LS- TheTopTens Apocalypse

Luxam In this case, this blog post is more of a story than a summary. So, LS will mean "Luxa's Story" for this time being. Anyways, continue to read below & enjoy.

TheTopTens was not a website, but resembled more of a vast wasteland. Cluttered with inaccurate, pointless, & biased lists, there were few reasons to stay on the site anymore. Nobody would like a website with an unappealing color theme. Besides, everyone had ran out of ideas by then. Nothing new ever came by. The only lists people could think of to make were lists about other lists, & so on. All the famous users had long retired. At least a million were already deceased (I assume there would be about at least 1 million users if there were 2 million lists made.). Eventually, TheTopTens was shut down forever.

Side note- In truth, I would never want TheTopTens to shut down. Also, people would never run out of ideas. Why? Something new in the world always comes along for someone to make a list about. Besides, there an infinite number of comparisons one could makes, whether it's about shows, lists themselves, or anything else. I'm not saying all ideas will be good ones, but there's always something out there for us to create for.

Luxa out.
