King of Pop vs King of Rock

zxm The Most hardest question to answer ?
Pop fans "there wasn't any singer who could sing like Michael"

Rock Fans " Elvis Presley was the unbeatable singer ever "

Both of them influenced other singers .


Michael Jackson - ProPanda

Great! - zxm

Elvis Presley. I hum his songs more than Michael's so obviously. - visitor

Yes,I will also choose Presley - zxm

But quite ovverated. I perfer buddy holly to elvis, but I guess there ins't really anyone better than Michael jackson - RecklessGreed

I never though I'd still get comments on this list. Anyway, it's different to everybody. - zxm

Elvis jackson - visitor

Lol - BorisRule

Like that visitor said: Elvis Jackson or Michael Presley

Elvis is Great, but I'll go with Michael Jackson - BorisRule