Theory: Pokemon Black and White 2 In Alternate Unova?

RiverClanRocks The Unova region is an unusual place. For one thing it's based off of New York City and for another, in the short time period of 2 years, the ENTIRE landscape changed. Now, as the user PizzaGuy once said, in his old town it barely changed in 2 years. So why did the whole of Unova change? What started my theory is that Cilan, Chili, and Cress (my favorite Gym Leaders in Unova) were replaced by this guy named Cheren, as well as some other Gym Leader/Elite Four/Champion changes as well. Why would a bunch of people decide to resign their position for no reason? Why? I would buy Black and White 2 if it weren't for that! Which brings me to the conclusion that it takes place in a different Unova. Where the landscape, Gym Leaders, and a bunch of other stuff is different. It's a rather weak theory, but I don't really care. Hope you liked it.
