Salmon's List Review: Best Memes of 2018

445956 All credit goes to NuMetalManiak for this inspiration. I am not trying to copy him, he inspired me.

Burger King's Foot Lettuce: This one was hilarious. But you didn't need that's in there.
Tide Pods: Some of the memes were funny. The challenge was horrible.
Steamed Hams: Sugar memes were better, but this was good too.
Somebody Toucha My Spaghet: This one was hilarious, but the original short itself was also hilarious. RIP Paul Terry
Ugandan Knuckles: Why is this so high?
January 2018: Most of these memes were bad. Also this isn't a list about months FOR the memes, it is just about the memes themselves.
Connect Four: Image memes are dead at this point.
Hot Pockets: I don't know about this meme, and judging by the comments, I don't want to
Logan Paul's Apology for Dead Body Video: If there is negativity against that jerk, I'll take it.
Burger King Foot Lettuce: Du-du-duplicate
X with Ed, Edd, n Eddy Sound Effects: Funnier than that awful show ever was.
La Di Da Di Da: This one's funny.
Back to the list:
Skidaddle Skidoodle: Funny, but I can't like it because it puts disturbing images in my head.
Logan Paul Suicide Forest: See Logan Paul's Apology for Dead Body Video
Flex Glue: Phillip873 was right, Phil Swift is a god
Call of Duty Zombies Music: One of the best things to ever come out of that stinkin' franchise.
Globglogabgalab: I wonder how Tony Halstead feels, and if he knows about it
Text Messages: What?
Savage Patrick: Are people finally remembering the original definition of savage?
You So Precious When You Smile: NORMIES
Big Ni🅱️🅱️a: I'm not racist, am I?
Gru's Plan: Great meme
Drake and Josh Stuck in Treehouse: Awful meme
Get Out of My Car: Clarence really got some anger issues as he aged.

I'm bored. Stopping here


You gonna do a list review of worst memes as well? - visitor

Ok something fishy's going on... first you rip off my TTT Idol Series then you ripoff NuMetalManiak's List Analysis series. Who are you going to rip off next TheRandom? At this rate you might as well rip everyone off. - visitor

Read the actual post. I did this because it was a fun idea, not to rip someone off. I gave credit to him also. And I didn't rip-off your series, I took inspiration. I guess that if someone makes an American Idol parody than NOBODY else can. - 445956

His review series has a conveniently similar title to mine as well... - DCfnaf

That's like if I murdered someone and claimed that I didn't kill them. My damn finger prints are still on the corpse so I still killed that person. You claim to be inspired but you still ripped me and NMM off. - visitor

I actually was inspired. I didn't directly copy the post, so stop being such an insensitive brat. - 445956

SIMILAR TITLE? You are complaining about a SIMILAR. TITLE. Wow. - 445956

I’m not complaining, I’m just pointing it out. And you’re not the only one who is guilty of it. - DCfnaf