Top 10 Books the LDS (Mormon) Church Doesn't Want You to Read

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or the Mormon Church as it is more commonly known, has a checkered past when it comes to its doctrines and leaders. From the polygamy and polyandry of its early leaders to the use of magical talismans and treasure-seeking practices by its founder, there are plenty of skeletons in the LDS closet.

Since its founding, the Mormon Church has been the recipient of both praise and persecution. Early leaders were subjected to violent attacks, such as being tarred and feathered, and the founder, Joseph Smith, was eventually killed for his beliefs. However, members of the church - both leaders and rank-and-file - have also been implicated in committing atrocities, sometimes against non-believers and at other times against their fellow Saints.

The Church has faced opposition since its inception, and documentation of its leaders and history has emerged from various sources. While many writings can be dismissed as the bitter grievances of ex-members or competing religious groups, the Church has struggled with more recent publications from scholarly, unbiased sources - many of which originate from within the Church itself.

Below is a list of books that the LDS Church reportedly does not want its members or the public to read. These selections are limited to scholarly works that are factual, well-researched, and objectively written. They are not "anti-Mormon" books. In fact, a few of them are authored by members in good standing with the Church.
The Top Ten
No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith - Fawn M. Brodie

Written in 1945, this book portrays the life of Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith in a way rarely seen. To best sum up this book is to quote Marvin S. Hill, an LDS historian at Brigham Young University:

"For more than a quarter-century, Fawn Brodie's No Man Knows My History has been recognized by most professional American historians as the standard work on the life of Joseph Smith and perhaps the most important single work on early Mormonism. At the same time, the work has had tremendous influence upon informed Mormon thinking, as shown by the fact that whole issues of BYU Studies and Dialogue have been devoted to considering questions on the life of the Mormon prophet raised by Brodie. There is evidence that her book has had a strong negative impact on popular Mormon thought as well. To this day, in certain circles in Utah, acknowledging that one has 'read Fawn Brodie' is to create doubts as to one's loyalty to the Church."

In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith - Todd Compton

Married to at least 33 women, Mormon founder Joseph Smith began and encouraged the practice of polygamy within the church. The majority of Smith's wives were younger than he, and one-third were between fourteen and twenty years of age. Another third were already married, and some of the husbands served as witnesses at their own wife's polyandrous wedding.

This book covers the experiences of plural wives in early Mormonism and the isolation, loneliness, and frustrations that accompanied the practice.

Early Mormonism and the Magic World View - D. Michael Quinn

Written by a professor at BYU, this book covers the early evidence of folk magic in Joseph Smith's upbringing. From treasure digging, supernatural creatures, and seer stones, to occult traditions and astrology, this thoroughly researched book includes pictures of LDS church-owned artifacts used by Smith as well as a slew of additional photographs and illustrations verified as authentically Smith-owned and used.

Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling - Richard Bushman

While not discouraged in the same way as the other books on this list, this biography uncovers some unbiased truths that the LDS church certainly doesn't advertise. An eye-opening look into the true life of Joseph Smith, as researched and written by a member of the church he started. Not biased toward or against the church, this book covers controversial aspects of Smith's life cautiously but thoroughly.

The Keystone of Mormonism - Arza Evans

Known as the keystone of Mormonism, the Book of Mormon's origins have been debated since it first appeared on the scene. This book exposes the many differences between Mormonism and traditional Christianity. It also sheds light on the true origins of the Book of Mormon.

The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power - D. Michael Quinn

Covering the first two decades of the Mormon Church's history, Quinn examines how events and doctrines within the church were handled from an organizational and non-religious aspect.

From secret rites and societies within the hierarchy of the church to political endeavors to war with the United States, the early church practiced many things unknown to the majority of members. With doctrines silently and retroactively inserted into the published form of scriptures and records to smooth out the stormy, haphazard development, early church leaders changed the nature of Smith's original non-hierarchical organization and created a bureaucratic business model that is still around today.

Studies of the Book of Mormon - B. H. Roberts

As a general authority in the LDS church, Roberts was one of two men who were handed the hardest questions posed to the church. This book addresses many of those questions, though the nature of the issues is that there are no satisfactory answers.

The 19th Wife - David Ebershoff

Inspired by the life of a polygamist wife of Joseph Smith, this novel, while still technically fiction, is also historically accurate at the same time.

A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - B. H. Roberts

You would think this book would be canon within the church, but due to the series touching on little-known facts about the Church's history, it is no longer recommended reading for the members. While it is lengthy, when used as a research tool into the history of the church, this volume set exposes questionable practices of the church and its members.

An Insider's Guide to Mormon Origins - Grant Palmer
The Contenders
Mormonism and Masonry - E. Cecil McGavin

The ties between Mormonism and Freemasonry have been studied for ages. While neither side claims to be associated with the other, the links are clear to any objective observer.

Wife No. 19: The Story of a Life in Bondage, Being a Complete Exposé of Mormonism, and Revealing the Sorrows, Sacrifices and Sufferings of Women in Polygamy - Ann Eliza Young
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