Top 10 Best Types of Cheese
Cheese comes in endless varieties, each with a unique flavor, texture, and story. Some are sharp and bold, others creamy and mellow. From crumbly blues to melty mozzarellas, the world of cheese offers a delicious adventure.But with so many options, how do you know where to begin? Well, we've tapped into the collective wisdom of cheese enthusiasts like you to create a guide to the most loved and irresistible cheeses out there.

I think mozzarella should share first place with Cheddar. Very different flavors, yet both are plentiful in their flavors. I especially love Buffalo Mozzarella.
A heavenly white cheese, made to bless the soul of dairy eaters! This cheese is majestic and deserves to be on a purple-colored throne.
Some brands are too rubbery, but some of the better brands are stretchy and melt in your mouth.
It's great on pizza and in mac and cheese.

Cheddar is the very definition of a versatile ingredient. You can put it on bread, pasta, pizza, chips, biscuits, and so much more, and it is great on its own. Melted or unmelted, there's no denying that Cheddar is the king of cheeses.
Cheddar is the universal cheese. The most popular, the best with everything, one of the tastiest. I prefer other cheeses, but this is very good. Others are more delicate and pleasing, but this definitely should not be below mozzarella.
This cheese is so beloved because of its sharp taste and memorable brittle texture. It's fairly cheap, and you can also buy aged cheddar.

Should be top 3. It is amazing. Go to the grocery store and get a piece of a block of Parmesan and just eat it. Use it to grate over pasta or just eat it right off the slice. It's so good.
Parmesan is the best food known to man, and nothing in the entire multiverse will or has ever been better than it! Can't believe it's only 5th. Should be 1st by a mile! Go Parmesan!
Nothing more that you could cherish of its taste.

Brie, I love it. France is the best in terms of quantity (number of different cheeses) and quality. Concerning quantity (tonnage), it's Germany and the USA. But definitively, French cheeses are the most famous.
I love Brie. I'm Dutch and what you call a kaas kop (translation: cheese head), but why is Cheddar on top? It is one of the worst cheeses in the world, more like plastic than cheese.
It's a bit rich and creamy by itself, but it's kind of good on crackers. Mixing a little bit of this in "normal" macaroni makes for a better-tasting mac and cheese.

Dutch cheese is the best, that is known by many around the world. But how is Cheddar on this list? Cheddar isn't even cheese by official standards.
Dutch cheese. Some people can't tolerate this taste. I can't tolerate one day without Gouda.
It's Dutch, not Polish or Italian. Gouda is a city in the Netherlands.

Swiss is firm yet melts nicely, with all those connecting, stretchy strings, a little like mozzarella, only better because there is more flavor. By itself or on crackers, toast, cold or warm sandwiches, it's always nutty with a hint of butter as a last subtle note.
I absolutely love Swiss. It is bitter and yet so delicious! I love it plain or on sandwiches or anything!
It tastes bitter by itself. But it tastes good if you put it on a sandwich or something.

Mmm... Feta... tried it with a salad I had at tea and loved it.
Just gorgeous. My choice for any salad or pasta dish.
During the meal, delicious. The next day, it's perfect!

In my opinion, the best cheese ever concocted. It has a sharp, spicy tang, and the flavors dance on your tongue: a mixture of jalapeno, mozzarella, and red chili peppers. The cheese with the most pop! It pairs perfectly with grapes and garden vegetable or wheat crackers.
Quite zesty, it's sweet, then spicy and savory. It's amazing on a sandwich, and I could eat a block.
Incredible cheese. It is so tasty, and I love the spiciness!

Can't have a cheeseburger or grilled cheese unless it's American. No other kind of cheese can surpass its classic flavor.
It's perfect for grilled cheese. I just don't think I would eat it plain.

This, along with Havarti, tastes so good melted on top of crispy bread. Must try.
When you grill it and drip it on bread, it is the best feeling in the world.
This is easily the best cheese. Why number 18? Should at least be in the top 5.
The Newcomers
How in the world do you say this? Please help me!
Spicy and cheese was a combination of flavors born in heaven.

Incomparable, yummy, and flavorful. This cheese has a tangy note and a smooth texture. Delicious on crackers, paired with vegetables or chips, and most of all, spun into a delectable dip!
Very versatile and can be substituted for many ingredients in cooking. If you want to add a little texture or flavor to a casserole or dish, just add a bit of this marvelous cheese!
Goes great on bagels, but anywhere else, it's disgusting.
It can go on practically anything. It tastes great, it has a red skin, and monsters like it. How much better can a cheese get? Go monster Munster!
I straight up buy a bag of Muenster and eat it by the slice. Best cheese in the whole world.
I love this cheese! It's uniquely colored and tastes great! Should be first place.

The best blue cheeses are obviously the French ones like Roquefort, Bleu d'Auvergne, Bleu de Bresse, Fourme d'Ambert, Bleu des Causses, etc. There are more than 30 different types.
And now they are also made in America, thanks to sweet France.
This is the most perfect cheese there is! Such flavor! I can eat it by itself!
The strongest taste in the world, and possibly one of the best!

Delicious! It is so rich and flavorful.

I'm pretty sure this is Parmesan with a fancier name. Also, this kind is not powder! Who likes cheesy powder, like what they sometimes put on Doritos? Yuck.
The real Parmesan. Don't be fooled by the fake American stuff at the store. This is 1,000 times better.
Epic cheese, like if Parmesan wasn't the consistency of sawdust.
Camembert just lets you relax. Always try it with bread. I wonder why it was ranked 14th. It's not fair. It deserves to be first. It needs that respect. I'm going to go home and create a declaration of Camembert Independence.
There is honestly nothing better than the melting buttery feeling of a slice of Camembert in your mouth. Best with crackers and is by far the best French cheese ever.
Have you ever tried the famous Camembert? Just once and you will never forget it.
The consistency of cottage cheese isn't unlike rice pudding, which might be off-putting to some. However, the mild taste and wetness make it go well with sliced tomatoes or cucumbers, and it can be used to make dessert.
Clearly the king of cheeses. Anyone who disagrees is an absolute pleb de fromage. How dare you sit there and pass judgment on other cheeses when you are ignorant of the true heir to the moldy, moldy Cheese Throne? Viva la Roquefort, viva la fromage!
Roquefort is undoubtedly the best cheese ever made. Mozzarella has absolutely no taste at all.
Roquefort is really good, needs to be more known and diffused.
But only with other cheeses. On its own, it tastes weird. When eaten with American or Parmesan, it tastes downright amazing.