Two Truths and a Lie Thread

sadical Hey bros and ladybros, it’s sadical here and there’s thing called two truths and a lie. I saw Fortnite youtubers play it, so why can’t toptenners? If you don’t know, what you do is comment 3 things about yourself: 2 true things and 1 not true thing. Then, other people can reply to guess which one is true! K let’s start...


(This one should be obvious as hell)

I'm super active on Discord
I don't think Happy Ending by Hopsin is a bad song
Math was always my strongest subject in school - StarlightSpanks

The second one is a lie? - sadical

I'm in 8th grade.

My number one favourite rapper is XXXTentacion.

I have a phone and a tablet. - visitor

The second one? - sadical

Well I know the first is true - visitor

It is the second one, am I right?
your favorite rapper is Trippie Reid or something - visitor

Oh wait it is the second one because you like *Trippie Redd* sorry spelled that wrong before! - visitor

2nd one - BananaBrain

Second one? It's pretty clear that you're obsessed with Trippie Redd, not that that's a bad thing. - visitor

I went to 3 concerts
My favorite music artist is Bastille
I used to have blue hair - sadical

I'll guess it's the 3rd - StarlightSpanks

NC’s guess is #1 - sadical

THIS THREAD IS COOL (no that was not one of my 2 truths and a lie that was just some statement)
First, my favorite vocaloid song is Sebonzakura
Second, I am an expert at longswords
Third, my best friend (the boy) loves coding.
whoever guesses correctly first gets a follow and I will remix their lists!
good luck guys
-Nemesis, out. - visitor

The first one? - sadical

- I possess True Knowledge of QM
- I like Engineering
- I am a Science Whiz - Kevinsidis

#2? - StarlightSpanks

These are NC’s ones:
• My favorite song of all time is A Change Of Seasons by Dream Theater
• I prefer Anthrax to Megadeth
• I’m a pathetic virgin - sadical

3rd one is a lie - BananaBrain

My skirt fell off in school once
I have never broken a bone
I can touch my nose with my tongue - Misfire

The 3rd one? - visitor

My favourite drink is Sprite
I have blonde hair
I like Nickelback - visitor

The sprite thing? - Misfire

Obviously Nickelback - Joeljohns249

I'm autistic
I support hypersensitivity
I like retro games - visitor

2nd one. - visitor

I’d rather not go in depth about any personal events or aspects about my life.
My personal life is not interesting enough to warrant discussion on here either way.
The aspirations in which I harbor are those in which you would likely not be interested in. - Archived

All the lines seem honest on first look, but I'm guessing the 2nd one is a lie - Joeljohns249

I hate rasins
I got neuro virus this year
I fell out a window
Figure out the lie - BananaBrain