Top 10 Worst Things About Dragon Ball GT

I love Dragon Ball GT. I don't know why a lot of fans hate it so much. Of course, it's not as good as DBZ, but DBGT is still brilliant.

I consider it canon, even though it wasn't completely made by Akira Toriyama like DB and DBZ were. I particularly love Super Saiyan 4, the way they combined the Super Saiyan form with the original, monkey-like origins of the Saiyans and the Great Ape form is very clever and awesome.

However, despite all these things, there are still some silly parts in GT, and this list shows them.
The Top Ten
Some characters hardly making appearances

In addition to Krillin and Piccolo, many original Dragon Ball characters only make cameos, like Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Puar, Oolong, and Roshi. They were some of my favorites, and it's sad that they were phased out.

I agree with this totally. It was GT = Goku Time.

Gohan no longer being Mystic

Look, guys, Gohan doesn't need to be the strongest, but he's one of the most badass characters of DBZ. They can't just make him nothing... it's unfair. I believe GT was the worst thing that ever happened - or will happen - to the DBZ series.

Say what you want about him in Super, at least Gohan still did something, even if it was just in the final arc. In GT, if your name isn't Goku, you're pretty much treated as fodder.

Poor storyline

I feel that Dragon Ball Z's story is well-written, but Dragon Ball GT is not really intelligent because it is marketed toward kids who don't care about a good story, only epic fighting scenes.

No matter what people say, the story is terrible. Watch anime that is well-written like The Last Airbender or Attack on Titan.

It is full of bad writing and Deus Ex Machina.

The storyline concept is not that bad, but the way they played it out is!

The characters being so weak
Goku being massively overpowered

GT made Goku's power messed up. Super Saiyan is now a power-up instead of a transformation, yet Super Saiyan 3 remains hard to maintain without a tail. The only thing that is a true transformation is Super Saiyan 4.

But Goku isn't the only overpowered character. Look at Pan and Trunks! They should not be on par with him!

Of course, Goku in GT is much stronger than he was in Z because he's had so much more training, but even still, he shouldn't be that strong in his base form.

Yes, Goku gained massive power during GT. This might be because he trained so much right after DBS and DBZ, just like Android 17 and Frieza from DBS.

Super 17's insane power

This is by far the most ridiculous thing. Even if their power levels were multiplied a hundred times, how do two Android 17s equate to a being as strong as Super Saiyan 4 Goku? That's just absurd. Super 17 shouldn't be anywhere near that strong.

Anyway, Android 17 was defeated by Cell in his imperfect form. Even I don't understand why they overpowered him so much to make him the mightiest villain ever. His power level is supposedly as high as 100 trillion.

Super 17's power was multiplied immensely after SSJ4 Goku launched a full-powered Kamehameha at him. It makes sense.

Vegeta's daughter (Bulla)

It's actually kind of sad what was done with this character. If she inherited Saiyan strength and her mother's technological savvy, you'd think she could be a pretty cool character. Instead, she was dressed in an age-inappropriate outfit that looks like it was designed with fan service in mind and doesn't seem to have any interests but shopping (which, in this series, seemed to be the default interest for any female character to whom the writers couldn't be bothered giving more development, as that was all Android 18 and Marron were interested in, too).

Very childish fights

The fights in DBZ are usually fast-paced, keeping you on the edge of your seat, but in Dragon Ball GT they are slow, uninteresting, and predictable.

The comparison between the fights in DBZ and DBGT shows that GT's fights were the worst. Even fearsome enemies were destroyed with one shot, while in DBZ it took at least 15 to 20 episodes to finish completely.

Piccolo and Krillin not appearing

The two most important supporting characters in the whole series were reduced to nothing? DBGT is not Dragon Ball, it's just a spin-off. A very bad spin-off, by the way.

Goten being pathetic

Goten, being the youngest Saiyan to obtain Super Saiyan, had so much potential to be a really important character, but he was just thrown away.

Really, Goten? You were an SSJ when you were like... 7. You had so much potential!

My favorite DBZ character has gone way down. What has happened to you, Goten?

The Newcomers

? Krillin and Android 18

17 is my favorite Dragon Ball character (mostly because of GT and Super), but 18 and Krillin are two of my favorites too. I felt so bad when 17 clapped both of them because he killed Krillin in front of 18.

? Chi-Chi Chi-Chi is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
The Contenders
Pan Pan (パン, Pan) is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. She is the granddaughter of Earth's savior, Goku and the world champion, Mr. Satan. Pan's heritage is primarily Earthling, being the offspring of the Saiyan-Earthling hybrid Gohan and the Earthling... read more

Pan was such a useless, unnecessary character who did nothing but complain at everybody and acted like a spoiled brat. She bullied Giru through the whole search for the Dragon Balls, and without his plan, they would have never found out about Baby.

This character was a waste of time and should have stayed out of GT. It was bad enough that we had Chi-Chi and Bulma, who were annoying, and then they had to add Pan. The only time I enjoyed seeing this character was when she was getting defeated.

What they should have done was make Vegeta, Goku, Piccolo, and Krillin go search for the Dragon Balls. Think of all the great fights that could have happened! The laughter we would have had with Vegeta and Goku - the way they don't get along, like when they were both in Buu's stomach. That would have been great.

Many things about GT were disappointing. The creators pulled nonsense out of nowhere and expected us to go along with it, but Pan as a character was the worst of it all.

Characters escaping from Hell and being put back in the same day

How is it that some of the enemies that took Goku and Vegeta entire episodes to defeat were beaten in one afternoon?

If Goku can handle Rildo in just Super Saiyan, then Gohan shouldn't have had trouble at all.

K, really? Think about how hard it was to kill these enemies, and they kill them all again in ONE afternoon.

Gohan, Goten, and Trunks being so weak

The whole thing focuses on Goku. What happened to everyone else?

Pan is almost always a useless character, yet she gets to be the sidekick. I wish Goku's children and Trunks held onto the spotlight. Also, Pan seems to like Goku better than her dad!

The only really important thing they did was give SSJ4 Goku extra strength so he could beat Baby Vegeta.

Vegeta being weak during his spotlight with Super Android 17

This scene just proves the point that every single character, including the second-strongest protagonist, is pushed to the side in GT so Goku can beat them.

Gohan being a scholar instead of a fighter
No fusions
Piccolo's death

I mean, really! It was very unfair that only he died. I'm sure if Pan had died, no one would care... but I know there are some Pan fans, so maybe ALL the Z fighters could have lived.

You gotta feel bad for Gohan too... and I could just go on forever.

One by one, the characters die for good. I don't remember Krillin ever coming back after Super 17 killed him. Super 17 killing him was random and unnecessary. What exactly did that have to do with the plot again?

However, Piccolo's death was just plain detestable.

This was just wrong because not only do they kill him off, he has to spend eternity in hell.

Gotenks not appearing
Goku becoming an adult in SSJ4 form

It was a bad and unnecessary plot point for him to be an adult in SSJ4. And yes, they definitely ran out of ideas that made sense.

Did the producers run out of ideas?

Everyone except Goku being useless

For about 3/4 of the series, the only one who was actually relevant and could take on the main bad guy was Goku, until Vegeta came in the last few episodes to be slightly relevant, only to get his ass kicked by Omega.

I get that Goku is the main character, but why is every other character pushed to the side in every battle?

Goku being a midget
Uub's power level

Personally, this is what ticks me off the most. Goku basically ditched his family and friends to train Uub for ten years. Uub doesn't even really fight until about episode 30. Even then, after all of the training he did with Goku - who, as said earlier, ditched everyone he knew specifically to train Uub - and after merging with Majin Buu, he is still pathetic. They used Uub terribly when, really, they could've made him the one to defeat Baby or given him a more important place in GT than this.

Goku transforming into a kid
Vegeta's easily gained power
Fewer episodes than Dragon Ball Z

I think this is the worst thing.

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