Top 10 Animals with Sexual Dimorphism
Sexual dimorphism is the condition where there is a dramatic difference between sexes, such as color, size, ornamentation, shape, or behavior.Sometimes, males and females look so different that you might mistake them for different species.
Usually, males appear more spectacular than females because, in the competition for mates, females prefer bigger and more elaborate males. They tend to select against males that are dull in color.
In human society, things are somewhat inverted - females often wear more colorful and ornamented clothing, along with makeup. However, males are still generally larger in size.

It's a type of Anglerfish. This is probably the most dramatic example of sexual dimorphism - males may be several orders of magnitude smaller than females. The length of females is about 30 cm (12 in), while males measure only 1.05 cm (0.41 in). Males attach to females near the vent and live on them parasitically.
In the lower image, the arrow points to the tiny male, and the small letters read "parasitic male". You can see the proportion.

This is the male (in the image). Females lack the prominent tail and have a subdued brown coloration. Nonetheless, females are still very beautiful birds.

What you see in the image is the male. Females are much smaller and lack the ornamental crests, wattles, and long tails of males. Females display dull colors and resemble ordinary beige farm chickens.

You see the male in the image. Females do not have the prominent bushy mane.

It's a male in the image here. The male is much larger and appears more bizarre. He has two inflatable gular sacs that he uses to attract mates by inflating them.

Only females are bloodsuckers. Males are not and follow a different diet. Females have specialized blood-sucking mouthparts.

Again, this is the male you see. Females do not have this rich coloration and differ in shape because they lack a crest and have a more ordinary bird tail.

Males have a distinctive red gular pouch (also known as a throat pouch) - it's an area of featherless skin on the neck. Males inflate this pouch into a huge red balloon during the breeding season to attract females.

I am almost sure it's a female in the image. Male orangutans have enlarged cheek flaps and a throat pouch. More dominant males exhibit larger flaps.

In the image, you see (from left to right): female, male. There is a big difference.
The Newcomers

Male guppies are adorned with colorful spots and ornamentation, while females are grey. In the image here, the upper fish is the male. The other two are females.

This is the male - it has a green head. Females do not have the striking green coloration.

This is a male (in the image). The female Mandrill is much smaller and lacks the bright exotic coloring.

Green Anole, also known as Carolina anole, is a lizard species. Male anoles (shown in the image) have a retractable gular fold used to attract mates.

Males are "more yellow" than females.