Top 10 Best Fruits of All Time
You might think you know your fruits - the tangy bite of a Granny Smith apple, the sweet juiciness of a summer peach, or the exotic taste of a ripe mango. But have you ever wondered how your favorite fruit stacks up against the rest? What are the best fruits of all time?
I live in California, the largest producer of strawberries in the world, and I have to tell you that there is nothing better than going to one of the farms in my town and picking them fresh. For every one strawberry in the basket, two go in my mouth. When you taste it, it's like a juicy, sweet, delicious sensation that nothing else makes you feel like. It's the best!
These are the best! For me, it's winter, so it's SO HARD to get a plump, fresh, juicy strawberry.
I love strawberries because they are great and perfect for spring and summer. You can enjoy a variety of things with strawberries: strawberry milk, strawberry ice cream, strawberry milkshake, and loads more!

The tradition in some British households at Christmas is that Santa is meant to give you an orange. I love watermelons so much that when I was 8 or 9, I asked for a watermelon on my Christmas list. I actually got one! My sister asked for a wheelbarrow and she got it too. She then started trundling the watermelon around our garden and accidentally smashed the melon. Still, best fruit ever.
Also, a good game idea: multiple people try to eat as much watermelon as possible in one minute, but without using your hands. Messy but fun. I know that from experience.

Nothing can compare to the magic that is a mango. They're like flowers, sweetness, and a touch of sour all wrapped into one. It's great! Mangoes are the perfect size, have the perfect texture, color, and smell - perfect in every way. Why? Because they're mangoes, and mangoes deserve to be more loved and to have their stunningness shared.
Imagine if someone discovered a unicorn. The news would spread. I feel the same way about mangoes. More people need to know about them. I could live happily if all I ate were mangoes for the rest of my life. Why? Because the glory of mangoes would probably give me superpowers to save the world after eating a lot. They're just that good.
Never underestimate the power of a mango. One day, it might save your life. Just cut it open and dive in, immersing yourself in the blissful Wonderland you've just entered - until the mango is finished, of course. Then go buy 50 more, and while you're at the store, alert everyone you see about the magic you've just discovered. Once you're home, eat 50 more mangoes and re-enter Mango Wonderland 50 more times.
Forget all other food in the world. They don't matter as much as mangoes do because they're not mangoes. You're welcome, friend. Become one of us.

Apples are the best fruit ever. They are crunchy, juicy, and sweet. Apples are a delicious, down-to-earth fruit that will complement any meal. I grew up on an apple orchard, and I remember the crisp, flaky apple crumble my nana used to make. The flaky pastry was delicious, but the seasoned apples were by far the star of the dish.
It was a tough choice between apples and peaches, but I have to go with apples because they are sold all year round where I live. This allows me to enjoy them more than peaches, which are a summer thing here. I have always loved apples, especially the green ones. Red is okay, and I rarely buy yellow ones. Green Apple Gatorade is awesome, and apple pie-flavored gum is to die for.

The only fruit that is good for you when you have almost any kind of sickness, and it is also great for exercising. It's also the easiest fruit to eat because you don't have to prepare it or wash it at all. Just peel it! This makes it easy to take outdoors too.
It will fill you up just the right amount when you feel hungry. It even tastes good in other things like banana bread and banana smoothies. Just amazing. I'm like a monkey because I eat so many bananas.
Definitely my favorite. I can't eat them often because my parents don't like them. We have to buy them by the bunch, which goes bad within four days. I have to eat them alone because my friends make fun of me.
Bananas are the healthiest fruit out there! They give us the vitamins to make us stronger. My friends will regret it when they realize they wasted theirlives eating junk food. (I do like candy and chips, but I only eat them about twice a week.)

Fresh, juicy, succulent, sweet... What more could you want? They're like nature's own candies, with scrumptious jelly conveniently packed into dry and robust containers. They even come in different flavors. Laugh out loud. Nothing beats that satisfying crack as their fragile shell pops and sweet nectar pours outwards.
Mmm, I love red grapes! Eating a grape is one of the most satisfying moments of all time. You pull one off the stem, pop it in your mouth with that nice bubble sound, bite it in half, and happily chew and swallow the rest. You can't have just one!

You can say what you want about the other fruits, but the orange is the only fruit with a color named after it. The orange also produces one of the most popular breakfast drinks around the globe. It is one of the few fruits that taste nearly identical to its candy counterpart but is packed with nutrients. Gotta love the orange.
Oranges are the best! I eat one every single day, and they are perfect for summer. You bite into one, and the flavor explodes in your mouth, making your taste buds tingle and dance around. Depending on how you eat it, there's a different flavor. I'm going to have an orange now.

My #1. Pineapples are sweet, juicy, and full of greatness. It doesn't hurt that I'm blessed to live where the sweetest pineapples are picked to perfection and eaten. No, not Hawaii. They should be higher on the list, but I guess a lot of people don't experience them at their perfect ripeness and the fact that they are tough to peel... So good.
Who can say no to pineapples? Everybody should like pineapples because who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants! Pineapples have the perfect taste. Everyone should love them!

I adore peaches. It actually feels good to bite into one - not like an apple, which is too hard, or a banana, which is too soft. I like most fruits (save for melons), but peaches dominate the field. You have to love the taste, which has a sweet kick to it. Peaches are nice and juicy, making them all the more satisfying to bite into.
Love peaches: peach yogurt, peach tea, peach pie - you name it! Heck, I even like peach-scented stuff. Peaches were bad in my area last summer, though. They were all as hard as a brick. I cried like a two-year-old.
I wish peaches were sold all year round where I live, but I still love them. Mmm, I want one now.

Raspberries are the best. They're soft and sweet with the perfect amount of tartness. They have an amazing smooth texture that feels like it melts in your mouth. They are also really easy to eat. Unlike a lot of other fruits, raspberries aren't overly juicy or messy. Oranges and bananas have peels, apples have cores, and peaches and cherries have pits. However, raspberries can just be eaten as they are.
Raspberries taste amazing! They have just enough tartness to be tasty and just enough sweetness to avoid being overwhelming. Raspberries can go in anything, whether it's smoothies, lemonade, or shakes - though lots of people favor the lesser strawberry. Definitely my favorite berry, if not fruit.
The Newcomers
This is an arboreal fruit grown on trees and is known for its sweetness.
The fruit is often used to make various sweet goods.
Also known as horned melon, this fruit is heavily and traditionally consumed in Africa.

How are cherries number 11?! Are you kidding me? Cherries can be eaten in any way: cherry pie, cherry cheesecake, cherry cake, cherry tart, etc. Sweet, sour, red, black, seed or no seed, the cherry is the best fruit in existence. I would eat a million cherries and still want more.
Cherries are good. I like black cherries the most, though. I don't like the ones in jars - they taste like cola. The seed is the only downfall of cherries. Otherwise, cherries and I agree with one another as far as taste and my stomach go.

For me, blueberries are that berry that you won't like at first bite, but after a while, they start to taste pretty different and sweet.
They have that texture that I like.
Why does it seem that nobody loves blueberries as much as I do? There are some really, really, REALLY good blueberries on some farms that you can pick yourself. If you don't like blueberries, you just haven't had top-quality ones. Don't settle for artificially flavored lollipops! Taste nature wrapped up in a bundle!
Every one of them is different. They have a different taste when I put them in my mouth - either sweet, very sweet, sour, or very sour. YUM! Also, they help a lot with digesting food. For example, after a big dinner, lunch, or breakfast, I eat a blueberry, and it stops me from feeling sick.

It's different. Some people won't like it at first bite. "It's very sour," they say. But that's because your tongue hasn't interacted with the flavor yet. You need a few kiwis to make your tongue learn the flavor. After that, it tastes sweet and sour.
There are, like, 31 people in my family. All of my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, and second cousins HATE kiwis. Out of the whole family, I was the only one who learned to enjoy and savor the fruit.
Kiwi, nothing else. Kiwi is not just a fruit. It's something magical. When you bite into it, you get a feeling that will last. Kiwi does not go to the stomach. It goes to the heart.

As with any fruit, buy locally, eat seasonally, and always buy organic. Better yet, grow what you can yourself, if permissible. Nothing beats a ripe pear!
Fruit cocktail pears can frighten many into never venturing into the joy of the fresh variety. It requires some finesse with ripening time, but once you learn what ripe pears feel like, they are number one, hands down.
CONTROVERSIAL: Pears are better than apples. I said it. A good pear blows a good apple out of the water. Apples are just convenient and consistent, but nothing special when it comes to taste. Pears are underrated.

I always squeeze lemon juice into my tacos, and after that, I suck on the lemon. My mom told me it was bad for my teeth, but I kept eating it. I also like the honey lemon tea my mom makes because you can eat the skin!
NO! When life gives you lemons, step 1: eat one whole. Step 2: add ingredients. Step 3: make lemon pie, then give it to a cat and call it sourpuss. Then eat two more lemons whole!
Lemons are the best fruit ever. I love sour things, and lemons can be put on a cake and a lot of other things. They're really good for you too, so you should get some.

Perfect red pomegranate: cut it open and see all those juicy seeds just waiting to be eaten. You will never get a bladder infection again (it's true!). I got chocolate-covered ones for Christmas. Oh boy, those were good! After they were gone, I would beg my mom to buy me some more from Walmart.
Pomegranate is a treat. Cut it in half, then gently tap it with a spoon, and most of the seeds should come out. Then you eat them. It's sweet, fragrant, and delicious. I highly recommend this if you haven't tried it yet.

Good, fresh blackberries are hard to find, but they are superior to every other fruit out there. They are excellent in a pie or just as-is. If you touch a blackberry and it leaves a lot of black residue on your fingers, you have a good one. Marionberries are traditionally considered the best type of blackberry.
I am shocked to see this back at #19. In the Appalachians, you can find wild blackberry bushes on the side of most highways, side roads, and trails in the mountains during the summer. Trust me, they are much more delicious than store-bought blackberries. They are tangy and unique. Justthrow a few on pancakes, pie, or waffles and enjoy.

How do sour things like strawberries get to the top? They're not sweet. Plums are good, and oranges, apples, and lemons are okay, but honeydew is just so cool and rejuvenating! Yes, it's the first thing I get at the dessert table too!
Personally, I think it deserves a spot higher than mangoes, pears, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, peaches, blackberries, lemons, pomegranates, apples, kiwis, oranges, pineapples, and strawberries - all the fruits, in fact! At least it should get first runner-up. I owe you, honeydew. I love this fruit!

This is absolutely the sweetest, best fruit in existence when it is in season, small, and not too ripe, but just right. The only fruits that come close to it are garden-fresh strawberries, sweet Bing cherries, and tangelos.
Amazing! They are so juicy and just a little bit tart, depending on the brand you get. If you sprinkle a little sugar over them, they become absolutely the sweetest, best fruit.
Mandarin oranges are delicious. Peel them and eat them. They are juicy, hydrating, and overall delicious. I highly recommend them, and they are definitely in the top 8.

Plums are the best fruit ever. When they are ripe, they're soft. They're also sour and sweet at the same time. They are so good!
I am 61, and plums have been my favorite my whole life! Especially black plums that are really red inside and super sweet!
When plums are ripe enough that their interior is a rosy shade of red, you're in for a real treat.

Tomato is number one to me, but I consider it a vegetable. However, I will vote for it as number one on both the vegetable and fruit lists because it's my favorite food in the world! All the best dishes are made from tomatoes - the best food in the world to me! Tomatoes make pizza, lasagna, pasta, ravioli, soup, dried, fried, cherry tomatoes, salads, spaghetti, sauce, dip, drinks, etc. The world of food, and pretty much Italian food, rests on the shoulders of tomatoes. Tomatoes are the god of all food because no amazing dish is possible without them! Long live the king of vegetables and fruits - tomatoes shall rule over all!

These little guys are awesome. I'll usually have three of them with lunch.
So juicy! Incredibly small and easy to eat!
So easy to peel and has a nice flavor.

Grapefruit needs to be higher on the list. What the heck? It's one of the healthiest fruits there is and also tastes awesome, even better than oranges.
Grapefruits are sour and sweet! What's good is that they're a sweet, yummy fruit like candy while also being healthy. I eat them when I get sick because they help me get all the vitamins I need.
They're so sweet yet tart that they're refreshing! I love them so much that they're my favorite, followed by pineapple and then strawberries.

Way better than strawberries. Why so low? It should be at least number 5. But I understand why some others are above it, like watermelon. But come on, pomegranate at number 5! What the heck? I didn't even know what that was until I was 7. Also, how are pineapples above coconuts when they literally even each other out? I'm not psychotic.
It's a fruit?! Awesome! I love coconut! It's so good. I like Almond Joy, too. Ah! I have to rip the headphones out of my headphone jack soon, or I'll go nuts! I'm listening to binaural beats for 15 minutes! It's killing me!
You can eat it, you can drink it, and you can use it in delicious desserts. You could survive on it if stranded on a deserted island. What more can you want from a fruit?

Definitely the most delicious fruit if it's the right variety and perfectly ripe, straight from the tree.
This should be ranked higher on the list. They are just so strange, but still attractive!
When they are soft, ripe, and sweet, they are the best fruit you can have.