Top 10 Best Beer Brands
The best beer brands are not just about taste. They're about history and heritage, about the stories and traditions that have been passed down through generations of brewers. They're about the communities that have grown up around these brands, the friendships forged over shared pints, and the memories made in their company.You might be a fan of the classic American lagers like Budweiser, with its clean, crisp taste and iconic Clydesdales, or you might prefer the bolder, more hoppy flavors of craft breweries that have sprung up in recent years. Perhaps you enjoy the smooth, malty richness of Guinness, or the light, refreshing taste of a Corona on a hot day.

When I turned 21, I explored all sorts of beers, and I do enjoy a variety of brands and styles. However, I always come back around to Budweiser. It is hands down my favorite. It's just very tasty to me. It even has a little sweet kick to it. And, sorry beer snobs, Bud's all-natural beechwood-aged brewing process and recipe have not changed since it was introduced in 1876. No chemicals! Look it up. Additionally, I actually prefer it in a can!
I like to smell it before I drink because it makes me feel like I am in heaven. Parties are incomplete without Budweiser. It feels complete and refreshing when it touches the belly. It takes me to an empire state of mind. I would prefer Budweiser at any life event. Budweiser really deserves to be dubbed as the 'KING OF BEERS'.
I used to drink Budweiser every day. I've tried every beer on this list. Each one is good in its own unique way, tailored to fit different tastes. However, none of them hold a candle to Heineken, except when it comes to being more affordable. You can drink Heineken all day long. In fact, you can consume a large amount and still achieve that perfect beer buzz everyone desires. The company puts a lot of time and effort into producing their beer. They're the real deal.
Now, I understand that many of you beer enthusiasts may not heed this advice. But consider this: you can continue to drink your preferred beer, supporting a company that's already making millions. You can remain stuck in your ways, refusing to branch out. I've regularly sampled every beer on this list. They're all good beers. Saying that there's a bad beer is like claiming there's bad vodka. All vodka is good. It's still vodka. And it's not just about the price tag. Yes, Heineken is expensive, but is it worth it? Absolutely.
You can enjoy Heineken at a bar, even though the bottles may sometimes look worn. It even tastes good in cans. Some women initially avoid it because they grew up drinking milder beers, but Heineken doesn't cause hangovers. I've been a beer drinker for a long time and can easily identify someone who truly appreciates a particular brand. Check out the reviews for Mickey's or Budweiser. Those reviewers have been fed those beers their entire lives. They don't know anything else.
I'm not here to overly promote Heineken. I have no particular loyalty to it. All I'm saying is that, compared to every other beer on this list, it's the best. Why waste time on lesser beers when you already know which one tops the list? I challenge you to find a Heineken drinker who behaves erratically while drinking it. It's almost impossible, unlike with Budweiser, which seems to be the king of hangovers and DUIs.
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It's the best beer in the world! No one can say that it's not because it's Italian. Italy is the best place on earth where the most good things are made. I want to remind all those who think badly about Italy that this country has done more than all the others put together. You just have to see all the inventions that Italian people have made!
There is a reason one puts a lime into this brew - it tastes awful without the lime. When you have to put a lime in the beer to drink it, that tells you everything about the beer. They should take some of the money they use on marketing and try to improve the quality of the beer.
This is by far the most excellent beer made. Its taste is so smooth, you have to be careful not to drink it too fast, or you'll find yourself half drunk by surprise.
I don't understand people who like the American domestic beers that are fast-brewed and harsh. Especially, light beers really suck.
Should be in the top five. When I was in Prague, I drank Carlsberg the whole time I was there. It tasted great, and it was nice to sit and shoot the breeze with the locals. Love it!
Brilliant beer, always. Beats Bud, Corona, and Heineken - all of them! Perfect for summer parties!
I'm not much of a drinker, mainly due to the fact that most alcoholic drinks repulse me. So, to say that I've developed a taste for Guinness says something. It says that there's something special about this stuff. It's smooth, it's frothy, it's rich, and it's a taste that reminds me of the greatest vacation I ever took (that's Ireland, kids).
I was actually fortunate enough to have my first-ever drink of Guinness in the Temple Bar district of Dublin, fewer than a mile away from the brewery. It's good stuff, guys. When you're old enough to try it, try it.
I have never drunk one of any flavor. It's American-made, so I voted for it. It has to be stronger tasting than Coors, which I like. It looks about as strong as Michelob, which I like, and Miller High Life Dark, which I also like.
I used to drink a dozen Busch lights on the weekends and finally gave up the low-quality beer. I tried Sam Adams Cherry Wheat and Maple Pecan, one per evening. I'm never going back again. Excellent beer. I guess I finally grew up.
With a meal, Boston Lager is the best beer in the world. If you are drinking and not eating, Guinness might be as good. But, for all-around greatness, Sam Adams Boston Lager cannot be beat.
If you like good Pilsner, then this is the beer for you! Have it cold, and have it often. Turkish beer quality is always good, from your first beer to the last beer.
I also find that this beer does not give me indigestion, which I get from other Pilsner-like beers. Enjoy and share.
I first drank this fantastic beer in Turkey back in 1982. I loved the fact that its alcohol content was not controlled. You could have one beer that was like water and another that would knock you on your posterior. It was great.
THIS should be at the top.
Bud is all hype. It's a perfect example of spending millions in advertising to buy popularity with an inferior product.
Heineken in North America is subpar, but I give the original a solid top 5. Any Corona equals more hype, and I challenge anyone "loving" this beer to leave it out overnight and take a sniff. It smells like it was brewed in a sewage treatment plant. That's why you need a lime to drink it.
Guinness? Try 'Black Wych' from Wychwood. Unlike Guinness, it's a great dark stout without the bitter tones. Far superior!
Coors of any style is even more hype. There was a mystique in the east (US) when you could not get this beer. "Rocky Mountain water," my ass. They wanted a brewery in Asheville, N.C., but the city wouldn't cut them a break on their water usage.
Sam Adams is a very good, simple, clean lager. Just not quite as good as Yuengling, in my opinion.
Don't be sheeple!
Really? Some of the 13 that are ranked higher than this aren't worth a top 10. Belgium is known as the country of beer.
Do the test: First drink Heineken, then Corona, then Budweiser, and then drink Stella Artois. You will ask yourself why you wasted money on the previous three "beers."
Definitely in the top five of the world. Taste is very subjective, but Stella is liked by a very large number of people, unlike some specialty beers which are liked by a few.
Bud is first and Stella Artois eighteenth. The one we drink in Belgium is different than the pint of Stella you will drink in the UK. The Belgian one is definitely the best "pils/lager" you can find, along with Jupiler.
Tasty, refreshing, satisfying, and stimulating beer. It cools your body, and San Miguel beers always give you a very good buzz, especially in the tropical heat and humidity of the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and other places around the world. This beer is excellent for enjoying life, hanging out with family, relatives, and friends, and even for taking a nap or sleeping. It also pairs very well with food.
San Miguel Pale Pilsen is so good that you can drink a lot of it, cases after cases. The taste and texture are the same bottle after bottle. The taste will not become unpleasant on the second, third, or subsequent bottles like with other beers. It is a very consistent beer. You will get buzzed immediately right on the first bottle. So, eat a lot of food before drinking and eat during drinking because you will be drinking San Miguel for a lifetime.
The Newcomers
If you ever get to England and can get a pint of Marston's Pedigree in a pub, do it.
The very best in beer, hands down.
Coors Light is a light beer produced by the Coors Brewing Company. It was first produced in 1978. The beer has a "Cold Certified" label which turns the mountains on the label from white to blue when the beer's temperature is lowered to 4 degrees Celsius.
Coors Light is a drink that reaches into your brain and triggers any orgasmic hormones you have to unleash. Coors Light and Connor Harris are just like Romeo and Juliet. They just love each other.
This beer has no taste whatsoever. If you like plain, watery beer then look no further. It's funny how Coors always advertises their new "hi-tech" can design since the beer itself is less than okay.
Kingfisher is one of the best beers I have ever drunk. The great Indian beer. A perfect blend of taste and power. Just try once, and you will fall in love with it. Beer of Indians. Don't dare.
The great Indian beer... A perfect blend of taste and power. Just try once, and you will fall in love with it. Beer of Indians. Don't dare.
KF beer is really premium compared to all categories. It has a perfect 5.5% ABV. The taste, color, and blend are perfect compared to any European beers, which are either very mild or strong, mind-hitting ones, especially Asian ones which you cannot gulp more than three. KF can be enjoyed all night - unlimited, at least eight for sure. Cheers, thanks VB. Shail.
Dogfish knows how to brew a real beer, not just an American light lager like almost every beer on the list. People should know that beer is more than what they're told to drink from advertising.
As a brewer from Delaware, I especially like his 22% beer. One is more alcohol than four Coors Lights.
Wow, what a snazzy beer! Just, every time I drink it my feet practically explode!
Ever notice, for the most part, the only people that you see drinking Coors, Bud products, or any kind of beer that you have to put a piece of fruit in are either women, or men who want to be seen as beer drinkers? Very few of these people are seen with a Miller in their hand.
In my opinion, Miller Lite has a great taste, unlike the so-called #1 that has a watered-down flavor and very little color compared to Miller Lite.
Miller Lite is the best of the domestic light beers. Best tasting. I work at Circle K and it sells way faster than all the other light domestic beers.
This… words fail me, kick-ass stuff! Poles should be proud because this is better than Budweiser, Corona, Fosters, Carling, Heineken, Kronenbourg, Carlsberg, and Tuborg. Tyskie Lager is the best beer in the world, especially after a hard day's graft. It's so refreshing from both the can or the bottle. It will grow ever bigger in the UK, Poland, Thailand, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Italy, South Africa, USA, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, France, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Colombia, etc...
This beer is not liked where it comes from in Australia - yet the world seems to love it! Too weak for Aussies, but anything would be better than that crap they serve in America - it is like a glass of mineral water with a twist of light beer!
Come to Australia and drink the real stuff. Made in Melbourne using the best water in the world, all mountain filtered water. Boy, do I need one now.
You're crazy. Australians stopped drinking this when they changed it for the foreign market, and if you're in the US, your 'imports' are brewed in Canada.
Wow... The best refreshing beer after Beck's. This French beer has its own style of brewing from the year 1664.
A really fresh beer that has the typical bitterness and flavor characteristic of Alsatian beers. The main brand is Kronenbourg 1664, named after its date of foundation, and it's a 5.0% ABV pale lager.
Best beer I have ever had the pleasure of drinking.
What can I say, Theakstons make ales that are rich, dark, and hoppy. These are beers. The insipid lagers that dominate this list are so different it would be fairer to have two lists: lagers and ales.
Huge IPA, a real celebration of hops in a bottle. I also love their "Oracle." Bell's has been brewing world-class beers for a long, long time, and this one is a real treasure.
So far, I have 3500 labels under my belt. Heady Topper kicks them right in the can! The cans are coated inside. You won't find it online or in a store. You must go to VT to get it. I'm on Long Island, and some bars go to get it. Best IPA, and once you try it, you will understand!
Modelo Especial is one of the finest lager beers, not only in Mexico but also worldwide. Along with Corona, it is now known globally.
Excellent beer, but I wish they would get rid of the foil on each bottle. It has a very smooth drink with a good flavor.
American beers aren't great. Drink Modelo. Viva Mexico!
I am a habitual drinker, but I drink only premium beers, and I love the taste of Tuborg. It's an awesome beer. I love how it feels on my tongue.
There's no hangover in the morning, no headache, and no problems at all, not even a smell.
My favorite beer is Tuborg. Heineken is overrated and not as good. Tuborg is delicious and smooth. It takes the crown.
I love Denmark's Tuborg and Danish girls. The Tuborg tastes so great it's as if we are in heaven. Afterward, I just fall in love.
Stroh was the biggest-selling beer in the American Midwest during the '60s, '70s, and '80s. It was America's only fire-brewed beer, offering an excellent taste that was especially popular with young adults. Brewed in Detroit, Michigan, it used pure water, the choicest hops, and the best barley malt.
I've drunk Miller High Life for 35 years. Yes, many people look down on this beer, but it is one of the best-tasting beers out there. Maybe not the coolest beer, but it's enjoyed by real beer drinkers.
The best then and now! The beer of choice in 1977 and still today! All the hype and advertising in the world cannot change this! Oh, by the way, who wants a beer you have to put a lime in to be able to drink that swill?
It's a really good beer that doesn't hurt the wallet. I'm not sure why some people look down on it. It's not called the "Champagne of Beers" for nothing.