Top 10 Animals Who Least Deserve Their Bad Reputation
Some animals get a worse reputation than others, and for the wrong reasons, period. (such as from how they are portrayed in the media rather than the real facts about them) In my honest opinion, there are animals who don't deserve their bad reputation.
It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family. A cat can either be a house cat, a farm cat or a feral cat; the latter... read more
They are so cuddly, kind, and loyal. When I play with my cat and she carries something, she'll drop it in front of me when I get to eye level with her. It's so cute! I think it's supposed to be a gift for me.
Dogs will never be greater than the greatest animal alive! Cats catch birds and mice. They even bring you gifts. Cats are also not lazy - my cats play almost the entire day! I think dogs are way too overrated.
The cat's anger process is better: squeal, nip (just a light grasp, it should not hurt), mew, hiss, and then, very rarely, bite. I make my cats hiss all the time and they don't bite me. They don't deserve their bad reputation. I think they are one of the most underrated animals.

Humans should be nowhere near this list! They do deserve their bad reputation! They start wars, abuse, and even kill innocent animals and other people. They are also the reason half of these animals get their bad reputation because they teach them to be that way.
Pit bulls and huskies are definitely two of the most misunderstood dog breeds. People always come up with these stereotypes about them being evil when most of them are actually really sweet. If they are aggressive, it's because the owners train them that way, not because of the dogs themselves!

I have never seen the movie Anaconda, but I read some reviews, and the movie said that they could grow to be 40 feet long, at least 15 feet longer than the average length of the snake in real life! For the record, they don't intentionally regurgitate prey. After a large meal, they actually just sit and wait for the food to digest.
My dad's friend saw the movie, and it is the one reason she hates snakes. She is now afraid that my small corn snake will eat two cats. No animal should be hated because of a movie.
A lot of times, the reason people hate snakes is because of religion, how they are portrayed in fiction, or just because they're different from us. I find it ridiculous that so many people don't like them in some way or are just jumping on the bandwagon of hatred towards snakes.

There is nothing scary about sharks if you stay away from the deeper parts of the ocean. Even so, sharks are more interested in eating fish than humans. Due to their poor eyesight, they would only mistake a human for prey.
More people die from falling coconuts and even toilets than from being bitten by sharks. (Seriously, I am not making this up!)
When humans get rid of sharks, we end up having to do their job. Just like with deer, we have to kill them to keep the balance of nature. Once the sharks are gone and we don't do a good enough job, all of the algae will be eaten, and then goodbye oxygen, goodbye life as we know it.

Ruined by the mess known as the furry fandom, who see them as sex objects. They aren't sexy and are great, clever animals who can adapt to their environment. They don't deserve this awful treatment from the furries.
Some people don't want them bothering their chickens or other animals they're farming or raising.
I'm a furry, and honestly, the gross part of the fandom is disgusting. I don't see foxes as sex objects. Instead, I see them as beautiful animals.
I'm a furry, and I don't see foxes as sex symbols. I see them as beautiful, mysterious animals, but they are also adorable. I love foxes.

With the possible exception of maybe the blue jay, corvids (i.e., crows, ravens) have gotten a horrible reputation because of their looks or something else. The fact is that they can be really intelligent birds.
They're extremely smart, and yet neglected and killed!

They may look scary, but spiders don't bite unless threatened. If they bite, the poison is not that deadly, but to be sure, go to a doctor. I'm not scared of spiders. I love them so much that killing them makes me angry at the killer.
People are only scared of them because they look pretty creepy. You don't have a very high chance of being bitten unless you live in Australia.
Sometimes I get scared of them, but they are important and don't deserve all that hate.

Ruined by wolfaboos. They worship wolves to the point they'll flip on anyone who doesn't share the same opinion about wolves as them. I love wolves, but boy, I was a wolfaboo once and I regret my actions.
In fact, some people think anyone who loves wolves is a wolfaboo. I love wolves, but I know they're not perfect. They are still beautiful creatures, though.
Wolves are known as mean carnivores who eat deer and other small woodland creatures, but they are related to dogs. Dogs are man's best friend. Wolves are so awesome they don't deserve a bad reputation.

They are always seen as "monsters" by most people when the fact is that, like spiders, they eat harmful insects and aren't so bad after all. Some other bats also eat fruit.
They are so cute! I went to Mexico once and saw a few! They are cute, and Lamborghini named a car after them!
Well, they eat mosquitoes, so they really aren't so bad.

If you look at all predators, hyenas are no less violent, opportunistic, or vicious than others. A lot of carnivores and omnivores go for carcasses. There is an example of hyenas being quite placid inside one African town (I don't remember the name).
Cats should not be so high on the list, since they have been known to decimate some bird populations, such as the Stephens Island Wren.
Hyenas are actually very beneficial to the ecosystem. Most of the time, they hunt 80% of their food. It is the lions that usually scavenge kills from hyenas more often than the other way around. (No offense to lion fans.)
I don't get why the hyena should be seen as a bad guy species when, in reality, not all hyenas are bad.
The Newcomers

Blaming rats for the Black Death is unfair. In the mid-1300s, the outbreak of bubonic plague known as the Black Death killed an estimated 75 million people. Rats were initially blamed, but it was later determined that the disease was actually transmitted by the fleas of warm-blooded mammals in general, not just rats. Rats appeared responsible because they are so common, but they weren't the only culprits.
Often portrayed as the evil counterpart to mice, rats get a bad reputation. Even if an original story features a mouse villain, the adaptation changes it into a rat for the sake of the dumb and ridiculous stereotypes. For example, The Mouse King was changed to The Rat King in some versions of The Nutcracker story.
In fact, rats can actually be intelligent, adaptable, and are one of the few animals capable of showing emotion.

Mice probably have the worst reputation out of all animals. Similar to rats, they are considered ugly, scary, and disgusting creatures, while they are actually cute and pretty animals. They work perfectly as pets as well.
Most underrated animal ever.

Often negatively stereotyped with the word "pig" being an insult to people who eat a lot. What you don't know is that pigs can actually be very intelligent. The only reason they roll in the mud is to keep themselves cool since they don't sweat.
Pigs are adorable! When someone calls you that (like my brother because I'm eating a lot), just ignore them. It means that you are smart, and on the plus side, you don't get turned into bacon (no offense pigs). My birthday is coming up, so I want a pig, and I'm excited.

I'm sorry about the golf course behind your house and such. If you protect your pets and other family members from coyotes, then they won't bother you. A large or powerful guard dog can tear a coyote apart, and even horses can kick or stomp a coyote if it gets too close to them. Not all pets or domestic animals are vulnerable to the coyote threat.
Coyotes are not too different from wolves or foxes. However, unlike wolves and foxes, coyotes are still hated and seen as a threat by most people today. If you can protect your pets or children from coyotes by keeping them away from danger, then you would have no problem.

Stupid, scummy anti-American people are to blame.
The national bird of the US is a great animal and deserves a good reputation, not a bad one.
They're amazing animals. I don't get why they have a bad reputation.

Polar bears aren't scary at all. They are super adorable and only hunt for food. You should actually feel pity for them because they may die out from global warming. Shame on you!
Exactly! No animal should die from global warming! Conservation needs all the support it can get to keep animals alive.
Often seen as being scary to some, but they're endangered animals, so shooting one for fun is not right.

Bubsy's the reason. Need I say more?
I have to agree that the raven doesn't deserve its bad reputation. They're very intelligent birds.

We do not deserve it. I hate how people try to act like humans are such evil animals. If you hate humans so much, then go live in the forest with the animals. For the most part, we are amazing animals and probably the best on the planet. Sure, there are bad people in this world, but not all of us are bad.
Why aren't there evil animals? God gave us free will, so some of us are good and some are bad, but animals pretty much act like the rest of their species. God says that just one of us is worth more than a hundred sparrows. Also, why do we call something horrible inhumane? People tend to look at the bad parts of humanity, but we do a lot of good things like wildlife conservation.
Cows contribute to climate change, but do you see them trying to help reverse it? No. So please stop being an annoying, stupid traitor and learn to love yourself as a human.

Some species are endangered, people. Give the poor leopards a chance.
Why do people hate them? They're endangered. Give them a chance.

Why do brown bears even have a bad reputation? They are fun and won't attack unless you attack them or run away. If you know how to deal with the sight of a bear, you will be just fine. If you don't, that's not the bear's fault. That's your fault.