Top 10 Most Satisfying Deaths in Warrior Cats
Have you ever been so frustrated with a character in the Warrior Cats series that you couldn't wait for them to finally get what they deserved? Maybe it was someone who betrayed their Clan, hurt those around them, or just caused so much chaos that you found yourself practically cheering when they met their end. The Warrior Cats series is packed with intense drama, and when a villain, traitor, or troublemaker meets their downfall, it can feel like a moment of justice for everything they've done.This list is all about those moments that made you feel a sense of relief or satisfaction - those deaths that felt like a fitting end for the character. These aren't just any deaths. They're the ones that stood out because they gave readers the closure they were waiting for.

He broke all his promises to Mapleshade. He is one of my least favorite characters. It's his fault Crookedstar had all those things done to him. Crookedstar is the descendant of Reedshine and his kits. He basically just ditched Mapleshade even though their relationship was his own fault. And I don't really get why. He should be the one in the Dark Forest.
Despite his heritage, Mapleshade treated Crookedstar almost like a son when his own mother didn't. She only made him make those promises because she didn't want him making the same mistakes she made, or want him to turn out anything like Appledusk.
It's okay if you don't like Mapleshade, but try not to judge her too unfairly. She's had a lot happen to her. If you've read Mapleshade's Vengeance and still hate her, that's your decision and I'll respect it, just respect mine in return (please!).

Brokenstar forced helpless, tiny beings into fighting each other. He killed his own father to gain power and become leader quicker. And to think, such a sweet, innocent kit turning into a murderer. How many kits did he kill? Badgerfang, Mintkit, Marigoldkit, and many others.
But it's not just that. Not only did he kill kits, he also slaughtered loyal warriors! I'm glad he won't be there to teach others his terrible ways.
Brokenstar's death was sad, but I was so happy he died (spoilers for Forest of Secrets). Yellowfang ends up killing her own son with deathberries. He had killed so many cats in the series, such as Badgerfang, kits, his own father, and other warriors. He even exiled elders during a bitter cold leaf-bare when hypothermia is FATAL for elders and kits.
He did not care at all for his kin nor his clan. Screw Brokentail/Star, he was the WORST character I've ever come across in a series I enjoy.

Ashfail is so annoying! I hate him! His death was probably the most satisfying in the series. He was a pathetic antagonist. His one and only motive was to make one girl suffer because he got obsessed with her after dating her for about two months.
Bramblestar is much better.
He's so horrible! He's a stupid character with no reason to exist and started an entire war just because he couldn't get over someone he dated for about two months. Bramblestar is much better, and Ashdung should die in a hole! I was so happy when he died (the one good deed Hollyleaf ever did). He's a pathetic antagonist, and he should've been slowly ripped to shreds by every cat in the series.
PS: Which is about 1,400+ cats.
- xX_Laurel_Xx

Guts equals a satisfying death. I also love how stunned Firestar is that the mini trash gremlin tore the buff bad guy apart.
I have to admit, Tigerstar's death did look a bit painful. So did Fireheart/star. -Spottedleaf, watching from the skies
Yes! The Clans are free!
But now that I think about it, it was kind of sad how he was killed.

FOXHEART is the most NASTY. I mean, literally, she was annoying and manipulative in Yellowfang's Secret.
Does nobody even mention her name is literally Foxheart - a warrior cat's insult? Calling someone a fox-heart means they're a traitor and a rogue. I agree.
Foxheart is the worst cat ever! She is my least favorite cat in the entire series. During Yellowfang's Secret, I had to restrain myself from ripping out any page that mentioned Foxheart. I ship Yellowfang x Raggedpelt (not -star! As leader, he somehow went through an everlasting edgy teen phase), and Foxheart kept trying to steal him!
I actually am unable to express within the limits of the English language how much hate and rage I have inside of me for this cat. Just writing this made me insanely furious.

Firestar's death is satisfying because he was a good cat. It was satisfying because he left a legacy. He was a great leader, and his death was sad but satisfying. We weren't that sad because he lived a good life and he deserved to rest.
Ah, the joy of watching Tigerstar beat him to death before a flaming tree fell on him. Now, don't get me wrong, he was an okay character. He saved Ravenpaw and Barley from the BloodClan cats and many others as well. But think about it! He was so overpowered, and anyone part of his bloodline was automatically 'special.'
He was basically the leader of SkyClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and ThunderClan! Also, StarClan relied on him the most for making the warrior cat series happen. Without him, Bramblestar would have burned to death in Rising Storm, Tigerstar would have taken control, and no good would survive. That means Firestar is basically a Gary Stu.

Slaughtering poor Whitestorm was just cruel! Plus, I loved Whitestorm. I was internally laughing when I saw him getting beat up by apprentices younger than him. But, you don't know what a hoard of babies can do to you if they're in a group.
I hate him. He killed Whitestorm. I loved it when he was killed by a swarm of apprentices. It was wonderful, just wonderful.
He just was not a good character, and I felt like Whitestorm needed to be avenged.

Her birth broke the warrior code, and she killed Ashfur in fear of him revealing the truth over her family. She lived in the tunnels for a while, before rejoining ThunderClan. Hollyleaf was slain by Hawkfrost and spent her last... read more
How is Hollyleaf only number 8?! She was a coward, a murderer, and a rule-follower. No wonder the Erins didn't make her part of the Three! She was so obsessed with the warrior code that she couldn't even see straight. Dovewing is a much better cat for the prophecy!
Once Hollyleaf learned that she was half-Clan, she tried to kill her own mother with deathberries! I mean, I would certainly be mad if I found out I was half-Clan, but I wouldn't try to kill my own mother! And at one point, she even attacked Jayfeather, which is crossing the line.
She was also a cold-hearted murderer and a hypocrite. And then she killed Ashfur - I hate him, and he did try to burn her in a fire, and he was going to reveal her secret at the Gathering, but still. It was a complete waste of his life because she just announced the truth at the Gathering anyway. Ashfur is my least favorite character, but she shouldn't have killed him if she was going to do exactly what he planned to do.
- xX_Laurel_Xx

The way she acted and behaved around Brokenkit was just cruel! He might have been slightly a better cat if only Lizardstripe hadn't influenced him to be such a rotten cat. She let her kits torment poor Brokenkit, and she mocked Yellowpaw/fang a lot. Not just that, she had two out of three kits that went to the Dark Forest. Come on.
She made Brokenstar who he was using her very own kits. She hated him from the start. Her kits said he was too smelly, so he therefore could not play with them.
She was just frustrating to read about because her attitude was always, "It's not my problem." So yes, it's decently satisfying.

Do you want to know why we hate him? Because he abuses Squirrelflight! I hate Bramble X Squirrel. Squirrelflight is just trying to be kind in Squirrelflight's Hope, but then Bramblestar yells at her! He says that because he's the leader, he should be higher in the relationship. It's not right, and Squirrelflight forgives him!
He did nothing to earn her forgiveness, but she forgave him anyway. He broke up with her when he heard that the kits were not hers. When she fostered Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf, Bramblestar told her that she was dead to him. What kind of mate does that? Squirrelflight still keeps trying, and she forgives him!
After all she's done for him, he is still abusive in the relationship. She didn't even notice he was different when he turned into the imposter because he was abusive. If you want more information, watch Bramblestar is Worse by Moonkitti or Squirrelflight and Bramblestar Should Break Up by Bright Guardian Akira. While you're at it, please subscribe. They both are great YouTubers.
The Newcomers

I forgot, did she get a death scene? Breaking up with a cat and then dating their evil father is a next level of awful that most cats do not achieve.
JUST NO. She has Thunder fall in love with her when she'd promised to Slash that she'd become his mate and rear his kits, then ditches Thunder for Thunder's mouse-hearted father, Dark-sky. She tells him that killing Rainswept Flower was the right thing to do. Go rot in DF, Star Flower, and if I hear one more "glowing golden pelt" or "beautiful, luminous green eyes," I will freak.

She is my favorite Warrior Cat, and I say this with respect to anyone who disagrees.
I liked her in the Dark Forest because she could manipulate from there and seemed happier. She arguably became more powerful after joining the Dark Forest.

She really made me mad, like she thinks she can act like watching poor less-than-a-moon-old kits drown. But on top of that, she thinks she can lie about it! Well, ha, I was super happy when you died, Freckle!
So basically: "Hey? You know what, let's go follow/watch Mapleshade and her kits cross the river. OH, she and her kits are drowning? Meh, let's just stand here and watch without even attempting anything that may help them get out of the water even if I'm not in the water myself!"
She is like, See's Mapleshade's kits drowning. Yay, I hope Mapleshade dies too! It would be awesome! Later gets killed indirectly by Mapleshade being the second cat killed on her quest for revenge. Pretty terrible.
He's not as bad as Star Flower, or Clear Sky/Skystar, but he's my third least favorite character from DotC, closely followed by Moth Flight. I liked her in her Super Edition but hated her in Squirrelflight's Hope. I mean, she was just whining about how Leafpool broke the medicine cat code during her trial. Like come on, half of the medicine cats have had kits at this point, and countless warriors have had kits with cats from other clans. This wasn't really about Tom, but it got the point across.

He abandoned Snowfur! WARNING: The following words contain spoilers from Spottedleaf's Heart and Bluestar's Prophecy. Read on if you dare.
He's like, "Boo hoo hoo. Hey, Whitekit. I'M GONNA ABANDON YOU," then he falls for an apprentice (I don't hate Spottedleaf, just saying)! And then Spottedpaw gets scared that the cat she was falling for was a villain, and she decides to become a medicine cat, leading to her death.
He was bloodthirsty and killed many cats as well. Hey! I bet you can't vote for Tigerstar, Brokenstar, and Thistleclaw in 7 seconds. Starting as soon as you finish reading!

At first, I really loved you and I was like "aww, best mother ever." But then she was like "I think you killed my kits because our leader says so even though he is a kit killer." Bright, I would understand if you knew Broken was your grandson, but you didn't know that!
After her grandson, Brokenstar, told the clan that Yellowfang had brutally slaughtered Brightflower's kits, Yellowfang had been sent to exile. Brokenstar had used Brightflower to make everyone else in the clan believe that Yellowfang was terrible. Brightflower deserves to reside in the Dark Forest.

Why does everyone love Scourge? He's the worst! And, according to everyone, he was 6.4 years old, not 6 moons. For StarClan's sake, Tinycloud of SkyClan is small, but she doesn't give birth at 6 moons, people!
He should be #3 in here. And Firestar isn't a Gary Stu! He just wants peace before the Clans brainlessly destroy each other. (Full outrage alert: I don't and won't judge you, but I am seriously angry and annoyed, so don't take it personally or hate me!) Come on, people! He saved everyone, and in return, you hate him? What if you were saving the Clans over and over again and people called you a Gary Stu, which shouldn't even be a thing?!
Phew. Back to Scourge! His death was so satisfying. You might think, Poor Tiny/Scourge! He was bullied! Well, many cats could deal with bullying, and he's weak because he turned evil. In my opinion, Scourge is the worst.
Thank you! Don't be upset. This is just my opinion. I'll respect yours, so please respect mine.

I just cannot believe that he was Bramble Star's brother, that pile of fox dung, Hawk Butt.

Yes. I will never forgive him for causing Echosong's death. I know he kind of did not, but yeah, it's still his fault.
Okay, this guy is just plain bad. He was born from a clan cat and a kitty pet. He killed himself basically.

Stupid snotty brat! She thinks she gets everything she wants since she's Crookedstar's daughter. News flash, idiot, breaking the code like that never ends well! She thought she had a magical shield around her. Turns out she didn't. Yay!
I would rate her 3/10. I mean, come on! She's such a princess. She's such a dumb cat! I mean, she (Graystripe is way dumber, though) thinks she can break the code over and over because her father is Crookedstar.
Poor Crookedstar! His daughter didn't treat him well and got herself killed, causing him more grief. Well done, Graystripe, but not in a good way. But she died giving birth to Feathertail (I don't really like Stormfur because he's a traitor, but Feathertail rocks!).
So... she's still dumb. So long, you brainless brat!
- Ravensong

The only reason I put him up here is because he taunted Raggedstar, and I really liked him. He did not want Raggedstar as a son, and I believe that was just mean.
This guy is one of the dumbest cats ever. But his death was great.

He's just so stupid. He complained because he didn't get to be leader, almost fought at a Gathering, and started WindClan Civil War I. Then he got crushed and died but still went to StarClan for some mysterious reason. Neither Onestar nor Mudclaw would've been good leaders, and I hate both of them. But still, he was a stupid cat who should die a second time.
- xX_Laurel_Xx
Did anyone really think that he was a good cat? He led an attack against his own Clan and threw a tantrum during a Gathering when Onestar became leader instead of him! So unfair! And then he acted like an innocent jerk in StarClan. He shouldn't even be in StarClan, and even StarClan thought smartly and made a tree fall on him! - Dovepaw the ThunderClan medicine cat

When Graystripe finds Millie, she decides to travel with him. Then, Graystripe tries to teach her hunting and she's already perfect at it! They continue their journey, and while Graystripe gets an injured shoulder at one point, Millie never gets tired or hurt. Millie interrupts a Gathering, part of which was Graystripe's fault.
When they leave, Millie stays very close to her "precious" love and won't leave his side. She then gives birth to what is called the Nightmare Litter and starts switching favorites between her kits. When Blossomfall is literally bleeding, she walks up to her and casually says, "Oh, I'm SURE she'll be fine, I'm going to go check on Briarlight, la la la." What an awful parent! Then, she dies, nothing special. - Dovepaw the ThunderClan medicine cat

I hate him. The only thing Graystripe was good at is killing his kin.

Okay, I can see why Cinderpelt's death is kind of satisfying. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Cinderpelt, but her death had more of a positive effect than a negative one. Let me explain:
Cinderpelt was "killed" by the fox-hearted badger, and the moment she "died," her soul was blessed to be inside Cinderheart's body. But... does this really count as a death? I mean, she didn't go to StarClan, and the exact moment she died, she took her first breath again. So, no, she didn't really "die." But my question is, was it really a blessing or a curse to be reincarnated as someone else?
She died completely when Cinderheart promised Lionblaze that she would choose her own destiny. Do you recall her last words? Her last words before she went to StarClan were, "Thank you." This might be a clue that Cinderpelt didn't enjoy being inside Cinderheart's body. She felt like she was trapped.
So, to answer your question: Yes, Cinderpelt's death was very satisfying because it showed us readers that she was no longer being tortured, torn between being two cats at once. When Cinderheart made her promise, Cinderpelt must've sighed with relief for being freed. Honestly, she probably never even asked to be reincarnated in the first place!
So, that leads to my next question: Did StarClan not like Cinderpelt? If not, then why?
Yours truly,

This was satisfying because she had such a wonderful life, lived so long, was an amazing leader, and fulfilled her prophecy! It was just an amazing honorable way to die! Love you, Bluestar!
- Moonsong, medicine cat of ThunderClan
Amazing. That's all I have to say. Saving the future of all the clans, even if she lost the opportunity to be a part of it.

Leafpool! You destroyer! Arrrgh!
I liked her, but she ruined Crowfeather x Feathertail! Feathertail was my FAVORITE! Seriously, I can't believe she could do that. I know Feathertail died, and I was so sad, but come ON, Crowfeather - don't fall for Leafpool. Feathertail is so much better!
-Moonsong, medicine cat of ThunderClan
She sucks. She is the worst mother ever. Also, she is a destiny ruiner.
Go Feathertail x Crowfeather! Leafpool sucks.