TheTopTens:Grand Theft Auto Episode 2 - Gemcloben and the Tutor

bobbythebrony [It's a rainy night in Sandy Shores and a new person arrives in Blaine County. His name is Gemcloben, a convicted bank robber who had escaped from a Vice City prison. He pulls into the parking lot of the First Union Bank, puts on a ski mask, and walks inside wielding a MAC10.]

Gemcloben: Everyone on the ground now.

[The dozen or so customers drop to the floor. He turns his attention to the bank teller.]

Gemcloben. Put the money in the bag and don't even think of putting any dye packs in there.

[Suddenly, a man wearing a pig mask kicks open the door.]

Gemcloben: What the hell you think you're doing?

Man: Robbing this bank.

Gemcloben: No I'm robbing this bank!

[While the two argue, the bank teller sets off the alarm.]

Man: S***!

Gemcloben: Maybe next time. You feel like making an escape?

Man: Hell yeah.

[The two run outside and two officers arrive. Gemcloben opens fire and kills both of them.]

Man: Nice one. Now get in cause we're outta here.

[The two leave as more police arrive and a chase begins on the highway. Gemcloben and the man open fire on the pursuing cars and take many cops down. Then, a military vehicle joins the chase and begins shooting at them.]

Gemcloben: Damn it!

Man: Hold on Jethro!

[The man takes a sharp turn and drives down a train tunnel with the vehicle still on their tail. The train tracks then go over the open ocean where the vehicle falls into the ocean while the two stay on the tracks. They soon end up on the Del Rio Freeway and head towards Los Santos.]

Gemcloben: Yee-haw!

Man: Yeah that was great! So what's your name man?

Gemcloben: I'm Gemcloben.

Man: The Vice City Bank Robber? Well I'll be damned.

Gemcloben: Who are you?

[The man removes his mask and is revealed to be the most dangerous man in San Andreas.]

Trevor: I'm Trevor Phillips.

Gemcloben: Holy s*** it is you! I'm a huge fan.

Trevor: Thank you. Are you staying anywhere?

Gemcloben: I just blew into town.

Trevor: I got somewhere you can stay.

[Trevor drives them to Vespucci Boulevard in Los Santos and gives Gemcloben the condo of a couple that Trevor had murdered.]

Gemcloben: See you later Trevor.

[Gemcloben goes to bed. The next day, Trevor drops by.]

Trevor: Hey man, how are you?

Gemcloben: I'm doing good.

Trevor: Good. You and me are going have fun killing some people today.

Gemcloben: Will it involve guns cause yesterday was my first kills.

Trevor: Really? I guess I'll teach you different ways to kill.

[The two drive to Grove Street and break into an apartment where several friends are having a party. Inside, Trevor teaches Gemcloben the proper ways of slitting throats, stabbing, bludgeoning, and strangling. After the killing, they head to the Vanilla Unicorn. They soon start to make plans.]

Trevor: There's an armored car that will come to town tomorrow. It's carrying military grade weapons and we're gonna steal them.

Gemcloben: Cool. How do we do it?

Trevor: Meet me along the highway between here and Sandy Shores. I'll bring the hardware.

Gemcloben: Cool. See you tomorrow.

[Gemcloben goes home and goes to bed. The next day, he meets Trevor at the location.]

Trevor: Just in time cause here comes the car.

[Trevor pulls out an AR-50 Grenade Launcher and shoots a grenade at the car, which explodes and the car crashes. The driver then crawls out from the wreckage and Gemcloben stabs him in the heart with a switchblade. The two then fill Trevor's truck full of weapons and drive towards Sandy Shores.]

Trevor: You did excellent back there, man.

Gemcloben: Thanks T.

[The two stop at a gas station and buy beer and cigarettes. Gemcloben breaks the cashier's neck on the way out. Trevor tells him he did good but a military helicopter interrupts their moment.]

Helicopter Gunner: Both of you down on the ground!

[The two duck behind Trevor's truck.]

Trevor: Take this RPG and don't miss.

[Sure enough, Gemcloben doesn't miss and the helicopter and deceased soldiers crash into the desert. They then go back to Trevor's trailer for the night and start drinking.]

Trevor: You want some cocaine?

Gemcloben: Never tried it before but sure.

[Gemcloben snorts the powder and passes out. The next day, he wakes and gets a phone call from Trevor.]

Trevor: I'm in a gunfight with some gangbangers. Get to Grove Street fast!

[Gemcloben races to Grove Street and helps Trevor defeat the punks. As they begin to talk, a swat sniper shoots Trevor in the stomach.]

Trevor: Go Ben Go!

Gemcloben: I'm not leaving you Trevor!

Trevor: Go I'll be okay!

[Gemcloben takes off and Trevor is taken into custody. A week later while hiding in Vespucci, he learns that Trevor has plead guilty to Murder and Armed Robbery, and is about to be sentenced.]

Gemcloben: S***, I gotta do something or Trevor's going to the gas chamber!

[Gemcloben grabs a sniper rifle and steals a car after slitting the owner's throat. He races to the courthouse. He takes a sniper position across the street. As the sentencing takes place, he puts bullets through the heads of the judge, district attorney, security guard, and a juror. Trevor races outside, sees Gemcloben, and runs to him. Then, a police helicopter arrives.]

Gemcloben: I only got one chance at this.

[He fires a bullet through the helicopter's gas tank and it explodes. They then take off and arrive at Trevor's plane hanger a half hour later.]

Trevor: We gotta get you outta here.

Gemcloben: What about you?

Trevor: I'll be fine as they'll never find me up here.

Gemcloben. So this is it?

Trevor: For now at least. Come on, let's get you to Liberty City.

[The two take off in Trevor's plane and soon arrive above Liberty City. They say their goodbyes and Gemcloben parachutes into the City. As Gemcloben watches Trevor fly back to San Andreas, he knows that while their heists are over for now, they are still friends forever.]


Good one - visitor

Thanks - bobbythebrony

Trevor Phillips?!?! Damn, I wonder why he isn't insane right now. - Delgia2k

It's kinda hard making someone THAT insane - bobbythebrony

That was good - 2storm

Thanks - bobbythebrony

Cool episode - Pony

Thank you - bobbythebrony

yay! - visitor

Yep - bobbythebrony

Why were all the Grand Theft Auto episodes deleted except for two? - bobbythebrony

K den - bobbythebrony

Why is ep one missing? - Skullkid755

I don't know - bobbythebrony