Top 10 Bad Traits of Millennials

A millennial is someone born from 1980 thru 2000, like myself. Typically, people in their late teens and 20's and probably a significant portion of this site's readership.

I'm not here to bash millennials. I made another list about the 10 positive traits of millennials. But this list is where we can talk about the downsides and the things that our generation can work on. Whether we like it or not, reality is reality.

Now, this list is NOT A GENERALIZATION. These a traits that millennials on average have, but it does not mean all millennials have them or even most. For example, if 22% of Gen X'ers were ____ in their 20's and 30% of millennials are ____ in their 20's now, then that means that while not all millennials are ___, millennials are on average more ____.
The Top Ten
1 Are phone and internet zombies

Don't answer calls and don't listen to recorded messages. If (big IF) they call back, they'll make you repeat the message you just left for them.

Millennials are hovering around their technology 24/7 and are often oblivious to the world around them.

Look around you. They're not. I'm surprised there aren't more accidents.

2 Risk averse

As said in the positives, millennials are risk-averse, and that prevents them from snorting bags of heroin and such. But risk aversion is also paralyzing in that if we stay in our bubble constantly and never step out of it, we'll also miss out on good things.

If they confront an obstacle, they just ignore the challenge and go in another direction.

3 Less social

Or maybe it's not phones. It's being introverted because of others being rude or just liking being alone. And if writing letters is communication, then texting is communication, boomer.

Due to increased technology, we spend more time with our e-buddies than real-life friends.

4 They won't do anything without a guarantee

It's true that you need to have a certain skepticism, one that stops you from staying at a job in which the employer doesn't pay you for months on end. However, it's also true that we don't like doing anything unless we know what we're going to get out of it. But that's bad.

Lots of the best things happen because of stuff we do when we're unsure of the results. By abstaining, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to discover.

5 Lack persistence

When a problem arises, many millennials lack the work ethic to keep pushing onward.

6 They're broke with expensive tastes

I have two millennial kids, so I also coach and have experience with this age group. They speak too much before they think or do research. They do not listen to facts or experience because they know it all and are closed-minded. They follow people whom they believe are right, despite being wrong. This is based on the "majority" of millennials, not all.

Between our parents telling us as kids that the world is rich with opportunity and videos on Instagram with jewelry, private boats, Louis Vuitton, etc., we thought there would be lots of wealth ahead. Until the recession happened.

7 Think they know how to run the world

I guess this is true with every generation. We're all arrogant in youth.

Every younger generation lacks wisdom.

Compromise is a vague concept.

8 Self-Entitlement

They seem highly entitled to give their opinion, advice, or counsel, get what they want, be in control (even of parents), be the center of attention, and talk down to others, but... will not allow those same "rights" to others. They are easily offended if YOU give them advice, your opinion, counsel, stand up for yourself, and so on. This makes them appear very selfish.

The world owes them... not the other way around!

Sorry, but the baby boomers raised us.

9 Are (to some degree) missing out in their 20s

Since millennials are living with their parents longer, we have less freedom and autonomy to be young and free.

10 Lack empathy for others

Totally true. I just left a job where I worked with a group of millennial women who regularly threw older workers under the bus just because they could. They lacked empathy and professionalism. It was like mean girl high school all over again. Millennials as a generation sadden and anger me with their cold, rude, and insensitive behaviors.

Despite being injured in the car, I got very few calls after I was injured pretty badly.

Hate to be criticized, and yet feel no remorse when damaging others.

The Contenders
11 Are sheltered from reality

Baby boomers, a generation that got into hot water for being reckless, turned into helicopter parents who protect their kids. Plus, the whole self-esteem movement and such. We're shielded from many dangers. In some ways, that's good (for example, we take bullying more seriously). At the same time, we face learned helplessness if done too much.

12 Arrogance

They take healthy self-esteem to a whole new level. This blinds them to their attitudes towards how they talk to others, in particular their elders.

Think they know better because they got a degree.

13 Are immature
14 Have unrealistic work expectations

It's good that we want to fight for more fulfilling jobs, but plain and simple, a large portion of the economy involves repetitive menial work. If we're expecting our job to be cool and exciting, we're going to be very disappointed.

Being told they can do anything.

I am a millennial, and I think I need to spend more time outside. This is why I like the older stuff better than the newer. I have a best friend, and I asked him what he thinks about the 2000s. He said they are awesome because of iPhones, iPads, and iPods. Meanwhile, I think this generation has a lot of issues.

To me, 2016 was terrible because people worldwide were absolutely stupid. Now it's almost 2017. In 2015, people were still idiots. In 2013, still dumbasses, and in 2012, people were still idiots. In my opinion, the late 90s and early 2000s, up to as late as 2005, are better than today. Although I was only 2 years old in 2005, it was before cellphones were ubiquitous.

Here is how manners have evolved over the ages: In the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, people were polite. In the 20s and 60s, they were extremely polite. They had proper manners and such. Then came the 90s, and things were not too bad. But by the early 2000s, manners had declined, though not as severely as in the 2010s. In the 2010s, if you hold the door for someone, they don't even say thank you anymore. And people are too sensitive.

15 Will not apologize

Somehow, this generation's parents never taught them how to say I'm sorry or really to recognize when they are at fault or have done something wrong. It is maddening.

Even if it's the most grievous mistake, they will not take responsibility for it.

16 They think one sociology class somehow gives them superior knowledge of the world's goings on
17 Expect immediate high earnings with little experience

I find this generation wants to be paid top dollar with little to no experience. I'm sorry, but college doesn't count. Proving yourself in a real-world setting and working hard is what really matters. Prove to your company you're worth the money.

18 Need instant gratification

They need things instantly rather than having to work for them. When they do decide to work for it, they take the easiest, most lazy route (i.e., working at a job long enough to afford it then randomly quitting). Needing constant praise is very typical in the workplace for them. If they don't like something, they would rather quit than work out a solution with HR.

19 Blames their parents for their shortcomings

No matter what happens to them in life, even if they bring it on themselves, it's always somebody else's fault, and that's usually the parents!

20 They seek attention rather than respect

They tend to demand your attention rather than earning your respect and admiration!

21 Lazy at work
22 Blame others for not doing their work

They have a tendency to completely slack on their own job. Then, when they get confronted about their lack of performance, they throw another coworker under the bus. 'It's always somebody else's fault!' seems to be a motto of theirs!

23 Live beyond their means
24 Post too many things about their kids on social media

Most millennials are parents of the current generation being born today, Generation Alpha (2012-2025). These kids are being raised entirely surrounded by technology and are growing up on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Even if this generation will most likely make technological innovations and be somewhat more socially accepting, I predict them to end up being needy, anxious, delusional, entitled, and overall a very mixed bag of a generation.

It makes sense, as they are being raised by entitled millennials, who were raised by delusional baby boomers. Alphas will continue the cycle by raising their children, Generation Gamma, to be just like them.

25 More concerned on “looking rich” rather than “being rich”
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