Which Rihanna Video is Worse? BBHMM vs. Needed Me

Hotheart123 As you may have noticed, on my list, Needed Me by Rihanna stole the spotlight at #1 from BBHMM, another Rihanna song, As I stated when I added it, the latter may be worse than the former. Let's see if my prediction is true.

Violence: Well, Rihanna covered in blood is Carrie's level of violence, and Needed Me...are you sure we can see blood when Rihanna shoots the man? I don't see any blood. Not kidding. BBHMM: 1 point. NM: -infinity points

Video Saving Shots: In BBHMM, we see 2 shots of Rihanna looking at a knife. I actually really like how she looks at the knife: not an evil smirk, but blank, angry ancipation. Needed Me had a pretty shot of Rihanna looking out in a patio, but that's not saying much. BBHMM: 2 points.

Controversy: Both videos were generic and trying way too hard to shock. BBHMM: 1 point. NM: -infinity points still.

Nudity: Okay, this is the big one. Needed Me had shots where we could see different women's nipples. BBHMM had only 1 shot of nipples. BBHMM: 2 points. NM: ---infinity points.

Drugs: BBHMM had Rihanna smoking a bong: Needed Me had a man just smoking a cig. BBHMM: 1 point. NM; ----infinity points.

I give BBHMM a weak 1/5 and NM a strong ----infinity/5. I guess I'm wrong: BBHMM is basically any Eminem music video compared to the Needed Me video. Conclusion: Needed Me is the worst video Rihanna has ever made. Rihanna, you broke my heart again. First BBHMM, now this? What's next, are you going to make a James Joint video revolved around smoking weed and nudity?
