Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Review

This is a movie that has been memed on since the first trailer dropped in May 2019. It got so memed that they had to change the design. But enough about the history. This is a review of the movie. Is it a movie good in it's own right or does it deserve to continue getting memed? Let's find out.

This is spoiler free, by the way.


I'll start by giving you a basic synopsis of the plot. Sonic used to live on a planet called Green Hill Zone, based off the level used in multiple games. He was supposed to keep his powers secret, but since he loved showing off, he didn't. This causes people to want his powers and go after him. They go to Sonic and his bird bodyguard(I forgot her name)'s house. To save Sonic, she tells him he has to go to another planet and hide via gold rings. He goes to earth and manages to hide out for ten years, until one night. Since no one was there, Sonic started running the bases of a baseball field. He runs so fast that the power in the entire pacific northwest completely goes out, causing people to realize there's some weird force going around. To help them, they get the scientific genius himself, Dr. Eggman, to figure it out. Sonic eventually realizes this, and hides in a shed. The shed happens to belong to a man named Tom. Tom sees him and shoots him with a blow-dart, keeping him from leaving through a ring. Because of this, Tom caves in to helping Sonic hide from Dr. Eggman and get to another planet.

Okay, that wasn't very basic. Anyway, moving on.

The writing is spot on in this movie. Not a single moment is pointless. Okay, maybe one scene where Eggman dancing was, but that's besides the point. Every character is needed in some way of this movie, even if it's small.

With the way the story is told, it's told very well. For example, Tom has some emotional range. He doesn't automatically become friends with Sonic just because the plot demands it. He actually starts growing close to him with reasonable things, like hanging out with him and helping him. This made the moments at the end emotional, because the two of them actually had some chemistry together.

Speaking of chemistry, he also has a girlfriend named Maddie. They actually feel like a couple. At the beginning, it was acknowledged how Tom pays almost all the rent, just for her. And when Tom is known as a regular criminal later in the movie, she doesn't cave in to the police just to cover herself. She still helps him out.

The rings also serve a purpose, unlike in the series it spawned from. The rings are Sonic's means of transportation. They are the reason why Sonic needs to ally with Tom.

Besides the fake-out death, I couldn't count any cliches being used this movie. The fake-out death was probably one of the most unconvincing ones of all time, but other than that, the writing is mostly pretty original.

This movie is also really funny. The humor is just top-notch in this one. Most of the funniest moments come from Dr. Eggman roasting people. There are a lot of funny scenes that happen in the bar. I won't spoil any funny moments, but let me just say, the movie is really funny.

The writing of this movie isn't perfect, but it does it's job very well.


Let's start off with Sonic. He's the main character, so we gotta talk about him first. He's basically the same hedgehog we all know and love: a snazzy and sarcastic hedgehog with a big attitude. Although there is something new, it's a backstory of how he got to earth. No, I don't mean like the one in Sonic X, this time it's different.

Oh wait, I already told you what it is earlier. Never mind.

Then there's Dr. Eggman. He's by far the funniest part of this movie. He's a mix of funny and devious. He's goofy, but also serious about killing Sonic.I thought Obi Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Stingy in LazyTown were the best savages, but I guess I was wrong.

Then there's Tom. He's the guy who starts out questioning his life, but then realizes that where he is is the best place to be. He realizes from Sonic that job doesn't always mean anything, sometimes people do. He develops a lot over the course of the movie. And the way he stands up for Sonic at the end was so emotional.

Next there is Maddie. She didn't appear too much in the movie, but when she was there, she was a good help for Tom. She cared that much about him.

Tails is there, too, but that was just an after-credits scene, so we got almost nothing out of him.


I have to say, they are pretty good. Sonic actually looks passable. The slow-motion fits well. The blue blur looks like a blue blur. Not much to say here. They're just good.


Everything mixes well. The only problem I noticed is in the baseball scene. When Sonic threw the ball and also tried to land the base.Even though the ball landed first, Sonic acted like it was a safe. Maybe that was his decision, but it looked like an editing mistake to me. Other than that, the editing was pretty good.


It's easy to say that this movie was quite a surprise. It's not perfect, with some pointless moments and a bad fake-out death cliche, but that's redeemed by the engaging story, fun characters, and good looking aesthetic. This is definitely a must-watch for Sonic fans. Even people who don't care for Sonic can enjoy it. Heck, even people who hate Sonic can enjoy it. It's that good.

Overall Rating: 9/10(Amazing)


Good review. - visitor

Nice review. - Adrian_4