My Ideal Date.

RiverClanRocks If I had a boyfriend, this is what our first date would look like. Hopefully.

The year is 2019. I have recently gotten a boyfriend and today we are having our first date. Now, this is not what someone would consider an average date. Tyler (my boyfriend) and I are going to the movies to see "Jurassic World" and we will go to the local Chick-Fil-A (or some kind of casual restaurant) afterwards. Then, he and I will go home and play Minecraft. So that's that.


So your date must be called Tyler? - DapperPickle

No. I just randomly picked a name I liked. - RiverClanRocks

Also,do you mean Jurassic World 2? - DapperPickle

Jurrasic world is not in cinimas anymore. Let alone in 2019! - visitor

Nice spelling out there. And you call yourself one of the best spellers. - visitor

Oh, get over it! - visitor

Why not have sex, you'll be in legal age of consent... - visitor

I'm waiting until I'm married, thank you very much. - RiverClanRocks

Get with the times. People have sex long before they are married at the age of 16 for example. But I do agree that a first date would be a bit early. - visitor

Just because everyone does it doesn't mean it's a good thing. Sex is a blessing that comes from marriage. - visitor

*what Jared said - RiverClanRocks

I never said it was not! I am just saying that you do not have to wait that long. My parents never got married. - visitor

That's a bit...odd. - RiverClanRocks

My typical date=Sex - bobbythebrony

Heh heh. - visitor

Have sex with yourself. - visitor

I can never date. Sadley :( - Mewtwo_

Well, you are a gender less cat-esqe Legendary. - RiverClanRocks

With no gender, you can date whoever you want. A girl would be better, though. - visitor

Playing minecraft if the worst thing to do on a date. - visitor

I agree because I hate minecraft. - visitor

I doubt Minecraft will be popular and Jurassic World will still be in theaters by 2019 - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Also my idea for a date is just having a girlfriend! And having a gaming night playing stuff like Fallout 4 and stuff - SirSkeletorThe3rd

If it's 2019, what movie theater will play Jurrasic World? - RalphBob

You dated my cousin! *awkward silence* - visitor

Sorry, not a gossip post. - visitor

It's a hypothetical guy named Tyler. Not your cousin Tyler. - RiverClanRocks

Good. I could not imagine you being my cousin in law. - visitor

Dude. I wouldn't even have sex with him. Thus, I wouldn't be your cousin in law. - RiverClanRocks

Uh, should I date myself? LMAOOO - visitor