Lord Of The Bad Lists S02E02: Top Ten Episodes That Would Be Created If TheTopTens Was A TV Show

BlueDiamondFromNowhere Hi, and this is my second episode of the second season of the serie and the sixth episode overhall. I will say my worst ideas on this list.

I am sorry because I didn't posted it yesterday due to technical problems with the Internet.

So, this list used to have great ideas, but now is ruined because some trolls added some awful ideas. And those are the 10 worst ideas (in my opinion) that came in the list:

1: Turkeyasylum gets killed/Nintendofan126 dies
This is the worst idea ever made because the person who added it want to murder a great user. Murder is something serious and who wants to see 40 minutes of someone dying? Boring, unfunny and lame!

2.Google buys TheTopTens.
This idea is awful because it's boring. Google + already murdered YouTube by buying it and I don't want the same thing that happens to TheTopTens. If this ever happens in real life, I am gonna retire.

3.ANY Puga Abuse Ideas
These ideas are the worst. They have no plot, they are really offensive and it has other items with the same idea, but with ''part 2, part 3, ect''. Make it STOP!

4.Britgirl goes to Taco Bell
This is based on ''Dipper goes to Taco Bell'', wich is the most pointless and disgusting story ever made. It brought inspiration to other lame spin-offs like PositronWildhawk goes to McDonalds, Simpsondude goes to Subway, Garythesnail goes to KFC.

5.ANY rip-offs of TV shows
That means ideas like ''EpicJake the explorer, Puga and friends: into the city, Go! Turkeyasylum, Go!, ect''. Most of them are a combinasion of a great user and a show that he or she hates. These ideas aren't originals and is it me or most of them are BABY shows?

6.Turkeyasylum licks his toes
Self-explenation. This idea is just gross. Who wants to see 40 minutes of someone licking his toes, really? boring and disgusting

That one is awful. SelfisSUCK and BigBrotherYESTotalDramaNO braindwash everyone. Then, they all love Big Brother and hate Total Drama. I hate that idea because you just can't force anyone to like or to hate something.

8.Way Different
We don't know the plot of it and it sounds like an awful idea in another similar list (top 10 episodes that would be created in season 10 of spongebob squarepants). The plot: Spongebob peeing in Sandy's mouth. GROSS!

9.Turkeyasylum's girlfriend
I am not really comfortable with the idea. I dated in this website and it isn't as great as people think. I don't think that we shall have love in the website. And he mentioned that he doesn't want to date, so I don't know why the episode would be created.

10.Keyson watches Dinosaur Train
Okay, an episode about someone watching TV, really? And also that it's an adult watching a baby show (wich sucks), so it's weird, awkward and boring at the same time.

Lesson Of The Day: Just think about how people would be if they saw it. Think twice before you post.

Next episode: A rant about the list of ''Top 10 users who should date Britgirl''



This is true I used to really like this list but trolls ruined it - BigBrotherSucks

I talked to Admin about some of the items, and they might clean up the list.

Puga also said something about it. - Turkeyasylum