Top 10 Bands that are Known to Have the Most Violent Fans
Bands that are known to have violent fans. Please don't be upset if a band you're a fan of is on the list. Of course, not all of their fans are violent.Personally, I like some of the bands on this list, but the truth is that these bands do have a lot of violent fans. It sucks, I know, but it is what it is.

White supremacist punk band with violent, militant white power skinhead fans.

Their fans are violent, militant straight-edge individuals. Their hometown fans in Reno, Nevada, are part of these lame Nazi straight-edge gangs called "krews." They will jump people who are engaging in activities they don't agree with (drinking, smoking, drugs, not being white) with pipes, bats, brass knuckles, knives, while kicking you with steel-toed boots.

Hometown fans in Los Angeles are a militant straight-edge gang called "Monster Krew." About 15 of them jumped four of my friends in Hollywood. They hit one of my friends over the head with a tire iron, which required multiple staples. Do you know why? Because they were minding their own business, enjoying some beers in the parking lot before going into the show. They do this kind of thing all the time over here.

Fans are East Coast militant straight-edgers.

Probably the scariest show I've been to. I saw them in their hometown of Venice, California. They grew up in a gang-infested area, so they have a lot of gang member (Venice 13) friends and fans. The parking lot was littered with low-riders and cholos. There are also a lot of "Sueys" gangs at their shows too. At the show I was at, there were multiple fights, and someone got stabbed in the pit and another in the parking lot.

This one really sucks for me because Rudimentary Peni is one of my favorite bands. Out here in Southern California, there's a gang named after the band called PENI Skins. They're a Nazi white power skinhead gang. I have no idea why these fools use PENI as their name. The band Rudimentary Peni is AGAINST that kind of thing.

Speaking only for Southern California here. Out here, a lot of peckerwoods and white power dudes go to their shows. Because of that, their shows are often violent.

The same as Pantera. I had to put one over the other, though. I was at one Slayer show where there was a bunch of dudes circling the pits doing Nazi salutes. Lame. I've seen them twice, and there were a couple of fights at them.

So I guess their fans, "Juggalos," are a violent gang. Okay. Whatever. Maybe in other parts of the country, but not here in Southern California.