Uh oh looks like Skelly is gonna start a series (that no one asked for)

SirSkeletorThe3rd Yep, it's that time of year again. Marching season is over, I have a chance with a girl that I like, and I'm back after a haitus. I've seen many things in my travels such as newer dank memes, dank youtubers such as Filthy Frank, and even dank vidya games such as MGSV:The Phantom Pain. But across the internet I have noticed some idiots on the Internet. Some who are so horrible they are considered the "worst people on the Internet" yeah you guessed that is the series. The worst people on the Internet. The First episode will come out tomorrow. Now I'm not saying I hate these types of people on the Internet (some of them I do) but it's just by how many people dislike them. Anyways have a good day peeps
