Awful Animation #3) A Pal For Gary (Spongebob)

Puga Oh, this one. I am going to have lots of fun.
Let's get started. It opens up with a pointless scene before Spongebob goes to the Krusty Krab on a normal day. Then he starts getting worried over nothing about Gary being lonely. Stop. One thing I hate about modern Spongebob is that random things keep coming out of nowhere to keep the plot moving. It is just another regular day at work. What makes it so different that today is the day to worry about Gary? After work, Spongebob STEALS a pet thing from a gypsy like woman. Spongebob doesn't listen to a thing she says in this scene. Its like he's deaf. He comes home and introduces Gary to Puffy Fluffy(yes, really). First up, dinner time. Spongebob forces Gary to share with Puffy Fluffy, who EATS the whole meal, bowl and everything, in front of Gary. Next up, play time. Spongebob gives them what seems to be a rubber carrot. Then Puffy Fluffy tears apart the whole toy, right in front of Spongebob. Guess what? HE DOESNT EVEN NOTICE. Eh, new writers, Spongebob has never been that stupid. Gary hides from Puffy Fluffy(who wouldn't) and Spongebob says "Gary, it is not nice to ignore new friends." Yeah, one of the big problems with the episode is how cruel it is. Don't believe me? When the trio go to sleep, things get REALLY bad. Puffy Fluffy sheds his skin. Gary goes down to the kitchen to find a scary, three eyed scaly four tongued thingamajig. Gary then fights Puffy the whole night. When Spongebob finally wakes up, Puffy Fluffy has Gary in his tongue. As in yes, he is going to eat him. So does Spongebob stick up for his pet, realize what a fool he was and banish Puffy Fluffy. Haha. Nope. Instead, Spongebob says "Gary! You put Puffy Fluffy down right now!" Blah blah blah, Gary saves Spongebob, Puffy runs away, unfunny ending. The End.
This episode just wanted to focus on being cruel to Gary. Any jokes were unfunny and Spongebob is horribly oblivious. I hate it so much.
Annoyance 7/10 Awful Audio 0/10 Boringness 1/10 Confusion 4/10 Disturbance 6/10 Envious Ending 7/10 Flanderization 9/10 Gaping Plot Holes 2/10 Ludacris Low-Budget 0/10 Mauling Morals 5/10
Next Awful: Something Halloween Related.
