Imagine Dragons VS Nine Inch Nails

AngryByrd Some of you who read this list may be a little bit confused about why it exists. Why would I make a top ten comparing two bands that have pretty much nothing in common? If they do have anything in common, what is it? Who is really better? If you want MY answers, continue reading.
Nine Inch Nails and Imagine Dragons really have a lot more in common than you might think. They both make electronically driven rock songs that are very catchy and danceable. They also both have many songs that are very dark and heavy. But there are plenty of differences between these two bands. For example, NIN are much more vulgar, dark, heavy, and just all around more industrial. For evidence of this, simply listen to NIN's "Broken" and "The Downward Spiral" and watch the music videos from both of them. Imagine Dragons however, are much happier and have yet to curse on any of their albums. This doesn't however take away from their ability to make dark music.
So who's better? I've always been more of a Nails person, but that's not a question that can really be answered. NIN had more effect on electronic rock, but Imagine Dragons did a great job of bringing the genre back to the public in a more digestible form. Both of these bands have made songs that I adore, and in the end, that's why I made this list. I wanted to give both of these bands the honor they deserve and show the similarities and differences that they have.

My Top Ten NIN Songs
1. Head Like A Hole
2. Closer
3. Wish
4. Every Day is Exactly the Same
5. Sin
6. Down In It
7. March of the Pigs
8. Something I Can Never Have
9. The Hand That Feeds
10. Hurt

My Top Ten Imagine Dragons Songs
1. Bleeding Out
2. Nothing Left To Say
3. My Fault
4. Demons
5. Gold
6. I'm So Sorry
7. Amsterdam
8. America
9. Radioactive
10. Cover Up


Not many people really talk about Nine Inch Nails anymore. Most of the kids at my school don't know who they are. But that's ok because I like NIN better when they're underground. Seriously. - visitor

Yeah. I would hate to see what would happen is NIN got popular. - AngryByrd

You mean IF NIN got popular. - visitor

Thanks! I meant to correct that. - AngryByrd

This may sound like an odd question, but do you think there's any Three Days Grace songs that sound like they could be Nine Inch Nails songs? - visitor

I may be able to find a few. I've honestly never thought about it. - AngryByrd

The reason I say this is because I got this idea from a TDG meme that said "Three Days Grace: Essentially Nine Inch Nails' Sound + Nickelback's Talent." - visitor

Yeah. I think it's more the other way around: Nickelback's sound with NIN's talent. I've never really thought their music was electronic enough to bear that much of a similarity. - AngryByrd