Top 10 Worst Animals in the World
Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance to us, they also spread diseases and kill us. They make high-pitched whining noises that give you the same chills that nails on a chalkboard would when they fly around your ear, and they fly away when you try to kill them. They think that after everything they've done to the human species, they still have the right to live in our houses, forcing us to go to bed in fear of getting bitten.
You think humans are the worst? Well, I think you've forgotten about mosquitoes. At least some humans are nice and friendly and want to help the environment, but nearly all mosquitoes (specifically female mosquitoes) are true killers that have killed more humans than humans have killed humans. Also, they're everywhere on Earth and are annoying as heck.
Since we're so intelligent compared to other species, we take it for granted. But in the grand scheme of things, there is very little we truly understand. We are far from the most intelligent organism that could exist.
I feel like the reason this list exists is purely to highlight the killers of humans and humans themselves. The human way of life is what's wrong. We fight with ourselves, not for survival, but because of conflicts. We kill each other for reasons more ridiculous than those of other animals.
Some of us treat other animals as lower beings and refuse to consider ourselves the same. What does life revolve around? Us! The reason many other animals still thrive is because of us. That may sound like it makes humans good, but frankly, that's not true. It makes the people who do it good, but makes the species as a whole worse. They survive because we pity or care for them. It makes no difference but morally, they should be allowed to survive because they're adapted to do so, not because we didn't destroy their homes.
The worst thing is that you can't even blame humans, but rather the race itself. We are adapted to live in environments that are adapted for us and a select few other animals. You could hate yourself every day, but there's nothing you can do about it. You are a human, the animal that pollutes the earth more than necessary, kills other animals, and treats others of its kind badly too. There's nothing that could change that. Even if every human was a good person, humans would still be the worst animal.
Ahh, flies, the creature that serves one purpose in life... to make life worse for those around them! Like, really, what is the point of them? They're gross, they contaminate, and they don't even serve as food for most creatures. Sure, frogs need them, but they can just eat other insects.
Flies do nothing but fly and make an annoying sound. Why can't they just leave us alone! All their babies are disgusting.
Flies are annoying and gross. They get into your food and make it all yucky. They fly around animal droppings and make annoying noises. Watching them fly around is bad enough. I'd be surprised if anybody likes flies.
Only good for medical purposes. Otherwise, they are disgusting and terrifying. Who wants to find a leech on their body? Nobody.
Not all leeches are harmful. Maybe some leeches are bad, but in some cases, they use them for their medicinal properties, as they suck the bad blood that causes diseases.
What if you were a leech? They have to eat to survive because if they didn't eat, they'd die. I mean, you'd think that's good, but not if you were a leech.
Hyenas are lazy cowards. They steal from other predators because they're too lazy to hunt themselves, always aiming for the babies because they're too scared to go for the mother or herd. They eat prey alive, causing extreme pain. Their laugh sounds like the devil choking. They're the ugliest animal on earth.
Sisters kill their sisters and bully their brothers as babies. If it weren't for their bite force, they'd be the worst predator on earth because they're so small and useless.
These animals are nasty, filthy vermin. I absolutely despise them. They eat animals alive, steal from other predators, always attack baby animals, and have a disgusting laugh that sounds like the devil choking.
Termites suck. Pigs are on this list, and they don't suck. They're amazing, as are rabbits. I hate whoever put rabbits on the list.
A swarm of angry termites can destroy a tree within 20 seconds. I wonder how long it takes for them to destroy a wooden house...
Let's look at wasps versus bees.
Bees pollinate and help the environment. They help food grow and make honey. And we wouldn't have the bee movie memes without them.
Wasps are just pests. They don't help the environment or anything. They don't make memes and they serve no purpose on the planet. They're just useless compared to bees.
I remember getting stung by a wasp when I was about 4 (which was in 2012). I was at a car boot sale and my dad got some sweets. I ate them, and suddenly, a wasp came and stung me! I was crying. That's why I hate wasps so much.
The absolute worst. Be careful when walking in the forest. Always wear clothes that cover your arms and legs. Ticks can give you diseases that could kill you.
Foul creatures. They spread disease, and few animals eat them. They are parasites that are stressful to remove from an irritated dog. Truly disgusting to look at.
Ticks are the worst. (Hyperbole, of course, mosquitoes are worse). But it is terrifying to see you have one attached to you. And they can dig in and get stuck there!? No, goodbye. I am leaving Earth. Does anybody have a spaceship?
If they are like foxes, they do suck. Jackals aren't even well-known. I couldn't find any other animal here to put on the list, so here you go.
I know, right? Jackals are terrible. They're stupid, and whoever likes them is an idiot. They always go for the baby animal instead of the adult because they're too weak and they're too much of cowards.
Jackals are one of my least favorite animals of all time. I absolutely despise them and would hunt them without hesitation. They're nasty, useless animals.
I've gotten them twice before. Once, it affected my family. The second time, I got them out secretly somehow. They just disappeared after combing for a couple of weeks.
They just decide to go have babies on your head and don't leave unless you get them out.
UGH. I had such a traumatizing experience with them. Hate lice.
The Newcomers
How are monkeys worse than rats? These rodents do nothing but spread disease. They were responsible for the Black Plague and they disgust me. Their smaller counterparts, mice, are better. Worst animal ever.
Those guys are disgusting. While the nice animals become extinct, they grow much more. They exist in sewers and go anywhere. They are such disgusting creatures.
The only reason they spread disease is because of their fur. They had no actual intention. On the other hand, humans use lab rats and ruin their lives.
Honestly, I hate them more than almost everything on the list. They get on your animals, and if they get on you, it is even worse. Can you avoid mosquitoes by not going outside? Almost, they can't get you inside, but you are going to have to go out of the house sometimes.
Can you avoid fleas? Probably not, they are inside your house and if you don't spend a ton of money trying to kill them, then you will be stuck with them for a while.
I'm noticing a lot of bugs on this list. Fleas are here for kind of the same main reason as mosquitoes. They suck blood and spread diseases.
Bugs stopping my sleep. But they are an animal that wants to sleep with me in one bed, so one point for redemption.
I've always been scared that these guys will end up in my bed.
Monkeys, anacondas, jackals, hyenas, pigs, and more are ranked higher than cockroaches on this list! What!? I have no hope for humanity anymore. Weird world we live in...
Even though cockroaches are harmless, they are so nasty. They are always crawling around your home or garage and will never truly leave.
This must've been no. 1. It's disgusting, annoying, and creepy. It's everywhere. I hate those pests.
I believe in respect and love for all animals, other than obvious vermin like bed bugs, and the Macaque monkey. They look like a cross between a human and a rat!
Let's sing the I Hate Monkeys song!
Curious George, Curious George, I want to throw you in a gorge.
Diddy Kong, Diddy Kong, iconic, but been around for far too long.
Boots, Boots, I want to steal your loot. But I can't promise I won't shoot.
I hate monkeys, I hate them. Stupid little troublemakers who sit in a tree.
I HATE monkeys. They look just so gross.
Seriously, people hate cats more than centipedes? Okay, let's throw a bunch of centipedes on the people who voted that cats were the worst.
They're terrifying creatures. Similar to tapeworms, if you accidentally eat one, then it's stuck in your body. I just can't imagine having a 20-footed creature crawling around in my body.
Ugh, I cringe whenever I see one. I love all kinds of animals, but ones like centipedes and millipedes disgust me.
I don't want to see this. Like seriously, they may seem harmless, but they do something to your body. (At least I think so.) Worms are my least favorite living thing. I hate them, and maggots are basically worms!
Normal worms do give life to plants, so I say they should exist (if they actually give life to plants, otherwise, I wish they didn't exist), but not maggots!
I don't like maggots because they are so slimy and wormy, and I don't like worms at all. They are helpful but disgusting.
Anacondas are extremely vicious and aggressive. They strangle you to death, which has to be the most painful form of death in existence.
However, they are only found in rainforests, so the majority of the human population is safe.
I don't like snakes because they can crawl wherever they want, but I especially hate the venomous ones.
If this animal didn't exist, the song Anaconda wouldn't be a song. Dang, I wish this weren't an animal.
Another kind of worm. Seriously, they are so disgusting! I do say they should exist because they give life to plants, but I never want to see one.
I wish plants didn't need worms. I also don't exactly know if they actually need worms. If they don't, I wish they didn't exist. Sorry worms, but I just hate you. So sorry.
Tapeworms are vile, disgusting, and deserve to burn in hell. They are probably the most filthy degenerates out of all the animals and are literally parasites that grow inside people. And people think naked mole rats are worse, wow.
They're scary and they need to die. They are useless and have no purpose in this world. They are evil and I hate them so much.
Hornets should be exterminated. Everything has its place in nature, but these things are just the worst.
I don't like them. How could anyone put pandas, polar bears, cats, and dogs on this list?! They're awesome!
I do not know why people seem to like foxes. I mean, they are just stupid animals that don't care about hurting wildlife. They suck. They are as stupid as cats are.
Not only are they an invasive species, but they also kill and eat your babies, and spread rabies, among other things.
Gets my vote. I hate it when people say their underrated when their really overrated. I hate it when mice fanboys say that either cats or dogs just because they eat mice. I hate it when the fanboys say "ewww" at cats and dogs. I hate it when people defend mice. I hate it when a mice bites me. I hate it when people call me evil just because I hate 1 animal. I hate it when mice make those little obnoxious squeaking noises. I hate their looks. I hate it when a mouse tries to climb up my feet. I hate it when Squeakers (mouse fanboys/girls) hit cats and dogs just for the sake of it. I hate it when squeakers attack me for not liking this so called "animal" I can't even consider these pests an animal, because they aren't animals. they're just waiting for cats to be extinct so they can rule the entire world. let me say this, Squeakers. A world that had world peace all because of mice saving the day, is a world I would hate to live in. I would move to a different planet if mice took over the world. Luckily, that's never gonna happen because us humans have these awesome things called mouse traps (their literally one of the best things you could buy, I'm not even joking when I say that) if you don't know what they are, their basically things that kill mice. yeah I just like them because of that reason. I think they deserve to be at the top of the list more than anything else!
They eat baby antelopes and sheep alive in front of their helpless and crying mothers.
Wolves. The animal itself is okay, but it's just so overrated! All the little 5-year-old fans are just so annoying! They have wolves as profile pictures and are just obsessed!
I mean, really, what's so special about wolves anyway? It just makes me want to smash my computer as if it was the fanbase's face! Everyone has opinions, and if I say I hate wolves, then they start swirling a tornado of hatred! The dumb fans of this overrated animal can't even take opinions! That's how bad they are!
I hate wolves, not because of wolfaboos, but because of them, just them. This animal never actually "saved" Yellowstone National Park. Honestly, they were removed because they were an invasive species. When they brought them back, sure, they kept the elk population down, but now they're pretty much eating everything and anything they want there.
If they were to die out, it wouldn't be a problem. There would be an increase in hoofed animal population, but we could always introduce new species such as coyotes, bears, or even mountain lions.
I can't believe I had to add this myself. These stupid things kill cats and dogs, and when they kill farmers' sheep, they don't even eat them. Worst animal ever, along with hippos and eagles in my opinion.
They are related to wolves. What do you expect? Coyotes just do the same as wolves, like they are trying to be the same. Wolves suck too, but a bit more than coyotes.