American Idol Episode 3

MusicalPony Disclaimer: I am too lazy to do all of you so let's get down to the tournament; all of you are in if you signed up.
Hi and welcome yet again!!!! I am your host, MusicalPony. Today we have a stiff competition. This time, YOU ( the users) get to decide the winner!!! Ok, let's get started.
Last time, MontyPython killed the judges with "Killer Queen", but will he do it again? Or will he Spam Spam Spam his way back home?
MontyPython: This time I'm singing " A Day In The Life" by The Beatles.
MontyPython: Ok how was that?
PositronWildhawk: Meh, that was ok.
MusicalPony: That was PRETTY good!
MontyPython: Yes, I'm going to the finals!!!
But, the audience has to vote.
VOTE FOR MONTYPYTHON TO GO IN THE FINALS. or you don't have to.....


Can I be in an episode? - visitor

I don't want to spam spam spam my way out of here! :0 - MontyPython

Lol - MusicalPony

Montypython should go to the finals. - nintendofan126

@Therandom sure! - MusicalPony

MontyPython should go to the finals. - visitor

MontyPython is in. - MusicalPony

YAY! Thanks guys! You all should go to the finals! - MontyPython

Can I be in one - simpsondude