Top 10 Best Books on Hunting
This list is about books of a "how-to" nature, not fictional or anthology books about hunters or hunting experiences.Ever wanted to learn more about hunting? How about sharpening your skills when it comes to procuring your own meat or food? Hunting is an activity that has been a part of human history since we began walking upright.
I personally do not advocate for sport hunting (hunting for the sole purpose of killing or gathering a trophy). However, I do see the importance and benefits of subsistence hunting (hunting for one's own meat or food). Hunting allows a person to avoid reliance on the Industrial Meat Complex - the industry responsible for the inhumane treatment of animals, diluting the nutritional benefits of animal products, and generally contributing to poor health in the population. By hunting, you can instead provide quality nutrition for yourself.
Here are the most useful and user-friendly books on the "how-tos" of hunting.

Full of diagrams, full-color pages, tips on technique and tools, Steve Rinella gives you a perfect starting point for hunting small game like rabbits and fowl, plus recipes to follow for your newly found protein.
I mean, it's the complete guide! What else is there to say?

Steve Rinella, of the TV show MeatEater, has a personable style of presenting information to anyone willing to learn. This book will give you all the information and skills knowledge you need to start planning your next big game hunt.
Oh, another complete guide! Wow!

This is the quintessential book for anyone wanting to hunt above the tree line for big game.
If you want large animals as game, this book is a must, apparently.

Both a recounting of hunting trips and a book full of low-budget strategies for hunting on public land, Chris Eberhart recounts his tales of hunting in places few would dare to tread.

Anything and everything you ever needed to know about guns, their specifications, and how to shoot them. This book will go a long way in improving your firearm handling and usage.

From guns to bows, this book will tell you all the basic skills you need to hunt your own game and provide food for yourself and your loved ones.

Specific to bow hunting and archery, this book will help you begin or improve your hunting skills.

While not what you think of with traditional hunting, trapping is an important skill to learn when thinking of procuring your own meat.

What good is learning to shoot at an animal if you can't find them? Humans are not unique in their ability to track their prey, but it certainly helps to be one step ahead of your competitors.

There is always room for improvement when it comes to hunting. This book will help you gain valuable skills or just improve on those you already have.