The "Would You Rather?" Thread

SplashMoun10 The title's self-explanatory. Try to come up with fun and challenging WYR questions for each other to answer. I'm very interested to see what you all think of!


Would you rather eat a bunch of spicy buffalo wings with no water or drink a slushy nonstop even with the risk of brain freeze? - visitor

Not funny or creative. I am unmotivated to answer. - Puga

Drink a slushy nonstop. - SplashMoun10

Yeah, I choose the latter as well. - visitor

Drink a slushy non stop. And of course Puga needs to make an immature comment because MSBS was the person who commented. - DCfnaf

Slushy. Cold is better than hot. - visitor

Slushy. I dislike spicy things - visitor

Slushy - visitor

Slushy, I am vegetarian - visitor

Spicy Buffalo Wings. Spicy food is delicious - visitor

Even without water, EpicJake? - visitor

Yep - visitor

You have quite the iron stomach and tongue if I do say so myself, EpicJake. - visitor

In fact, I have Buffalo Wings for lunch a lot. No joke. - visitor

Whoa... - visitor

Spicy Buffalo Wings - ProPanda

Drink a slushy non stop - visitor

I've drank a slushy nonstop a number of times before. It wasn't hard. - visitor

Spicy buffalo wings. - LarrytheFairy

Spicy buffalo wings. I love spicy stuff. - visitor

Spicy buffalo wings. You don't know the extent of how much spice I can take in. - LightningBlade

I'd rather drinking a slushy 24/7 - visitor

Spicy wings - Frodomar49

Wings easily - visitor

Drink a slushy, I do that all the time. - visitor

Spicy buffalo wings they taste good and if I don't have water I have milk - visitor

Slushy - visitor

Would you rather watch one minute of Boku no Pico or watch the entire length of Where the Dead Go to Die? - visitor

Never seen either, but I think I'll go with Where the Dead Go to Die only because Boku no Pico sounds like the absolute worst thing ever. I'd also want to see just how bad WtDgtD is. - SplashMoun10

Funny, when I first typed the word "Boku", it autocorrected to "abomination." - SplashMoun10

Again, I choose the latter. I wouldn't even go as far as to catch 3 seconds of a glimpse of either one, but I could never consider any form of animation worse than Boku no Pico. - visitor

WTDGTD. - visitor

I don't know, probably the latter - visitor

WTDGTD - visitor

One minute doesn't seem that terrible... - visitor

Can I wear a blindfold? - visitor

Ugh, Boku No Pico, at least there it’s one minute and not 95 - NightmareCinema

Boku no Pico because no one has the time to watch an entire bad movie, one minute of a god-awful show seems fine - visitor

Not funny or creative - Puga

Would you rather spend a whole day with Chris-chan or Jacob Sartorius? - visitor

Jacob Sartorius, because Chris Chan is - SplashMoun10

For the third time, I choose the latter. Jacob Sartorius makes me cringe, but Chris-chan just makes me cringe even more. - visitor

Jacob - visitor

Jacob - DCfnaf

Jacob. - visitor

Jacob - visitor

Jacob S. - visitor

Jacob - visitor

Jacob - visitor

Jacob Sartorius - visitor

Jacob - visitor

Jacob Sartorius - what's the big deal? - LightningBlade

Jacob S - visitor

Not funny or creative - Puga

Would you rather be AggressiveBlaze's best friend or Disney1994's best friend - visitor

I hate both with a fiery passion, but while I hate Disney1994 the most, AggressiveBlaze has objectively done worse than him, so I'll say I'd rather be Disney1994's best friend. - visitor

Disney1994, because at least he doesn't act superior to everything - visitor

Really hard, but Disney1994. I think he's worse as a user, but he seems like he'd be easier to get along with than Blaze. - SplashMoun10

Disney1994 - visitor

Actually I think Blaze is worse - visitor

I guess Disney because Blaze is nothing more than a vicious bully - visitor

Well, Blaze WAS my friend until be back stabbed me on deviantart, so at least I can TRUST Disney1994. - DCfnaf

Mitchell - TwilightKitsune

Disney. - visitor

Disney - visitor

Disney1994 - visitor

Disney1994 because his problems are not as serious as Blaze's. - visitor

Blaze so I could take his jaw for a walk - Puga

Blaze was nice to chat with sometimes - visitor

Disney because he triggered half the site - visitor

Disney1994's best friend - visitor

Disney - LarrytheFairy

Since I hate the bunch of negative blood.. Uh... None - LightningBlade

Disney - visitor

disney1994 - visitor

Disney - visitor

Would You Rather Have To Listen To The Marvin Gaye Song By Puth, Closer By The Chainsmokers, Work By Rihanna, And Watch Me By Silento For 5 Hours Straight Or Go Through My Intense Zootopia Hatred - VideoGamefan5

I'd rather listen to all of the songs, because your intense Zootopia hatred has gotten extremely irritating and you really need to cut it out. - SplashMoun10

The songs. - DCfnaf

@DCfnaf, So Do You Hate The Songs? - VideoGamefan5

Actually, at this point, I'd rather listen to the songs. At least I can die a quick death from listening to such god-awful songs rather than being tortured slowly by pretentious indecisiveness and rambunctious idiocy stemming from how a 13-year old can't even make up his mind on whether he likes or dislikes something. - visitor

Listen to all songs because you keep bashing Zootopia 24/7! - visitor

@MSBS. Best. Burn. Ever. - DCfnaf

Listen to the songs. Your unnecessary hatred on Zootopia is getting on my nerves. - visitor

Look, I Know My Zootopia Hatred Is Getting On Your Nerves, But The Thing Is, Is That I Just Hate How Everyone Is Still Obsessing On It - VideoGamefan5

The songs - visitor

The songs - visitor

Your intense zootopia hatred gets Kitsada rumbled, so that. - Puga

Those songs, heard most of them anyways - visitor

I've tolerated all of those songs for a really long time. It's actually scary. I've never been able to tolerate your annoyingness. So, yeah I'd take Charlie McMarlie over your arrogance anyday. - ProPanda

The songs - visitor

I don't hear a single person "obsessing" over Zootopia. Am I living under a rock, or is there just 0 proof? - visitor

I listen to those songs mate - LightningBlade

I want to listen to Closer anyways. - visitor

Songs - visitor

I'll be nae naeing through the night - Puga

Would you rather cry by slicing onions or watch a very sad movie? - visitor

Movie - TwilightKitsune

Watching a very sad movie. - visitor

Sad movie. - SplashMoun10

Movie. I love the heartwarming feeling - DCfnaf

Movie - visitor

Movie - visitor

movie - visitor

Movie. - visitor

Slicing onions - Puga

Movie but I dunt cry - visitor

Onions - visitor

Movie, there aren't that many sad movies that I've seen - VideoGamefan5

Movie - visitor

Sad movie - ProPanda

Movie - visitor

Movie - LarrytheFairy

Movie. - visitor

Slicing onions. I love that feeling - LightningBlade

Change my answer to slicing onions because it's impossible for a movie to make me cry - visitor

Sad Movie - visitor

Movie - visitor

Movie - iliekpiez

Movie - visitor

Would you rather live in Nazi Germany or Somalia? The former is a fascist regime centered around Nazism while the latter is pure anarchy and chaos. - visitor

Both would be awful places to live, but I would choose the former since I would have a slightly better chance of survival. - visitor

Nazi Germany - SplashMoun10

Germany - TwilightKitsune

Nazi Germany - visitor

Nazi Germany - visitor

Germany - visitor

Nazi Germany to meet my waifu - Puga

Germnay - visitor

Germany 😎 - visitor


not jewish - ProPanda

Germany. Come on. - LightningBlade

Germany - iliekpiez

Germany - visitor

Not funny or creative - Puga

Would you rather watch the worst modern SpongeBob episode or the worst modern Fairly OddParents episode? - visitor

Worst modern Spongebob episode. - SplashMoun10

Worst fairly oddparents. One Coarse Meal is WAY worse than the Big Fairy Share Scare - DCfnaf

Worst modern sponge episode. It probably isn't that bad. - visitor

Spongebob - visitor

If it were each series as a whole, I would say modern SpongeBob, but since this is just the worst modern episode of each series, I say I would rather watch the worst modern Fairly OddParents episode. - visitor

SB. AT least SB doesn't add a new cast member every season - visitor

Worst Modern Spongebob Episode - visitor

Spongebob - visitor

Faily odd - ProPanda

Worst modern fairy Oddparents episode - visitor

I don't find the second one interesting.. - LightningBlade

Worst modern FOP episode - iliekpiez

MSB episode - visitor

Not funny or creative - Puga

Would you rather sit and hear annoying 4kids One piece dub or be locked in a room together with Kanye West? - Mehguy2000

I can't stand the 4kids dub of One Piece, so I'll just go with being locked in a room with Kanye West. At least I would have the opportunity to slap him if he were to piss me off. - visitor

Kanye West, but I need a chainsaw with me as well - TwilightKitsune

The One Piece dub. It's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. - visitor

Probably the first one - visitor

I rather entertain my self with One Piece horrible dub than to be locked with a egotistical nutball who constantly says 'real music' and �'art�' no longer exist every five seconds. - Mehguy2000

Again gotta, serve the king. - ProPanda

Be locked - LightningBlade

Can I watch Kirby Right Back At Ya instead? - visitor

Anything over anime and Kanye is entertaining anyway - Puga

ye - visitor

Would you rather go 3 days without eating anything (you can still drink), or go 3 days without listening to music, watching movies, playing video games, or using any electronics? - SplashMoun10

3 days without the latter. - visitor

3 days without music, T.V., games, and electronics. Food is a necessity in life. - DCfnaf

3 days without electronics - visitor

Latter. Because the things one the first one are necessary - visitor

I probably should have made either 3 days without eating or 3 days without sleeping, since both of those things are necessary. - SplashMoun10

Without eating - visitor

I've already had to deal with similar circumstances of the latter so I'll skip some music. - cjWriter1997

Three days without the latter - visitor

3 days without listening to music,watching movies - visitor

3 days without eating - LarrytheFairy

Eating because I could turn food into a smoothie. - visitor

no eating - visitor

Eating - Puga

Eating - visitor

Would you rather sit in a tub full of spiders for 10 minutes or eat a sheep's head? - SplashMoun10

Eat a sheep's head. - visitor

Eat a sheep's head. If I do that, I throw up and it is overwith. If I sit in a bath full of spiders, I run the risk of one of them biting me and I'm screwed. - DCfnaf

Eat a sheeps head. - visitor

Eat a sheep's head - visitor

I am a vegetarian... - visitor

Depends on the type of spiders. - SwagFlicks

Eat a sheep's head - visitor

Eat a sheep's head - visitor

Sheeps head - LarrytheFairy

Tub of spiders. Disgusting, yes, but you never specify what kind of spider, so the tub would be filled with Daddy Long Legs, harmless and tiny spiders if I had it my way. - visitor

Sheep’s head - visitor

Would you rather have Tyga as your favorite artist or BOTDF as your favorite artist? - visitor

Tyga - VideoGamefan5

BOTDF, Tyga confessed to love pedophilia - visitor

BOTDF, only because of what jack2244 said about Tyga confessing about loving pedophilia. - visitor

Changed Mind To BOTDF - VideoGamefan5

BOTDF - SplashMoun10

BOTDF - visitor

Oh God... - visitor

BOTDF - visitor

Tyga had a verse on Bedrock, the best song of all time, so him - Puga

Tyga - visitor

Would you rather stick your hand into a nest full of wasps or a pool full of electric eels? - visitor

Electric Eels - SplashMoun10

Nest Full of Wasps. Electric Eels could stop my heart. - DCfnaf

Stick my hand into a pool of electric eels. - visitor

I personally choose the first - visitor

Electric Eels, I feel like death by electrocution is better than getting stung - visitor

Electric eels. Same reason as Neonco - visitor

wasps - visitor

Electric eels lolz - visitor

Wasps - visitor

Eels - LarrytheFairy

Eels - visitor

Would you rather marry someone you really hate and you're not allowed to divorce him/her or become your opposite gender for the rest of your life? - visitor

Be the opposite gender. Being with someone I hate sounds awful. - DCfnaf

The latter - visitor

Become an opposite gender for the rest of my life. Plus, if Kirito from Sword Art Online can do it, then so can I! - visitor

I personally choose the latter - visitor

I rather be a girl than to marry someone I can't stand. - Mehguy2000

Gender I guess - visitor

former - ProPanda

Uh...that's tough, the latter - visitor

Really hate - LarrytheFairy

Hate so then I'll kill him thank you. Women really bad - Puga

Really hate - visitor

Would you be around fans that constantly praise something you dislike or around haters that constantly bash something you like? - visitor

No way am I getting close to anything as Satanic as SAO haters! Obviously, I'd rather be around fans that constantly praise something I dislike. - visitor

There's no difference to me. - visitor

Haters - visitor

Fans that praise something I like. - DCfnaf

haters - ProPanda

Haters...Because haters just hate things an stuff so knowing their mentality, I'll choose to be around them (I'll ignore them anyway ) - visitor

Praise something I don't like - LarrytheFairy

Not funny or creative - Puga

Dislike - visitor

Would you rather drive through a highway that reeks of skunk spray or would you rather be forced to stay in a really stinky bathroom for 10 minutes straight? - visitor

Hey, I was able to make it through a highway reeking of skunk spray when me and my family were driving to Rochester, New York, so I think I can handle doing that rather staying in a stinky bathroom for 10 minutes. - visitor

*rather than staying - visitor

I guess stinky bathroom. - DCfnaf

Highway. I'd just roll up the windows and put on an air freshener, problem solved. - cjWriter1997

Skunk sorta smells like weed so the highway - visitor

Not funny or creative - Puga

Highway - visitor

Would You Rather Be Forced to Listen to an entire discography of a music artist you hate or Play the game crazy bus for 100 days straight - visitor

Listen to an entire discography of a music artist I hate. NO WAY am I playing Crazy Bus. Not even for a single day, let alone a minute of it. - visitor

Music - visitor

Entrie discography - ProPanda

Crazy Bus - visitor

Music - visitor

Would you rather have no fingers or no toes - visitor

No toes. - SplashMoun10

No toes. Without fingers I won't be able to do almost anything - visitor

No toes. - visitor

no toes. - TristGamer

toes - visitor

I never wanted to walk again anyways. - SwagFlicks

Fingers are used to grab things. I don't need toes as much - DCfnaf

No toes - visitor

No toes - visitor

Tows - LarrytheFairy

No toes - visitor

Would you rather eat living spiders or be a spider for the rest of your life?

Would you rather have a truck fall on you or get run over by a train?

Would you rather kiss a hungry crocodile or give a pufferfish a hug? - visitor

1. Be a spider the rest of my life
2. Have a truck fall on me
3. Give a pufferfish a hug - SplashMoun10

I personally choose:
-Be a spider
-Have a truck fall on me (I have chances of surviving though it's very little)
-Hug a pufferfish (probably gives me a faster death than the first option) - visitor

- Be a spider for the rest of my life.
- Have a truck fall on me.
- Give a pufferfish a hug.

Basically what SplashMoun10 said. - visitor

1. Be a spider.
2. Get hit by a truck.
3. Give Mrs. Puff a hug. - TristGamer

1. Be a spider
2. Truck fall on me
3. Give a pufferfish a hug, if I'm lucky, it doesn't inflate when I hug it - visitor

Why is everyone picking be a spider haha IDIOTS - Puga

1. Be a spider. I want everyone to fear me.
2. Truck fall on me
3. Give a pufferfish a hug - DCfnaf

- be

- truck

- hug - visitor

1. eat
2. truck
3. hug - ProPanda

Eat the living spiders

Truck fall on me ( I'll survive that way )

Hug a pufferfish - visitor

1 Be a spider for the rest of my life
2 Have a thuck fall on me
3 Give pufferfish a hug - visitor

1. Spider pig, spider pig. Does whatever a spider pig does. (or man in this case)
2. Well, a train = death. A truck has the survival option due to tires holding it upwards. SO... Truck.
3. Pufferfish, because if I'm gentle it wont stab me... hopefully. - visitor

1) eat living spiders. Come on guys. They taste like potato chips.
2) truck fall on me
3) kiss a hungry crocodile. We aren't the prey. Some people actually keep crocodiles as pets. - visitor

Be a spider
Pufferfish - visitor

Would you rather be forced to listen to Hinder and make your ears bleed or go blind by watching School Days? (Anime.) - visitor

Listen to Hinder - visitor

As much as I hate to say this, I'd rather go blind by watching School Days. It sounds less painful to go simply blind rather than to go deaf in a gory fashion. - visitor

I rather watch School Days. Its not as bad as people point it out to be. - Mehguy2000

Hinder - visitor

I have no idea what School Days is but I have heard Hinder so...School Days. - cjWriter1997

School Days - visitor

Listen to hinder - visitor

Would you rather be successful at something you hate doing or a failure at something you love doing? - SplashMoun10

I'd rather be successful at something I hate doing. - visitor

Hating - TwilightKitsune

Successful at something I hate doing. - TristGamer

Successful at something I hate doing - visitor

Successful at something I hate dojng - visitor

Successful at something I hate doing because then you feel good - DCfnaf

hate - visitor

hate - ProPanda

failure - RecklessGreed

Be sucessful at something that I hate doing - visitor

Failure at something I love doing, because I'll get better over time.

Like playing splatoon. - visitor

I’d be a failure, at least I’m having fun! - visitor

Would you rather be super strong but very slow or be super fast but very weak? - visitor

Be super fast but very weak. - visitor

Super strong. - Mehguy2000

Super strong but slow. Nobody's ever won a fight by running away. - visitor

Super fast but very weak - SplashMoun10

I personally choose to be super fast but very weak - visitor

Super fast. Martial > Ibra - Puga

Super fast but very weak - DCfnaf

Super fast, I'll be Sanic! - cjWriter1997

Super fast and weak - visitor

Super strong but very slow - visitor

Fast but weak. - visitor

So basically chose to be the heavy or scout (TF2). - visitor

Sonic's actually kinda weak without speed. So GOTTA GO FAST. - visitor

Would you rather spend a day with your least favorite fictional character from a T.V. show you like or would you spend a day with your most favorite fictional character from a T.V. show you dislike? - visitor

The first one - visitor

Least favorite character from a show I like. - SplashMoun10

I'll go with spending a day with my most favorite fictional character from a show I dislike. I'd rather be with Sanjay and Craig than be within 5 feet of Sugou. - visitor

First choice - DCfnaf

first - visitor

Spend a day with my least favorite fictional character from a T.V show that I like - visitor

Least favorite character from a show I like. - visitor

Not funny or creative - Puga

I guess I'll start this too, would you rather know everything that will happen from 2017-18 including deaths, important news etc but can't tell anyone about it? Or become a very popular toptenner? - TristGamer

The second one - visitor

Be a popular toptenner, because I know I wouldn't be able to keep anything to myself. - SplashMoun10

The second - visitor

The latter. The former doesn't sound beneficial enough for me to choose it. - visitor

Uh, very popular toptenner! - DCfnaf

popular - visitor

1st Option: I care why?
2nd Option is my choice. - visitor

The second one of course! I would love to be a popular TopTenner! - visitor

Would you rather have a beautiful voice, but have an ugly appearance, or have a beautiful appearance, but have an ugly voice? - visitor

Beautiful voice and an ugly appearance - visitor

Ugly voice, beautiful appearance. - SplashMoun10

First one - visitor

I'll go with having a beautiful appearance and having an ugly voice. - visitor

Ugly voice, beautiful appearance - DCfnaf

ugly voice - visitor

Ugly voice, beautiful appearance. Guess which one still sells. - visitor

This is hard. If I'm listening to a song, the former. If I'm going to a concert or watching a video, the latter. - ProPanda

Ummm ugly face and a beautiful voice I guess... - visitor

Beautiful appearance but have an ugly voice - visitor

Ugly voice, beautiful appearance - visitor

Never mind, ugly appearance and a godly voice. - visitor

Beautiful appearance. Then I would be the good looking version of me! - visitor

Would you rather have only 5 years to live, but they're the most fun 5 years you've ever had, or live for 100 years, but they're very boring and slow? - visitor

5 years - visitor

5 years. - visitor

5 years. - SwagFlicks

Oh shnap. 5 years. - DCfnaf

5 - visitor

5... - visitor

5 years - visitor

100, I don’t want to die. - visitor

Would you rather have the instincts of a cat or the intelligence of a dog? - visitor

Instincts of a cat - visitor

Firsr one - visitor

Cat instincts. - visitor

Cat instincts. - DCfnaf

vat - visitor

Dog - ProPanda

@ProPanda, I Googled up what the intelligence of a dog is like and it's said that the average dog has the intelligence of a 2-year old child. Seriously, I'm not kidding. It says it right on Google search. Are you sure you're firm with your answer on this question? - visitor

Eh, I guess I'll change - ProPanda

Instincts of a cat - visitor

Instincts of a cat - visitor

Would you rather Listen to Watch Me on repeat for an entire month or Listen to every BOTDF and Brokencyde album - visitor

The latter, since the torture would probably last shorter than listening to Silento for an entire month. - visitor

Every BOTDF and Brokencyde album. At least I don't have to do it for an entire MONTH. - visitor

The latter. - SwagFlicks

Npt watch me - visitor

The latter. Same reason as Nik - visitor

Watch Me. I'll get some nostalgia. - ProPanda

Would you rather be a death eater or a dementor? - Nonpointed

Be a Death Eater. - visitor

Death Eater since I could talk and shoot magic - DCfnaf

Would you rather be cut by a lightsaber or forced to live, with the Gungans? - Nonpointed

Be cut by a lightsaber. - visitor

Cut by a lightsaber. I don't want Boss Nass saliva on my face. - DCfnaf

Would you rather listen to Blood On The Dance Floor of Hip Hop - visitor

Listen to hip-hop. - visitor

Hip hop - visitor

Hip Hop - visitor

Hip hop, without question. - SwagFlicks

hip hop - ProPanda

Hip hop - visitor

Hip hop - visitor

Would you Rather Listen to Black Veil Brides or Asking Alexandra - visitor

I don't know what any of those two are, so I'll just take a guess and go with Asking Alexandra. - visitor

Asking Alexandria - visitor

Black Veil Brides - visitor

Asking Alexandria - visitor

Would you rather kiss your least favorite polliticians's feet or stab your best friend - visitor

Kiss my least favorite politician's feet. I hope Trump washes his feet thoroughly. - visitor

1st one. - TristGamer

Stab my best friend. Because I don't have one - visitor

Atab my bestfriend - visitor

Kiss Killary Clinton's feet. Not killing my friends here and in real life! - DCfnaf

The feet one - visitor

If only I had friends - ProPanda

Kiss the feet - ProPanda

1st one - visitor

Stab my best friend because I can switch it to some jerk I don't like and stab them. - visitor

Would you rather watch Cattle Decapitation's Forced Gender Reassignment Music Video or listen to this ( v=cAnGxfJi4kQ)? - visitor

The former. - visitor

What is the second thing? - RalphBob

Would you rather be forced to listen to your least favorite music genre for a day or be forced to deal with Kayne West for a day. - visitor

Deal with Kanye West for a day. I'll have the pleasure of punching him across the cheek every time he gets on my nerves. - visitor

First one. - TristGamer

Firat one - visitor

Kanye. To serve my king is an honor. - ProPanda

The former - visitor

First one. - visitor

Would you rather do a My Neighbor Sebastian on Blaze or force Danteem to watch a non porn movie? - TwilightKitsune

Do the My Neighbor Sebastian on AggressiveBlaze. - visitor

Force Danteem to watch a non porn movie - TristGamer

Force Danteem to wach a non porn movie 😆 - visitor

The one with Blaze. - visitor

Would you rather ride Splash Mountain with no animatronics working or no music playing? - SplashMoun10

Both would suck, but I'd rather have no animatronics working because having no music is creepy af. Worst case scenario, you'd be like these poor souls who had to endure both at the same time: v=SDMywlPsNzY - SplashMoun10

I'll just go with no animatronics working. - visitor

No animatronics - TristGamer

No music playing - visitor

No animatronics working. Music makes it slightlyb better. - DCfnaf

Ride a Spash Mountain - visitor

No music. - visitor

Would you rather be forced to look at perverted Sonic fan art or be forced to read My Immortal? - visitor

Well, since xandermartin98 thinks My Immortal is so bad that it's good, then I'll just go with reading My Immortal. - visitor

I'd read my immortal, but Sonic fanart is way better than Toy Chica and Foxy fanart, enough said. - DCfnaf

Read My Immortal. - visitor

Read My Immortal. I've done that - visitor

Read my immortal - visitor

My Immortal since perverted fan art is so... - visitor

My Immortal because it's the funniest thing ever. - visitor

Would You Rather Play Sonic 06 Or Spent A Day Watching Breadwinners - VideoGamefan5

Play Sonic 06. At least the music is outstanding. - visitor

Sonic 06 - VideoGamefan5

Um...Sonic 06 - DCfnaf

Sonic 06. - visitor

Play sonic 06 - visitor

06. It's not that bad. - visitor

Neither - visitor

Would you rather spend an entire day trapped in an Ice Cave while listening to Black Metal or be bored to death by watching Foodfight and then The Internship? - Mehguy2000

I don't want to watch Foodfight! again, so I'll just go with listening to Black Metal in an ice cave. - visitor

Listen to Black Metal in an Ice Cave - visitor

Black metal is good - visitor

Black metal I guess... - visitor

Would You Rather have one of your favorite songs covered by a music artist you hate the most or have one of your favorite video games be destroyed - visitor

Have one of my favorite songs covered by a music artist I hate the most. Destroying one of my favorite video games is a long-term consequence. At least I would just have to listen to an awful cover one time and be done with it. - visitor

Favorite song covered by awful music artist. YOU AIN'T DESTROYING BOWSER'S INSIDE STORY! - DCfnaf


Meh. I don't have a favorite game, and if it's on the internet it really can't be destroyed. - visitor

Favorite Songs, I would be insane with out Breath of the wild, Hotline Miami and Doom - visitor

Favorite song by most hated music artist. If you come close to my Transformers War For Cybertron game, I will murder you. - visitor

I don't have a favorite video game, - visitor

My favorite song because I would just not listen to Harry Styles ruin Tokyo Narita for me! - visitor

Would you rather be forced to look at my awful image of Sugou Nobuyuki's face on TheTopTens for 10 minutes straight or would you rather listen to every song sample of every music artist you hate on TheTopTens? - visitor

Listen to every song sample of every music artist I hate on TheTopTens. Even looking at that image of Sugou for so much as one second is enough to burn my eyes. - visitor

The first one - visitor

Sugou Nobuyuki - SplashMoun10

Look at Sugou - visitor

Look at Sugou's pic, it doesn't sound bad compared to listening to awful songs - visitor

Look at the anime character with a blind fold. - visitor

The first one because it’s shorter. I hate so many songs! - visitor

Would You Rather Have Your Favorite T.V. show get canceled or The Show never ends but it gets worse and worse - visitor

Favorite T.V. show gets cancelled. At least I will remember it for how good it was. - visitor

Have my favorite T.V. show get cancelled. Just look at my username. - visitor

Reference to Spongebob? - TristGamer

Yes, TristGamer. - visitor

Get cancelled, - visitor

Would you rather be stuck eating your favorite cereal everyday for 8 months or never eat any cereal ever for the rest of you're entire life. - cjWriter1997

Stuck eating favorite cereal for 8 months. It's my favorite, so obviously it will be enjoyable. - visitor

no ceral - visitor

I love a cereal brand named koko krunch very much so I guess eat my favorite cereal for 8 months - visitor

Be stuck eating my favorite cereal everyday for 8 months. - visitor

Eating favorite cereal for 8 months. - SplashMoun10

Eat Coco Pops for 8 months - TwilightKitsune

No cereal...Lol that was easy for me! - visitor

Eating Apple Jacks for the rest of mah life. - visitor

Would you rather be a Legendary Pokemon or a Transformer? - visitor

Legendary Pokemon..which I would be Arcanine. - TristGamer

Be a Legendary Pokemon. Hmm, I could have sworn that there was supposed to be my answer to this question already prior to me answering again since it wasn't here before. - visitor

Legendary. At least I wouldn't be in a crappy Michael Bay movie. - cjWriter1997

Be a Legendary Pokemon. - Mehguy2000

@TristGamer Unless you're joking or being sarcastic, Arcanine isn't a legendary Pokemon. - visitor

Transformer - visitor

Transformers, Because I Find Revenge Of The Fallen Overhated, in my opinion - VideoGamefan5

Legendary Pokemon - visitor

Pokemon - TwilightKitsune

Pokémon - visitor

HM. LETS SEE. BE A GOD OF THE WORLD (arceus) or be a car who can turn into a robot. - visitor

Okay, I don't know whether to change or keep. I could be Arceus, the god of the world, or Unicron, the evil planet eating beast that can't die and has access to many dimensions. The Matrix would be the only thing I'd worry about while Arceus could die from simple attacks. Then again, God of the world is a more fun job. - visitor

Would you rather be forgotten? Or hatefully remembered? - TristGamer

Be forgotten. - visitor

Forgotten - cjWriter1997

Forgotten. - SplashMoun10

Forgotten. - visitor

Forgotten - visitor

Forgotten - visitor

Forgotten, I don't want to be like Blaze - DCfnaf

Forgotten. I didn't do much anyway. - visitor

Forgotten. I was over the summer anyway. - visitor

Forgotten I guess. - visitor

Would you rather have the main protagonist in an action T.V. show be stupidly overpowered or really weak? - visitor

Have the main protagonist stupidly overpowered. - visitor

I'd rather have the protagonist be stupidly overpowered. - ModernSpongeBobSucks (3/11/2017) - visitor

Shut up, impostor. - visitor

Stupidly overpowered. - visitor

Would you rather be Blaze's wife/husband or kiss the feet of your most hated cartoon character? - TwilightKitsune

(I hope this doesn't count hated anime characters, because if I have to kiss Sugou's feet, I might as well be Blaze's husband). If this is just hated cartoon characters, then I'd rather kiss the feet of my most hated cartoon character, which would probably have to be Mr. Krabs. - visitor

Then again, if I were Blaze's husband, I could probably beat him on the head with a dough roller Muriel-style every time he acts like a retard. Still would rather kiss Mr. Krabs's feet than be married to Blaze. - visitor

Kiss the feet of my most hated cartoon character - visitor

Note: You can cheat on Blaze, use up his money and beat him up too. - TwilightKitsune

Can I change my answer to being Blaze's husband if I can do those things to him? - visitor

Kitsada, duh, yes - TwilightKitsune

Would You Rather Watch Every Episode of Teen Titans Go or watch The Worst Episodes from Modern Spongebob - visitor

In contradiction to my username, I'd rather watch the worst episodes of Modern SpongeBob. I'd watch those episodes over any Teen Titans Go! episode ANY DAY. - visitor

Modern spongebob. - visitor

At least the worst spongebob episodes aren't 100% trash... most of the time. And there's less of those. TTG is 100% garbage... - visitor

Anthing but teen titans go. - visitor

I'd prefer to not have to watch a couple of hundred episodes of a show. - visitor

Which would you rather eat? The filthy doughnut that Patrick and SpongeBob ate in The Donut of Shame or the dirty jawbreaker Ed from Ed, Edd n Eddy ate from a Cartoon Network City bumper? - visitor

I choose the filthy doughnut from SpongeBob SquarePants. - visitor

Would You Rather have your least favorite song be played at a party watch the Garbage Pail Kids Movie - visitor

Have my least favorite song be played at a party. I'm not much of a party person and I can just sit back and play on my Nintendo 3DS or watch anime on Crunchyroll. - visitor

Least favorite song, it wont last very long for sure - visitor

Least favorite song. I hate the Garbage Pail Kids movie. - visitor

The song, I suppose. - visitor

Would you rather be Sheldon J. Plankton from SpongeBob SquarePants or Mojo Jojo from The Powerpuff Girls? - visitor

Mojo Jojo - TwilightKitsune

Mojo Jojo. - visitor

At least Plankton doesn't get his BRAIN SMASHED IN.

Jeez. - visitor

Would you rather be Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender or Samurai Jack from Samurai Jack? - visitor

The avatar to kick M Night Shayamalan's ass - TwilightKitsune

This is very obvious, but I would be Aang. (even though I like aang and jack). - visitor

Samurai Jack. He looks so awesome and badass in the revival! - visitor

Say an alien visits your home, you take care of him, and eventually bonded with him like a father for many years but then his species came and have to take him back to their home.

Would you rather do something to prevent them from taking him home or just let him go? - visitor

Man, this really gives me that sort of E.T. feel... As much as it breaks my heart to say this, I would want him to be with his own kind for the best. On the bright side, me and the alien would still cherish our memories together even if we were far away from each other and may never see each other again... - visitor

Let him go, he won't be able to stay there. - visitor

Would You Rather Listen to Sounding of the Seventh Trumpet by A7X or Lulu by Metallica (Both are awful albums) - visitor

Lulu by Metallica. - visitor

Lulu - visitor

Lulu (at least it had some good songs) - visitor

Lulu. Its not by A7X - visitor

Would you rather have a pig nose or a monkey face? - visitor

Pig nose. - cjWriter1997

Have a pig nose. - visitor

Pig nose. - SplashMoun10

Nose - visitor

Pig nose. - visitor

Would you rather live with someone you hate or live completely alone ( Isolation)? - visitor

Tough but I guess I'll choose to be alone. - cjWriter1997

Live completely alone. I like privacy. - visitor

Completely alone. I can have privacy and peace, though it would be a little boring - visitor

Live completely alone. - SplashMoun10

I would live alone. - visitor

Alone. I'm used to being away from everybody. - visitor

Live completely alone. - visitor

I would prefer being alone - visitor

Ooh ooh, it’s just me, myself and my favorite song! Solo ride until I die, cause I can listen to my favorite song my whole life! - visitor

Would you rather spend a year in world's most dangerous mental hospital or a year in dangerous South American jail? - visitor

Spend a year in a dangerous South American jail. I've seen documentaries of what jail life is like in a lot of dangerous prisons, so I think coping with jail life is much more tolerable than psychological torture. - visitor

The jail - visitor

Jail, but do I get to do something jail worthy before? - visitor

Would you rather listen to Risk by Megadeth or Lulu by Metallica (both are awful albums) - visitor

Risk has some decent songs - ProPanda

Again, Lulu by Metallica. - visitor

Risk. - visitor

Risk - visitor

Risk - visitor

Risk. It has better sortof vocals - visitor

Lulu is a much more noble failure, even if it is worse, so Lulu - visitor

Would you rather be able to use telepathy (read with the mind) or telekinesis (control with the mind). - cjWriter1997

Telekinesis - visitor

Be able to use telekinesis. - visitor

Telekinesis - SplashMoun10

Telekinesis...I won't say much regarding this...I have a reason for that - visitor

Telekinesis. - visitor

Telekinesis - visitor

Telekinesis - visitor

Telekinesis. It sounds cool - visitor

Telekenisis because people think some weird s***. - visitor

Telekinesis - visitor

Would you rather be blind or deaf - visitor

Deaf - visitor

Be deaf. - visitor

Deaf - SplashMoun10

Blind actually - visitor

When you are blind, you see NOTHING, Not even darkness... - visitor

Deaf - ProPanda

Deaf - visitor

Deaf - cjWriter1997

Deaf, at least I can still see and I can install hearing aids - visitor

Deaf - visitor

Would you rather have yourself sewn together with one of your siblings (or one of your friends if you're an only child) or have your legs detached and replaced with goat legs? - visitor

Have my legs detached and replaced with goat legs. - visitor

I personally choose to have my legs detached and replaced with goat legs. By the way, this question is a reference to my favorite Vocaloid song Dark Wood Circus, if you're wondering - visitor

Goat legs - ProPanda

Goat legs - visitor

Goat legs ( I'll hide them anyway ) - visitor

Goat Legs, cause then I can be a Centaur (or Minotaur, I don't know, which one is the half-human, half-goat again? ) - cjWriter1997

Satyre - visitor

@FireWasp2004 Ah ok. Way off with that one. Thanks. - cjWriter1997

Goat Legs, I would look like a Hellknight from Doom - visitor

Either become those terrifying creatures from Coraline or be Grover. Yeah, a satyre sounds better than a rag doll. - visitor

Goat legs. - visitor

Would you rather have a show be good for its entire duration until its final episodes are bad or would you rather have a show be bad for its entire duration until it starts getting good towards the end of its run? - visitor

Good question.. the latter one, that doesn't go just for shows but for some movies and short series as well, Many great stories are made like that only...By displaying probs first and such situations which keeps the limelight sustained to expect any change or twist, which finally comes and effects the show/series/movie positively. - visitor

The latter - visitor

Have a show be bad for its entire duration until it starts getting good towards the end. - visitor

Good to bad. One of my favorite shows was like this. Great first few seasons but soon just got boring and bland after awhile. - cjWriter1997

Bad to Good - visitor

Good to bad, because you'll have more good than bad. - visitor

Would you rather eat a bowl of vomit or lick butter off of a hobo's foot? - visitor

Lick butter off a hobo's foot. - visitor

Lick butter off a hobo's foot - visitor

Butter off a hobo's feet? Hopefully I won't have to encounter either situation. - cjWriter1997

Butter - visitor

The second one - visitor

Zoey101 reference. Lick butter off of a hobos foot - DCfnaf

Would You Rather Die a Hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain - visitor

When you die a hero, you become immortal..and doing good and dying isn't bad So die a hero - visitor

Die a hero. - cjWriter1997

Die a hero. - visitor

Die a hero. - visitor

Die A Hero - visitor

Switching mine to Villian - visitor

Evil. I WILL RULE the WURLD! - visitor

Batman Dark Knight Reference - visitor

Villian, evil is amazing - visitor

I'm surprised this post got so much sucess, most acclaimed thread since McGillaCuddy's RateTheArtist. - ProPanda

Assuming that you will be left unharmed, physically...
Would you rather face all your fears at once for 3 hours straight but never have to experience them again.
Have to face all your fears at once for only 3 minutes but have to encounter them all together, once a year, for the rest of your life. - cjWriter1997

Face all my fears at once for 3 hours straight but never have to experience them again. I'd probably suffer the same thing as Samurai Jack is going through in the revival if I chose the latter. Just look at what he had to go through in the first episode of the revival: - visitor

The fiurst - visitor

The first - TwilightKitsune

3 hours straight. I would hate to face my fears all together, once a year, and for the rest of my life. - visitor

First one - visitor

Face them all for 3 hours because I would never have to experience them once again - visitor

First one - visitor

First - DCfnaf

One of my fears it dying, so I would die either way. - visitor

Would you rather be forced to listen to Scentless Apprentice by Nirvana for 58 hours straight or Nookie by Limp Bizkit for 34 months? - visitor

Scentless Apprentice by Nirvana for 58 hours straight. 34 months is way out of proportion. - visitor

Scentless Apprentice not as bad in comparison. - visitor

What is wrong with Scentless Apprentice it actually is my favorite Nirvana song, that's really not a joke, it is. - NuMetalManiak

Scentless Apprentice by Nirvana. I love that band. - visitor

I just don't like the screams regardless I respect your opinion. - visitor

Scentless Apprentice - visitor

Scentless Apprentice, because, it is not by Limp Bizkit and the time is less. - visitor

Would you rather have a hand or an egg fetish? Yes, these are real. - visitor

Egg, both are disturbing though. - visitor

Hand fetish. - visitor

Ummm that's disturbing, I guess Hand - visitor

Uh...hand - visitor

PLEASE NO - TristGamer

Hand? This was so hard to decide since I really hate fetishes. - visitor

Hand, I suppose... - SplashMoun10

Hand... fetishes are weird thugh. - visitor

Would you rather Eat a super salty chicken or Eat a burned chicken - visitor

Burnt. It's just like eating my own cooked chicken :D - cjWriter1997

Super salty chicken. Having to deal with high sodium causing high blood pressure is a lesser evil than dealing with carcinogens that can cause cancer. - visitor

A super salty chicken - visitor

Salty chicken - visitor

Salty chicken - visitor

The first one gives me high blood pressure and the second one gives me cancer... first one - visitor

Super salty chicken. I'm not getting cancer. - visitor

Salty chicken - SplashMoun10

Salty but I am a vegetarian. - visitor

Would you rather Have one of your favorite albums destroyed or one of your favorite movies destroyed - visitor

Have one of my favorite albums destroyed. I don't listen to music that much anyway. - visitor

Favorite movies - visitor

Favorite albums (Sorry, had to pick this) because I love movies too much - visitor

Movies since I don't watch many. - visitor

I can't answer... - visitor

Movie - visitor

Favorite Movie. Stay away from my limited edition White Pony CD! - cjWriter1997

Movies, I don't watch movies much. - visitor

Definitely movie because I don’t care about movies that much! If someone destroyed Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, I would be so mad! - visitor

Would you rather watch MOST (If not ALL) episodes of your least favorite show or never get to watch your favorite show for the rest of your life? - visitor

The first one - visitor

Watch all the episodes of my least favorite show. Once it's done, it's over with. Though, I don't have a specific show I hate the most other than *shudders* Boku no Pico. - visitor

Former...I will bear to do that, but the latter one? Never - visitor

Least favorite show. - visitor

First one I think. - visitor

Would you rather wake up one day as your favorite music artist or wake up as Jacob Satorious? - visitor

Uh... wake up as my favorite music artist? Why Jacob Sartorius? - visitor

What kind of question is that? The first one, obviously! - visitor

Obviously the former! I would really like to wake up as my favorite artist...for one day only - visitor

Favorite music artist. - visitor

Obvuously tbe first... - visitor

First one. - visitor

This is a weird one: Would you rather have Cheetos fingers for the rest of your life, or have a popcorn kernel in the back of your throat for the rest of your life? - TristGamer

Cheeto fingers. It never feels good to have something stuck in your throat. - visitor

Cheetos fingers. - visitor

Cheetos fingers. - visitor

Cheeto fingers - DCfnaf

Cheeto fingers because gloves exist. - visitor

Harambe or We Are Number One? - TristGamer

The Mine Song - TwilightKitsune

We Are Number One. - visitor

We Are Number One. - visitor

Both horrible - Puga

We are number one - visitor

Smash Mouth. - cjWriter1997

Damn, which one pisses me off less? - DCfnaf

Harambe? - visitor

Would you rather change your name to Justin Beiber or never eat chocolate again? - visitor

Never eat chocolate again. At least there's other candies I can eat. - visitor

Never eat chocolate again. Who would want the same name as a crappy pop singer? - visitor

Never eat chocolate again - visitor

Never eat chocolate, I can still eat chips or cookies for snack - visitor

Never eat chocolate again, Justin is a guy name and Justin Bieber is atrocious. - visitor

Would you rather have no one show up to your wedding or your funeral? - visitor

Have no one show up to my wedding. At least I could just jump to a honeymoon right away after it. - visitor

Wedding because I don't even plan to have one - visitor

Wedding because nobody showing up at a funeral is way more messed up than nobody showing up at a wedding. - visitor

Wedding. But I bet no one will show up to my funeral either. - visitor

Wedding because it's more important to remember a person's death than wedding (even though a wedding is a good milestone for him/her) - visitor

Wedding's for suckers, amirite?
*cries in the corner because he's so alone*

Nah, but I choose wedding. - cjWriter1997

Wedding. - visitor

Would you rather be stuck on a ski lift for 5 hours or milk a cow with your mouth? - visitor

Milk a cow with my mouth. I'm deathly afraid of heights. - visitor

Ski lift. At least it's a good view. - visitor

Ski lift. It would be really weird milking a cow's udder with your mouth. - TristGamer

I can't stand milk even the slightest bit, so ski lift. - visitor

Milk a cow with your mouth, I have a huge fear of heights - visitor

Stuck on a ski lift, It won't be any problem for me at all, I will try to enjoy it haha - visitor

Ski lift. Can't even imagine myself doing the latter. - SplashMoun10

Ski lift. I would hate to milk a cow with my mouth. - visitor

Stuck in a ski lift, milking with my mouth sounds awkward but I'm fine using my hands :P - visitor

So you want me to be above a bunch of snow for 5 hours or suck a cow's boobies. I prefer the former, thanks. - cjWriter1997

I have a huge fear of heights, but I'd rather not milk a cow with my mouth - DCfnaf

Ski lift, I don't want to drink unpurified cow milk, thanls. - visitor

So... your best friend and brother betray you and turn their backs against you.
Would you rather kill your best friend or brother for their betrayal? - visitor

Kill my best friend. I'm not one to kill my family, even though I just have a sister and not a brother. - visitor

Kill my best friend. - visitor

Kill my best friend. I don't want to kill a family member. - visitor

Bestfriend - visitor

Kill my best friend, My brother matters to me more than friends. - visitor

I hate my brother so brother - visitor

I want my brother to stay alive. Sorry MSBS. - DCfnaf

Brother because I don't have any siblings. - visitor

600+ comments. Wow, I never thought this would be that popular. Thank you all for your contributions! - SplashMoun10

You're very welcome! - visitor

Most successful post! - TristGamer

You're welcome! - visitor

No problem - visitor

Would you rather get stuck in space with a broken rocketship or stuck at the bottom of the Mariana Trench with a broken submarine? - SplashMoun10

Stuck at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. At least it would be more interesting to gaze at undersea creatures than to look into the blank depths of space. - visitor

The former ( more chances of survival that way ) - visitor

Stuck in space. - visitor

As much as I want to see deep-sea creatures, the first one has a higher chance of survival. First one - visitor

First one. - visitor

Would you rather eat a cooked person or expired oatmeal left out for 6 years. - TristGamer

Cooked person. At least now I can experience the diet of a cannibal. - visitor

Cooked person. - visitor

Cooked person. I've been wondering what humans taste like when they're cooked. - visitor

Cooked person. I'll eat any meat as long as you don't tell me what kind of meat it is - visitor

A person - visitor

Cooked person
Ugh... - visitor

Expired oatmeal. - visitor

Which you rather be in a popular band with bad songs or a band with good songs, but not many people know you? - visitor

Second one - visitor

A band with good songs where not many people know me. - visitor

A good bad that is unknown - visitor

Second one - visitor

A lot of bands I listen to are not well known and have great songs so I choose the second'un - SirSkeletorThe3rd

The latter of course. - cjWriter1997

Latter for me. - Mehguy2000

I've seen this question before. Anyway the latter - DCfnaf

Would you rather be born a earthworm or a severely disabled person? (Not offensive) - SirSkeletorThe3rd

A severely disabled person - TristGamer

A severely disabled person. - visitor

Severely disabled person. - visitor

Earthworm. What's wrong with that? - visitor

Disabled? - visitor

Would you rather watch an action movie full of violence, or watch a horror movie? - visitor

A horror movie. more fun to watch - TristGamer

An action movie full of violence. - visitor

Action movie with violence. I already did, Logan. - visitor

Violence. I've done that - visitor

Watch a horror movie, I'm not a brawler...Never fight. - visitor

Action Movie. - cjWriter1997

horror - visitor

Horror. - visitor

Would you rather marry the user in this website that you hate (you can't divorce him/her) the or kill one of your favorite user? - visitor

I rather date someone who I actually know in real life. - TristGamer

Marry a user on this website that I hate. Time to bring out the dough roller! - visitor

Marry a user on the website that I hate. I need a belt just in case. - visitor

Marry a user I hate. You never said suicide wasn't an option - visitor

Marry a user I hate, if I'm allowed to smack him on the face - visitor

Marry a user I hate as long as I can leave and move away... like, disappear. - visitor

Marry the user that I hate and trap them so I can run away! Yay! - visitor

Would you rather swim in a pool of vinegar with cuts all over your body or use sand paper as toilet paper? - visitor

Use sand paper as toilet paper. Maybe if I rub it softly enough, it won't hurt that much. - visitor

Latter one - visitor

Sand paper as toilet paper. It's just like store brand TP. - cjWriter1997

Sand Paper, Even though it would be a literal pain in the ass. - visitor

Use sand as toilet paper. - visitor

Use sand paper, but on the side that’s not sandy! - visitor

Would you rather have knives for fingers or fire for hair (It doesn't hurt you)? - visitor

Knives - TwilightKitsune

Knives for fingers. That'll be so freak ing cool - visitor

Fire for hair. - visitor

Knives. - visitor

Knives for fingers... Reminds me of Freddy! - visitor

FREDDY KRUEGER - TwilightKitsune

Knives for fingers. - visitor

Would you rather touch a cactus or touch a broken piece of wood? - visitor

Touch a broken piece of wood. - visitor

Broken piece of wood - visitor

Broken piece of wood. I just wouldn't touch the broken part. - RalphBob

wood - visitor

Broken piece of wood - visitor

Cactus. Honestly, I've touched one before and they're completely harmless - TwilightKitsune

Broken piece of wood. - visitor

Would you rather be mature but still disrespect opinions or be immature but respect opinions? - visitor

Be immature but respect opinions. There's no difference to me. - visitor

Mature and disrespect opinions - visitor

Mature and disrespect opinions.. - visitor

Mature and disrespect opinions. There isn't really a difference there mate. - visitor

Be immature but respect opinions. I am that already. - visitor

Would you rather be in solitary confinement for 5 months or a maximum security prison for the same time. - cjWriter1997

Solitary confinement for 5 months. - visitor

Maximum security prison. - visitor

Solitary Confiment - visitor

Well...solitary confinement is actually one of the worst tortures to a brain.
Maximum security prison - visitor

Maximum security prison. - visitor

Prison - DCfnaf

Solitary confinement - visitor

Would you rather step on a nail with shoes on, or tap on glass with no shoes? - visitor

Nail with shoes. I actually did that in 5th grade and didn't notice until months later. - visitor

Nail - visitor

Step on a nail with shoes on. - visitor

Nail with shoes. - visitor

Former - DCfnaf

Your mum or your dad? - TristGamer

Well, since my mom is more lazy than my dad and he's the better breadwinner of the family, I'll go with my dad. Not saying I hate either of them though. They're still my parents, so I still love them. - visitor

Can't make a preference - DCfnaf

Dad. - visitor

My dads was dead for 10 years, and he was never in my life so my mom. - visitor

Would you rather be a bad band but have a lot of popularity or a good band with no popularity? - visitor

Good band with no popularity. - visitor

Hate to say this, but this kind of sounds like a rehash of one of NikBrusk's questions. Oh well, I guess be a good band with no popularity. - visitor

Good band with no popularity...that will be okay... - visitor

Band with no popularity. - visitor

Popularity is overrated - DCfnaf

Good Band with no popularity - visitor

Good band with no popularity. - visitor

Good band, I hate bad music so much! - visitor

Would you rather watch a GoAnimate grounded video or a rant made in GoAnimate? - visitor

Grounded video. - visitor

Not much difference to me, but if I have to choose, I'll just watch a typical GoAnimate grounded video. - visitor

Watch the video. - visitor

I suppose a grounded video. Just make sure it's only a two minute one. - Entranced98

This post seem to be slowly dying. - TristGamer

Kinda... - visitor

;( - DCfnaf

RIP ;( - visitor

Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhes? - TwilightKitsune

Freddy Krueger. He's badass and if he were to kill me, at least the torment would end faster than with Jason Voorhes from my perspective. - visitor

Jason! :D - visitor

Would you rather do the 50/50 challenge or the Cinnamon Challenge? - visitor

50/50. - visitor

50/50. - visitor

Cinnamon Challenge - visitor

Cinnamon Challenge - visitor

Would you rather be married to Osama Bin Laden or have Adolf Hither as your dad? - visitor

Hitler... - visitor

Hitler as my dad - visitor

Hitler as my dad - visitor

Adolf Hitler as my dad. - visitor

Hitler as my father lol - visitor

Hitler is at least faithful - LightningBlade

@GamerMike35 It's my favorite holiday as well - visitor

Hitler as my dad. - visitor

Would you rather deal with Axl Rose or Courtney Love? Both are considered jerks of Rock music so choose wisely. - visitor

Courtney Love. - visitor

Axl Rose - visitor

Courtney love

Lol if dealing here would mean to beat the hell outta her, it'll be great - visitor

Axl - LightningBlade

Courtney. - visitor

Would you rather be a hardcore rock/metal fan or a hardcore anime fan? - visitor

Rock/Metal surely. - visitor

Rock/Metal fan of course... - visitor

Rock/metal - visitor

I'd be massively hated if I chose the latter, so I'll go with being a hardcore rock/metal fan. Plus, I prefer being a casual anime fan. - visitor

Rock/Metal fan - visitor

Love both but I go with Rock/Metal fan. - Mehguy2000

Rock/metal fan. - visitor

Sick of anime so rock/metal - LightningBlade

Rock metal.. I am a rock and metal fan - visitor

Already a rock/metal fan - Nonpointed

Would You Rather Listen to Crunkcore or Grindcore (This also includes Pornogrind and Goregrind)? Both are awful genres of music - visitor

Well, since Goregrind sounds like it's worse than Pornogrind, I guess I'll go with Grindgore... - visitor

Grindcore..Ugh - visitor

Some Grindcore aren�'t that bad so I rather listen to that. As for Crunkcore? I have no idea what that subgenre is. - Mehguy2000

Grindcore... - visitor

Would you rather have telekinesis or teleportation? - visitor

Teleportation. - visitor

Telekinesis - visitor

Telekenisis - visitor

Teleportation...God it will be so cool - visitor

Probably Telekinesis. - Mehguy2000

Teleportation. - visitor

Telekinesis - LightningBlade

Teleportation - visitor

Telekinesis - visitor

Would you rather be siblings with Caillou or Angelica Pickles? - visitor

Angelica Pickles. - visitor

Both would be ages younger than me, so I could care less. - cjWriter1997

Caillou so I can fit him in my washing machine and give him rides every day in it - TwilightKitsune

Angelica Pickles. - visitor

Caillou - visitor

Caillou - visitor

Would you rather get little to no votes on your lists every day but have no one criticize or troll them or would you rather get tons of votes on your lists every day but have people attack them through criticism or trolling? - visitor

The former - visitor

Isn't that the norm for TopTen lists. Lists with no votes, which are usually higher quality, baring get no attention while the spam of low quality lists get all the votes and trolling. - cjWriter1997

Honestly, I'll go with little to no votes on my lists. Besides, I could still contribute through posts, images, etc. I practically go through the former every day, albeit with a few occasional trolls on them here and there. - visitor

The former - visitor

Little to no votes. - visitor

First - LightningBlade

The first - visitor

Would you rather be a user with great content but no one notices you? Or be a very overrated user? - TristGamer

A user with great content that no one notices. - visitor

No one notices you? If that meant the content unnoticed...Then I'll choose the latter - visitor

Overrated user. - visitor

Very overrated user. You never said the content had to be low-quality. - visitor

Overrated. - visitor

Overrated - TwilightKitsune

Underrated - LightningBlade

A user that is unnoticed - visitor

I really want to be good at making content but I’m not! The first one by a lot! - visitor

Would you rather be bored or annoyed? - visitor

Uh...uh...Bored ( That's very rare in my life though lol) - visitor

Bored. - visitor

Bored. - visitor

Bored. - visitor

Bored. I'm already bored all the freak ing time - visitor

Bored. I'm sick of being annoyed. - visitor

Bored - TwilightKitsune

Annoyed - LightningBlade

Bored... - visitor

Annoyed - visitor

I'm technically both all the time - Nonpointed

Would you rather would you rather or would you rather. - DapperPickle

The latter - TristGamer

Uh... - visitor

Is this suppose to be a trick question? - visitor

I would rather would you rather than would you rather. - visitor

Former... - visitor

It's hard to pick one - LightningBlade

That doesn't make any sense - visitor

Would you rather typ3 l1k3 th15 or TyPe LiKe ThIs? - visitor

TyPe LiKe ThIs - visitor

LiKe ThIs. - visitor

The latter. - visitor

I pErSoNaLlY cHoOsE tO tYpE lIkE tHiS - visitor

TyPe LiKe ThIs. - visitor

HmMm THiS is preTtY harD..!...…I GuEss tHe LaTtEr - TristGamer

I gUeSs ThE lAtTeR oNe - visitor

TyPe LiKe ThIs - visitor

I WoUlD TyPe ThIs wAy! - visitor

HmM lOvEfRoMbAdLaNdS cHoOsEs ThE sEcOnD oPtIoN - visitor

Would you rather be a sea monster or an alien? - visitor

Sea monster - visitor

Alien. - visitor

I personally choose to be a sea monster - visitor

Sea monster - visitor

Sea monster - LightningBlade

Sea monster. - visitor

Sea monster. - visitor

Would you rather have a dragon or be a dragon? - visitor

Both are awesome, but I'd rather have a dragon. - visitor

Be a dragon. - visitor

Be a dragon - visitor

I'd rather have a dragon 8) - visitor

Have a dragon - LightningBlade

Have - visitor

Neither - Nonpointed

Would you rather watch a marathon of bad Nick sitcoms or bad Disney sitcoms? - visitor

Marathon of bad Nick sitcoms. - visitor

Disney, there is no way I'm watching cheesy superheros, bratty quadruplets, and a poor spin-off based on a decent movie. - TristGamer

I'd rather not answer - LightningBlade

Nick Sitcoms...I'm sure they'll be still hilarious lol - visitor

Nickelodeon. I hate bad Disney sitcoms. - visitor

Bad Nick. - visitor

Would you rather be locked in a room full of poisonous spiders that give fatal bites or get decapitated by a sharp helicopter propellor? - visitor

Decapitated by a sharp helicopter propeller. - visitor

The first one. I MIGHT survive if I don't disturb those spiders... - visitor

The first one... you didn't say I could be in a glass section with no spiders in it! - visitor

Would you rather be Justin Bieber or kiss Osama Bin Laden? - Frodomar49

None for me thank you - visitor

A very weird question going around the web :

Would you rather kiss Trump or drink bleach?
( 98% of the votes were for the latter! ) - visitor

DRINK BLEACH! - visitor

Trump. - visitor

Trump, Why will I risk my life? That's stupid ( In comparison) - visitor

Would you rather be forced to act in a Adam Sandler movie or be forced to act in a Michael Bay movie? - visitor

Michael Bay movie. - visitor

Oh god! one is a tryhard for forced comedy and the other one has a fetish for explosions and Megan fox a lot. Alright Adam Sandler for me. - Mehguy2000

Michael Bay - visitor

Adam Sandler, if in it a big role. - visitor

Adam because at least it's a comedy with something interesting in it and not stupid explosions everywhere. - Nonpointed

Would you rather never go out of your home or never come back? - visitor

Never come back home. - visitor

Never come back home. - visitor

Never come back. - visitor

Would you rather kiss a dirty cow, or only eat broccoli with chocolate syrup on top for 20 days? - visitor

Eat broccoli with chocolate syrup - visitor

I would rather only eat broccoli with chocolate syrup on top for 20 days - visitor

Eat broccoli with chocolate syrup on top for 20 days. Broccoli doesn't taste too bad to me, to be honest. - visitor

The latter...It won't be that bad...Maybe? - visitor

Broccoli... - visitor

Would you rather sleep on a bed with dog pee on it, or suck on a used dirty sock? - visitor

Sleep on a bed with dog pee on it. I'm gonna need a REALLY big and hot bath when I'm done. - visitor

Bed with dog pee. - visitor

Sleep on a bed with dog pee, I could flip the mattress over and use new sheets! - visitor

Would you rather have your address available to everyone that sees you online or your entire search history? - visitor

Second one. I'd rather have people laugh at me for the things I search than psychopaths breaking into my house in the middle pf a night - visitor

Have my entire search history available to everyone online. YOU'RE NOT GETTING MY FAMILY! - visitor

Search history - visitor

Search history...There is nothing wrong in it - For me at least - visitor

Address... - visitor

My search history is mostly song lyrics, so definitely that. - visitor

Would you rather hang yourself or fall from a very high place? - visitor

Hang myself. I'm not dying by my greatest fear. - visitor

Hang myself. At least you won't experience as much pain as you would by falling from a very high place. - visitor

Fall from a high place. I heard your heart gives out before you hit the ground, so I don't have to worry about the pain of blunt force trauma. - visitor

Fall. - visitor

Fall off a cliff! - visitor

Would you rather be forced to only watch CN Real live-action shows or be forced to only watch Teen Titans Go! marathons on Cartoon Network? - visitor

I'll just go with CN Real live-action shows since I'll at least have variety instead of being forced to watch the same show over and over again. - visitor

CN Live action shows. I liked some of them actually. - visitor

Would you rather watch a T.V. show with a lot of gore or a lot of toilet humor? - visitor

First one - visitor

Watch a T.V. show with a lot of gore. I crave for the gore in anime series like those. - visitor

In my opinion, I would rather watch a T.V. show with a lot of toilet humor. Gore can actually make me feel sick and uncomfortable. - visitor

Gore. - visitor

Gore. It's pretty cool, and I'm used to most of it. - visitor

A lot of gore, not watching that stupid Sanjay and Craig and Breadwinners - visitor

Gore T.V show would be better lol - visitor

Gore... - visitor

gore - Nonpointed

Would you rather visit the Holy Mountains or the Vicinity of Obscenity? - visitor

Holy Mountains. - visitor

Yup, this post is're gonna make a question aren't you? - TristGamer

Yes. Yes it is. - visitor

Would you rather be extremely fat or extremely skinny? - visitor

Skinny. - visitor

Would you rather kill yourself and the world gets saved, or kill everyone else but the world will end and you will die in the process. - visitor

Kill myself for the world to be saved. - Entranced98

This isn't hard to figure out. - Nonpointed

Would you rather try and fight Freddy Krueger or fight Jeff The Killer? Freddy is a nightmare being that torments your mind, and because of this I'd choose Jeff in a heartbeat. - visitor

Studio Ghibli or Disney? - visitor

I have never even heard of Studio Ghibli - Nonpointed

Disney - iliekpiez

Puppies or kittens? - visitor

Puppies - visitor

kitties - Nonpointed

Would you rather date a sandwich or a dog? - visitor

A Sandwich! - visitor

Would you rather only wear clothes that are too big or only clothes that are too small for the rest of year life - visitor

Would you rather watch sex or children's shows? - visitor