Canon: Building Relationships (Episode 1) 10+

2storm If you didn't see Prologue see it. Before you go any further So now let's get started.

In Random Homeroom.
Emily: Hey Angie it is alright here is a pencil.
Angie: Thank you Emily.
Levi walks in.
Levi: Hey Emily.
Kisses her.
Angie: Hey Levi.
Levi: Who is this?
Emily: Angie.
Levi: Hi Angie.
Emily: So how was practice?
Levi: Good.

Across the Room.
A Person comes in.
Madison: Hey Michael.
Michael: Hey Honey.
Madison: Emily is a jerk.
Michael: Let me go to her.
Madison: No I just got popular.

In Computer Lab.
Dylan: Hey Samantha.
Samantha: Hey Dylan.
Dylan: No I'm a Skull Kid.
They start having sex.

In Library.
Kevin reads a book.
James: Hey bruh.
Kevin: I'm reading a book about homosexuality.
James: You mean the thing we do?
Kevin: Yeah.
James: Cool.

On other side of room.
Karen: Hey Nick.
Nick: What?
Karen: Want to make out?
Matt comes in.
Matt: Seriously that is not cool.
Nick: I wasn't going to say yes girls are gross.

On Football Field.
Riley: Hit Hard.
Robert: Play hard.
Isaac: Yeah.
Mason: We got to show we are good.
Eli: Stop kissing Scarlett Ethan.
Ethan: Sorry.
Stephen: Yeah.

Episode 2 will come out Tomorrow so will new Top Ten Game Show and UFC.


Sex isn't meant for ten year olds lol. - visitor

Good - bobbythebrony

Good - visitor

Good. - Skullkid755