Top 10 The Best Suite Life On Deck Episodes
If you grew up watching Suite Life on Deck, you already know how fun, hilarious, and sometimes surprisingly heartfelt it could be. Following the adventures of Zack, Cody, London, Bailey, and the rest of the gang as they sailed around the world on the SS Tipton was a wild ride. The show had everything: over-the-top comedy, quirky new characters, and moments that pulled on your heartstrings when you least expected it.This episode was very funny. I have never seen an episode as funny as this, not even in the original series. Keep doing episodes like this, and Suite Life on Deck will be the best.
It's funny when Bailey spills hot chocolate on Zack's head, and he screams when Bailey tells him that his mascara is running!
This is by far the funniest episode of the series. The jokes are laugh-out-loud funny. A well-deserved number one.
Best Moment: Every single second
It's one of the best one-hour episodes in The Suite Life on Deck series. It's also funny the way Cody tries to get Bailey back with his funny ways, like the edible bark and the giant wings.
One of the funniest in the series. Definitely my favorite! The funniest part was when Cody's sand bed was destroyed by the waves and when he got caught in his own trap.
I love that episode so much, and I love to watch it many, many times. I hope everyone enjoys that episode. But in this episode, I miss Maddie. I also love that character.
This episode was great, even though it was super sad! The Zack and Maya breakup, leaving the ship for the last time, and Cody not getting into Yale even though he deserved it more than anyone else were all heartbreaking. I guess they didn't have a Suite Life on College series because the twins have been on Disney for about six years. Anyway, this was one of the best episodes ever!
When I watched it, it made me cry. I watched every episode, and I am willing to watch them over and over again until I know every word of every episode.
This was my favorite episode because it broke my heart. The episodes were ending, and it was such a good graduation. I am going to miss all of them.
Break Up in Paris was definitely the best episode of the whole series. It had a great and lethal combination of the comedy Woody, Zack, and London bring in while Cody and Bailey are having this love disaster. I can't believe there are no other comments. I'm a huge Cailey fan and hated seeing them break up, but I had to watch this episode over five times to finally get enough of it.
I thought this was going to be another "special," but I was sorely mistaken. I loved it.
Cody and Bailey break up in this one.
The story of Cody trying to get Bailey is simply perfect. Season 1 is a masterpiece of romance and comedy.
This episode is so endearing! I love how it has science, and Cody tries to use it to get Bailey 87 times!
I love this episode! I know it's only the first episode and is just the beginning of many adventures to come. But it shows where they were and how everything started. It's just a funny episode.
It's really funny! I love Hansel and Gretel and also Snow White! It's hilarious! They made it really interesting and good! I also like that it's all a dream at the end and that they all fall asleep at the end!
This is by far the best one. I love it when Bailey sprays Cody with the pepper spray. That must have been one of the funniest things I've seen in my entire life.
I think that this episode is the best. It is so funny! I love it (and Zack and Cody!). I love the characters. They are awesome!
It's funny when Zack is a clown and hits Woody on the arm, leading to a fight where Zack goes around with the little hammer trying to hit people. Also, when they discuss how many children they want, and Woody says none, Marcus is like, I love you, too, Dad!
I love this episode! Everything is so well set, and it's just so amusing! I loved London and Zack together! I miss this show so much!
I disagree that this episode is the best, but I strongly agree that this is one of the best episodes Suite Life on Deck made.
This episode was really cool! I loved how Zack was afraid of a ghost!
The Newcomers
I love the part when Mr. Moseby asks London who she would like to have for dinner, and she says no one because she thinks eating people is wrong.
I think that this episode was one of the best in the series, and it should be high on the list. Maddie was such a good character and fun to watch. I tried giving Bailey a go, but I could never get myself to like her much.
"Ooh... I may've used that subsection to wipe my subsection." Laugh out loud.
Jordin Sparks can sing really well, and when she said Mr. Mosby was meaner than Simon, I busted out laughing. And London's apprentice was stupid!
I don't know why I like this episode so much, but I just can't get enough of it! It's super funny, and there were times when I just couldn't stop laughing (although that happens in almost every episode). It was really funny in the beginning when Cody and Bailey saw each other, especially the part where Cody tried to rap. According to me, this is one of the best Suite Life on Deck episodes!
Wow, one of my favorite episodes! I love how Zack matures after being a player and how his and Maya's relationship develops afterwards.
Hilarious! London gets a "twin" and gets with Zack. Cody hooks up with Woody's sister.
This episode is very funny, with a great plot twist. Zack and Cody playing their ancestors is entertaining, and Mr. Moseby and Marcus' situation of trying to get a new screw is hilarious. It's one of the better episodes where they stop in another country.
The episode is iconic due to the fact that Cody and Bailey get back together! We get to meet Bailey's parents and see her hometown. Also, we finally meet London's dad.
It's so hilarious, especially the part where London was talking really weirdly, then stapled Mr. Moseby's tie to the board. Then everyone inside hurried over, turned everything around, and Mr. Moseby came in when everyone was sitting down looking so good.
The fear of bananas is so funny that I laughed through the whole episode. There are good touching moments and lessons between Zack and Cody, Woody and Addison. Also, London's hidden talent for calligraphy is amazing.
This episode was my favorite. I liked the part when Cody dressed up like a girl because Bailey quit, and he had to shake his pom-poms. I laughed the whole time.