'Deridex Warbird is a perfect blend of elegance and power. Its smooth lines and massive shape obscure perhaps the most powerful non-Borg vessel in the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

The fact that it can cloak only makes it that much cooler.


Sleek, sexy, and armed to the teeth, the Akira-class heavy escort will make any attacker doubt their decision. Its redundant engineering systems and numerous torpedo bays allow this starship to stay in the fight longer than other comparable classes.

It looks cool as heck too.

A cool, tough little ship. Easily one of the best-looking, and pretty powerful too, since it fought in the Dominion War.

USS Enterprise-G
Klingon Bird-of-Prey
USS Vengeance

This ship deserves to be in the top ten because it represents the overwhelming power of ambition. It is built solely for combat and can be operated by a minimum of ONE CREW MEMBER if necessary.

That's pretty damn badass!

D5-class Battle Cruiser
Cardassian Galor-class
Cardassian Keldon-class
USS Enterprise-B

The USS Enterprise-B was an Excelsior-class refit. An absolutely beautiful ship from nearly every angle.

It can be seen in Star Trek VII: Generations.

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