TheTopTens: American Idol Episode 1

MusicalPony Hi and welcome to TheTopTens American Idol! I am your host, MusicalPony and today, we will have our first contestant. MontyPython: Hii!! I am going to be singing " Killer Queen" by Queen.
PositronWildhawk: This is ought to be good!
MontyPython snaps his fingers...... " She's a Kiler QUEEN GUARDED BY A LASER BEAM"...
Britgirl: Ok........ Let's stop from here
MontyPython: How was it??!
PositronWildhawk: It was..... Decent..
Britgirl: I thought it was excellent... Glare
MusicalPony: Your voice is a little off, but it was still good none the less. After all, I love Queen
MontyPython: Im in??! OMG THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!😄😄😄
MusicalPony: And that was our first contestant, folks.
Sorry for the delay, I tried doing it last week but the IPad was being a pain. Don't worry it will be much longer than this...


I liked this episode. I wonder who the next contestant will be. - visitor

Monty, I'll be honest, that was a beautiful song. Until you sang it! - PositronWildhawk

I know, right! >:0 - MontyPython

Short episode. But it was still pretty good. - nintendofan126

Haha! I bet sound like an old fart! - MontyPython